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:: . Matching of Clinical, Radiologic and Laboratory findings of Acute bacterial Community Acquired Pneumonia in adults admitted to Valiasr Hospital in 2011 [Volume 22, Number 4]
:: 125I, Dosimetry, Dose rate cons-tant, TLD, EBT radiochromic film Determination of Dosimetric Parameters of New Brachytherapy Seed (125IrSeed) Using EBT Radiochomic Film and TL Dosimeters [Volume 21, Number 1]
:: 131I Strategic and executive recommendations in the field of radiation risks for family members of thyroid cancer patients treated with radioactive iodine [Volume 31, Number 5]
:: 16S rRNA Bacteriolytic Activity of Novel Bacteriophage PϕBw Ec01 from Cystoviridae Family against the Clinical Strain of Antibiotic Resistant Escherichia Coli in Burn Wounds [Volume 29, Number 5]
:: 18srRNA Isolation and determination of Acanthamoeba genotypes in surface water of Ilam city [Volume 32, Number 4]
:: 2-amino-5-nitrothiophenes Synthesis and Investigation of Anti-Bacterial Effects of 2-amino-5-Nitrothiophene Derivatives [Volume 26, Number 2]
:: 35delG mutation The frequency of mutations in GJB2 gene in deaf subjects referring to the welfare center of Ilam: lack of 35delG mutation [Volume 22, Number 3]
:: 4T1 Breast Cancer Treatment in Balb/C Mice Using Dendritic Cells [Volume 32, Number 6]
:: 5S. Investigating the Effect of Training Workplace Organization Technique on Workplace Arrangement in Operation Rooms of Isfahan’s Shahid Beheshti Hospital in 2013 [Volume 22, Number 6]
:: 5fu chemistry Investigation of the Effects of Vitamin C on Resistance to 5-FU in Colon Cancer Cells Line HT29 [Volume 29, Number 3]
:: AB113 Dye Comparison of Electro-Coagulation Process (EC) and Electro Oxidation (EO) Process for Degradation of Acid Blue Dye 113(AB113) from Aqueous Solutions [Volume 23, Number 1]
:: ABCG8 protein, polymorphism, gall stone, restriction fragment length poly-morphism Association Between The T400K Polymorphism In The ABCG8 Gene and Predisposition to Gallstone Disease [Volume 21, Number 4]
:: ACHN cell line Investigating the effects of buforin II coding gene on the expression of lncRNAs PVT1, EGOT and LINC00312 in kidney cancer cell line [Volume 32, Number 2]
:: AIR Q Estimate of cardiovascular and respiratory diseases related to particle matter pollutant in Tabriz air, northwest of Iran, 2011 [Volume 22, Number 1]
:: Abadan water treatment PACl Application for Water Treatment in Abadan City [Volume 14, Number 2]
:: Abdominal obesity Comparing the effects of treadmill and ground walking onAbdominal Obesity andResting heart rate among inactive overweight women [Volume 25, Number 3]
:: Abdominoplasty surgery The Effect of Intravenous Dexamethasone on Post Abdominoplasty on Pain, Nausea and Vomiting [Volume 23, Number 4]
:: Abortion Identification of Edward’s Syndrome and the Importance of Maternal SerumScreening Tests [Volume 26, Number 3]
:: Acid treated Enhancement of the Catalytic Performance of Clinoptilolite in Toluene Abatement Process through Controlled Dealumination [Volume 25, Number 3]
:: Active men Different Responses of Interleukin-10 and Cortisol to Three Types of Sport Activity [Volume 23, Number 2]
:: Acute Otitis Media Effect of Middle Ear Infection on Gross Motor Ability in Preschool-aged Children [Volume 15, Number 2]
:: Adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system Increasing the Speed and Precision of Prediction of the Results of Angiography by Using Combination of Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System and Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm based on Data from Kowsar Hospital of Shiraz [Volume 26, Number 4]
:: Addiction Tendency, Mental Health, Five Personality Factors The Estimation of Addiction Tendency Model Based on Personality Factors (NEO) Via Mental Health Mediator Variable [Volume 21, Number 6]
:: Addiction treatment centers Investigating the Relationship between the Premenstrual Syndrome with Sleep Quality in Women Sponsored by the Drug Addiction Treatment Centers in Shiraz in 2017 [Volume 26, Number 6]
:: Adipose fat The Effect of the HIIT on Adiponectin in Adipose Tissue and Plasma Insulin and Glucose in Male Rats [Volume 24, Number 1]
:: Adolecsent The relationship between parental attachment and students’ academic adjustments among first year student in Hamadan University of Medicine and Health Sciences [Volume 22, Number 4]
:: Adolescence with visual impairment A Study of Relationship between Early Maladaptive Schemas Self-Concept and Behavioral Problems among Deaf Adolescences and Adolescences with Visual Impairment in YAZD City [Volume 23, Number 4]
:: Adolescents Factor Structure, Validity, and Reliability of the Checklist of Risk Behaviours for Youth (CORBY) [Volume 25, Number 6]
:: Adolescents Prevalence of Celiac in Children and Adolescents with Seizure Referring to Amir Hospital in Zabol during 2016 [Volume 26, Number 6]
:: Adrenal gland Effect of enriched environment on the volume of the adrenal gland in prenatally stressed rat [Volume 22, Number 1]
:: Adsorption isotherm Performance evaluation of dried powder activated sludge on adsorption of nickel and determining the adsorption isotherm [Volume 23, Number 1]
:: Adsorption isotherm Performance Evaluation of Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes Oxidized with a Mixture of H2SO4/HNO3 in Removal of 4-chlorophenol from Aqueous Solutions [Volume 25, Number 1]
:: Adsorption isotherms Study of Efficiency of Natural Clinoptilolite Zeolite in Cadmium Removal from Aqueous Solutions and Determination of Adsorption Isotherms [Volume 23, Number 2]
:: Aerobic exercise Heart Tissue Changes Following Doxorubicin Toxicity: An Experimental Study on the Protective Effect of Aerobic Training in Young and Old Rats [Volume 25, Number 5]
:: Aerobic training The Effect of Aerobic Training with Milk Consumption on Chemerin Resistin and CRP Levels in Prepubertal Children [Volume 24, Number 2]
:: Afternoon. A Study on Cortisol Plasma Changes in Endurance Exercises [Volume 14, Number 2]
:: Age The Relationship between Body Mass Index, Depression and Age in Individuals Referring to the Health Center in Norabad Delfan City in 2013 [Volume 22, Number 1]
:: Age-related macular degene-ration, Intravitreal bevacizumab injection, Triamcinolone, Missing data, Selection model Using Selection Model for Missing Data in Comparing Degeneration Patients in Combination with Triamcinolone Clinical Trial in Age-related Macular Intravitreal Bevacizumab Injection Alone and [Volume 20, Number 4]
:: Ahar (Eastern Iran) A Study of Sand-flies Fauna in The Focus of Visceral Leishmaniasis in Ahar District (Eastern Azarbayjan, Iran) [Volume 17, Number 2]
:: Ahvaz Study of relationbetween actinomycetes growth potential with the concentration of suspended particles and environmental conditions in normal and dusty conditions and in Ahvaz during different seasons in 2011-2012 years [Volume 23, Number 5]
:: Ahwaz pipe Mills company Safety, Health & Environmental Risk Assessment and Management of Ahwaz Pipe Manufacturing Company via “William Fine” Method [Volume 18, Number 1]
:: Air pollution, ordinary kriging, indicator kriging, autologistic model, cent-ered autologistic model. Spatial Analysis of Air Pollution in Tehran City by Using of Autologistic and Centered Autologistic Models and Indicator Kriging Method [Volume 21, Number 7]
:: Air way. A Comparison Between Disposable Laryngeal Tube (LTD) and Reusable Laryngeal Tube (LTR) in Minor Elective Surgeries under General Anesthesia [Volume 14, Number 2]
:: Alcea angulata, hyperlipidemia, rabbit Effects of Alcea angulata Root Alcoholic Extract on Blood Lipid of Male Rabbit [Volume 20, Number 2]
:: Alkaline phosphatase Evaluation of acute toxicity of Fe2NiO4 nanoparticle on biochemical parameters in rat liver [Volume 26, Number 3]
:: Alzheimer\'s disease The Effects of Norharmane on Memory Retention, Passive Avoidance Learning of Alzheimer's Rats Model by Streptozotocin [Volume 23, Number 2]
:: Ankle foot orthosis The Effects of Modified Ankle Foot Orthosis on balance in Healthy Older People [Volume 27, Number 3]
:: Anterior cruciate ligament Effect of feedback training on some kinetic, kinematic, and functional factors of active men [Volume 26, Number 6]
:: Antibiotic resistance Evaluation of Prevalence and Antibiotic Resistance in Enterococci Samples Isolated from Vaginal Swabs [Volume 23, Number 3]
:: Antibiotic resistance Prevalence of metallo-β-lactamase blaIMP and blaVIM genes in urinary isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in Ilam [Volume 23, Number 2]
:: Anticancer Activity Anticancer and Antiproliferative Effects of Combined Treatment with 5-Fluorouracil and Probiotic Lactobacillus Strains against Colorectal Cancer Cells [Volume 32, Number 6]
:: Antifungal effect Comparison of paramagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles and magnetic water on the growth of Fusarium oxysporum [Volume 26, Number 3]
:: Antioxidant Biosynthesis of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles using Intracellular Extract of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Evaluation of its Antibacterial and Antioxidant Activities [Volume 28, Number 4]
:: Antioxidant activity The Effects of Jujube Fruit (Ziziphus vulgaris) Powder in Antioxidant Capacity Elevation and Prevent of Inflammation Detection Due to Diabetes in Wistar Rat [Volume 24, Number 5]
:: Antioxidants The Study of Relationships between Some Antioxidants in Patients with Glaucoma [Volume 24, Number 6]
:: Antisocial Personality disorder Effectiveness of Dialectical Behavior Therapy in Irrational Beliefs Treatment, Anxiety, Depression among Young Male Prisoners Who Have Antisocial Personality Disorder [Volume 23, Number 1]
:: Anxiety, acupressure, Benson relaxation, kidney transplantation Survey the effect of comparison Acupressure and Benson relaxation interventions on pre- operating anxiety of patients undergoing of kidney transplantation [Volume 21, Number 6]
:: Apoptosis Association Between Fas Rs1800628 Gene Polymorphism and Susceptibility to Endometriosis [Volume 23, Number 4]
:: Apoptosis The Effect of a Continuous Training on Necrosis and Apoptosis Changes in the Hippocampus of Diabetic Rats [Volume 25, Number 1]
:: Aqueous solution Determination of Sono-Electrofenton Effeciency in Removal of Ciprofloxacin Antibiotic from Aqueous Solutions [Volume 23, Number 6]
:: Aqueous solution Survey on the Performance of Modified Clay in the Removal of Aromatic Hydrocarbons form Aqueous Media [Volume 23, Number 5]
:: Aromatherapy The effect of lavender essence on labor pain and length of delivery time in nulliparous women . [Volume 23, Number 6]
:: Artificial colors, confectionary products, chromatography Evaluation and Comparison of Consumption Trend of Artificial Colors in Different Confectionary Products in the City of Qom in 2007-2009 [Volume 20, Number 3]
:: Artificial neural networks The Relationship of Socio-Economic Factors and the Incidence of Gastric Cancer Using Artificial Neural Networks Model in Iranian Men [Volume 23, Number 4]
:: Aspergillus SP. ICU Evatuation of Drug susceptibility of Aspergillus species Isolated from ICU of Hospitals in Invitro [Volume 25, Number 6]
:: Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder Effectiveness of Play Therapy on the Reduction of Children’s Severity Symptoms with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Promotion of Their Academic Performance [Volume 22, Number 6]
:: Auditory satisfaction Benefits of Binaural Hearing in Perception and Discrimination of Acoustic Signals [Volume 23, Number 4]
:: Autistic Spectrum Traits (AST), Depression, communication, social skill, Attention switching Examining the relationship of autistic spectrum traits and depression between the girl students of Ilam Medical Sciences university [Volume 21, Number 7]
:: Awareness Investigation of the Prevalence of Anabolic Steroid Misuse, as Well as the Awareness Level and Attitude toward its Negative Effects among the Male Bodybuilder Athletes in Kermanshah, Iran, in 2019 [Volume 29, Number 5]
:: Azoles Molecular Docking Study and Toxicity Risk Assessment of Some Novel Benzimidazole Oxime Ether Derivatives as CYP51 Inhibitors [Volume 26, Number 6]
:: BALB/c mice Evaluation of Pro-Inflammatory Genes Expression in the Spleen and Wounds of BALB/c Mice Infected with Leishmania Major [Volume 26, Number 2]
:: BASNEF Model Assessing preventive Behaviors of Leishmaniasis in Mehran County at 2014: Application of BASNEF Model [Volume 25, Number 3]
:: Babol Survey of the Antibacterial Properties of Aqueous Ethanolic and Methanolic Extraction of Artemisia Annua Around the City of Babol [Volume 23, Number 6]
:: Back pain The Relationship Between Weight Gain During Pregnancy with Headache and Back Pain after Spinal Anesthesia in Patients Undergoing Cesarean Section Martyr Mostafa Khomeini Hospital (RAH) in Ilam 1391-92 [Volume 23, Number 1]
:: Bactericide The Evaluation ofAntimicrobial Properties of Zink and Silver Nanoparticles on Pathogenic BacteriaPseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus Aureus [Volume 23, Number 5]
:: Bacteriological factors The study of bacteriological factors and antibiotic resistance in women with UTI referred to the Razi laboratory in Dezful [Volume 22, Number 4]
:: Bax Effect of Ascorbic Acid on Signaling Pathways of Bcl2 and Bax Genes in AGS Cell Line [Volume 27, Number 6]
:: Bed turnover Efficiency Evaluation and Comparison of Isfahan Provinces Hospitals Before and after the Reform in Health System using the Pabon Lasso Model (1391-1394) [Volume 25, Number 3]
:: Bilingualism A Comparative Study of Phonological Processing in Bilingual Elementary Students with Down syndrome in Kurdish and Persian [Volume 24, Number 5]
:: Binding affinity Predicting Binding Affinity of Some Imatinib Derivatives as BCR-ABL Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors Based on Monte Carlo Optimization [Volume 32, Number 4]
:: Biocompatibility Optimizing the hydroxyapatite nanocrystals derived from biological sources to increasing efficiency and quality [Volume 32, Number 5]
:: Biodegradation dye Study of Microbial Decolorization of Indigo Carmine Dye by Bacillus albus [Volume 28, Number 3]
:: Bioelectro-magnetic The study of Radiancy Design in In Vivo Studies about Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Waves [Volume 22, Number 7]
:: Biofilm Identification of Biofilm Encoding Genes (agg) in the Escherichia coli Isolates by Multiplex-PCR Method [Volume 27, Number 2]
:: Biology. Biological Evaluation of Soya Protein Quality [Volume 14, Number 4]
:: Biomarker Evaluation of MiR-20a and MiR-204 Expression Involved in Autophagy in Non-small Cell lung Cancer [Volume 26, Number 6]
:: Biosynthesis Investigating the Antimicrobial Activities of Silver Nanoparticles Biosynthesized by Aqueous Extract of Sambucus ebulus L. [Volume 24, Number 5]
:: Bipolar Comparison of Executive Function, Emotional Intelligence and Emotion Regulation in Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorders and Healthy People [Volume 23, Number 4]
:: Birth Weight, Low Birth Weight, Depression, Anxiety , Stress Comparison of Psychological Distress of Low Birth Weight – Newborns, Mothers with those of normal weight- newborns’ counterparts [Volume 21, Number 7]
:: Bone graft The Effect of Cancellous Bone Scaffold Coated with Nano-Hydroxyapatite in During the Healing Process of Rabbit Radial Bone Experimentally Defect [Volume 23, Number 5]
:: Breast cancer Evaluation of Magnetic Silica Nanoparticles Treated with In-111 in SKBR-3 Cell Line [Volume 24, Number 1]
:: Breast cancer Association of FAS Gene Polymorphism(-1378G>A) with Risk of Breast Cancer in Northwestern Iran [Volume 24, Number 6]
:: Broiler Cockerel. A Study on Microinjection Effects of Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors on Appetite [Volume 14, Number 4]
:: Bushehr Evaluation of Necessary Skills for Solving a Complex Task in Students of Bushehr University of Medical Sciences in 2013 [Volume 22, Number 7]
:: CAD Relationship of Serum Zinc & Copper Levels with Clogged Coronaries Numbers in atherosclerotic patients [Volume 16, Number 3]
:: CASP9 Study the Effect of Eugenol on CASP8 and CASP9 Gene's Expression in Colon Cancer Cell Lines HT-29 [Volume 27, Number 5]
:: CCR5 Distinct Pattern of CC Chemokine 2 and 5 in Post-Transurethral Resection of Bladder Cancer [Volume 24, Number 1]
:: CD133+ cells, USSC, Flowcytomtry, Stem cell, Isolation of Adherent CD 133 Positive from Cord Blood Unrestricted somatic stem cell its rare population and Nominate as a Valuable Source to Tissue Engineering [Volume 20, Number 5]
:: CR A Review of Resveratrol Effects on Longevity [Volume 23, Number 3]
:: CTLA-4 The Investigation of Relationship between Polymorphisms of CTLA-4geneand Type II Diabetes [Volume 24, Number 5]
:: CTRP-15 The Effect of Intermittent High-Intensity and Continuous Moderate-Intensity Exercises on CTRP-1, CTRP-5 and CTRP-15 Values in Rats Fed with a High-Fat Diet [Volume 32, Number 6]
:: CTX-M type Evaluation of Antibiotic Resistance and Detection of CTX-M Type Extended Spectrum Beta-lactamase in Clinical Isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in Mashhad [Volume 22, Number 5]
:: CTX-M-3 Prevalence of CTX-M-3 Type Beta-Lactamase Genes in Various Clinical Specimens of Klebsiella pneumoniaein Sari, Iran [Volume 26, Number 5]
:: Cadmium Comparison of nano zerovalent iron particles and manganese compounds efficiency in cadmium ion removal from aqueous environments [Volume 22, Number 2]
:: Caffeine Evaluation of the Effect of Mesenchymal Stem Cells pulsed with Caffeine on the Function of the Peritoneal Macrophages of Rat [Volume 25, Number 3]
:: Calcium and Phosphorous metabolism A Case Report of Mania Due to Pseudohypoparathyroidistic Disorder [Volume 14, Number 4]
:: Calcium oxalate The Effect of Alcoholic Extract of Smyrnium cordifolium Boiss Root on Prevention of Ethylene Glycol-Induced Kidney Calculi in Rats [Volume 24, Number 2]
:: Cancer Investigating the Cytotoxic Effect and Antioxidant Properties of Green Synthesized Silver Nanoparticles from the Root of Persicaria Bistorta on Human Liver Cancer Cell Line (Hep G2) [Volume 26, Number 6]
:: Cancer cell, chicken anemia virus (CAV), Apoptin, tumor-specific killer protein Promising therapeutic approaches for Cancer lying on unique features of Apoptin protein from chicken anemia virus (CAV) [Volume 20, Number 5]
:: Cancer prostat The Effectiveness of Mindfulness Based on Stress Managment on Death Anxiety, Disaster of Imagination, Acceptance and Severity of Pain in Prostat Cancer Patients [Volume 29, Number 6]
:: Cancer, carcinogenesis, path-ogenesis, virus Carcinogenesis: Role of Viruses in Pathogenesis of Cancers [Volume 21, Number 7]
:: Carbapenem Assessment of the Correlation Between Biofilm Formation and Resistance to Various Classes of Beta-Lactam Antibiotics [Volume 31, Number 5]
:: Carcinogenic Investigation Evaluation and Determination of Possible Source of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the Street Dust of Ahvaz City Medical Chemistry Concerning [Volume 25, Number 1]
:: Carcinomatous peritonitis Ascite Fluid Survey in Admitted Patients at Bu-Ali and Velayat Hospitals in Qazvin During the Years of 2011- 2013 [Volume 23, Number 7]
:: Cardiac cell The Evaluation of Oleic Acid in the Prevention of Lipotoxicity Induced by Palmitic Acid in Rat Cultured Cardiomyocytes [Volume 25, Number 5]
:: Cardiovascular diseases (CVD), family physician, prevention Family Physicians' attitudes and practice toward prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease [Volume 21, Number 6]
:: Carlson Monitoring of the Eutrophication Phenomenon in Ekbatan Reservoir Dam Using Carlson's [Volume 22, Number 4]
:: Catalase gene Evaluation of Antioxidant Properties of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles Synthesized by Green Method and Catalase Gene Expression Changes in Human Liver Cancer Cells (HepG2) [Volume 24, Number 4]
:: Causes confusion Identifying the Confusion Causes of Parents Who Have Children with Developmental Disorders [Volume 23, Number 1]
:: Celiac disease, Crohn disease, Zinc, Atomic Absorption Spectrophoto-meter Comparison of serum zinc concentrations in patients with celiac disease and Crohn's disease in Tehran city [Volume 20, Number 4]
:: Central heating system Detection of Hazards and Risk Assessment by ETBA Method in Central Heating System in Kashan Shahid Beheshti Hospital in 2013 [Volume 23, Number 2]
:: Cerebral edema Effects of Feeding Flaxseed Oil (Linum usitatissimum) on Brain Edema and Blood Fat Levels in the Rat Stroke Model [Volume 24, Number 2]
:: Cerium oxide nanoparticles Antioxidant Properties of Brevinin-2R Peptide Conjugated with Cerium Oxide Nanoparticle [Volume 23, Number 6]
:: Cesarean Section Comparison of Apgar Score of Newborns After Cesarean Section by Induction of General Anesthesia and Spinal Anesthesia [Volume 32, Number 6]
:: Cesarean section The Comparison of the Effect of Intravenous Acetaminophen with Combination of Suppository Diclofenac and Incisional Bupivacain on the First 24 - Hour Postoperative Pain after Cesarean Section [Volume 25, Number 4]
:: Cff DNA Cell Free Fetal DNA and Prenatal Diagnosis with PCR-RFLP Method in Beta Thalassemia [Volume 23, Number 5]
:: Chemiluminescence Comparison of Chemiluminescence Immunoassay and PCR for Detection of Hepatitis B Virus among Patients Referred to Baghiatollah Hospital Lab. [Volume 15, Number 2]
:: Children The Effect of Home Care Education to Parents based on Health Belief Model on Recurrent Urinary Tract Infection of Children [Volume 28, Number 1]
:: Children Relationship between Helicobacter pylori Infection and Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura in Hospitalized Patients in Amirkola Children’s Hospital 2012-2013 [Volume 25, Number 3]
:: Chitosan nanoparticles Chitosan Nanoparticles: As an Anti-Biofilm Agent against Acinetobacter Strains baumannii Representing the Multidrug Resistance Phenotype [Volume 31, Number 2]
:: Chitosan, PolyAluminum Chloride (PACl), Turbidity, Coagulation, water treatment. Comparing the Efficacy of Cationic Biopolymer Chitosan and Inorganic Coagulant Poly Aluminum Chloride in the Removal of Water Turbidity [Volume 21, Number 4]
:: Cholesterol The Effects of Hydroalcholic Extracts of Peganumharmala and Piper Longum on Blood Lipids Profile in Male NMRI Mice [Volume 24, Number 5]
:: Chorioallantoic membrane Investigation of Antiangiogenic Properties of Green ZnO Nanoparticles Synthesized By Root Extract of Persicaria bistorta [Volume 26, Number 2]
:: Chronic Disease Standardization of Social Support Scale (MOS) of Adults who have Chronic Diseases in Ilam, 2015 [Volume 23, Number 7]
:: Chronic pain A Study of the Psychometric Properties of the Pain Catastrophizing Scale Amongst Iranian Patients with Chronic Persistent Pain [Volume 25, Number 1]
:: Chronoamprometry Electrooxidation Study of Amoxicilline Using Nano ZSM-5 Modified Carbon Paste Electrode [Volume 25, Number 3]
:: Ciprofloxacin, quinolone, Ilam,Tehran Frequency of qnr genes in Escherichia coli strains resistant to quinolones isolated from Ilam Imam khomani hospital and Tehran Milad hospital [Volume 21, Number 6]
:: Clindamycin Determination of Resistance to Klindamycine and Erythromycin of Staphylococcus aureus Clinical Isolates Obtained from Pathology Labratories in Sanandaj City [Volume 23, Number 7]
:: Clinical samples Investigating Classes of Integrons in Salmonella infantis Isolated from Clinical Samples and their Antibiotic Resistance Profile [Volume 25, Number 6]
:: Co infection Prevalence of Coinfection Helicobacter pylori with Non-Helicobacter pylori Helicobacters Species in Patients Suffering from Gastric Diseases in Iran [Volume 27, Number 3]
:: Co-contraction hamstrings muscles cocontraction pattern in patients with moderate knee osteoarthritis [Volume 26, Number 3]
:: Cobb’s Method Comparison Between Two Common Techniques of Measuring The Angle of Lumbar Lordosis: Radiography And Clinical Methods [Volume 16, Number 2]
:: Cognitive flexibility Effectiveness of the Joint Attention Training Program on Neuropsychological Abilities and Mental Flexibility of Children with High-functioning Autism [Volume 32, Number 1]
:: Colon cancer Green Synthesized of Silver Nanoparticles Using Artemisia tschernieviana Extract and Evaluation of Cytotoxicity Effects on Human Colon Cancer (HT29) and Normal (HEK293) Cell Lines [Volume 25, Number 2]
:: Combined effect Evaluating the Combined Effect of Noise and Heat on Blood Pressure Changes of Males [Volume 23, Number 6]
:: Compulsory licenses Human Rights Obligations and Commitments Related to Patent Pharmaceutical Innovations According to the TRIPS Agreement: Conflict or Interact, Interests of Individuals and Governments [Volume 25, Number 6]
:: Content Analysis Describe the Experiences and Perceptions of Medical Educators and Students from Evidence-Based Training: A Qualitative Research [Volume 23, Number 3]
:: Continued abstinence Effectiveness of Attachment-Based Therapy in Reducing Slippage, Recurrence, Cravings, and Continued Abstinence in Drug-Dependent Borderline Personality Disorder Patients [Volume 29, Number 1]
:: Copula regression Application of Bivariate Capula Additive Regression in Determining Factors Affecting ALT and AST Liver Enzymes [Volume 29, Number 6]
:: Coronary artery bypass The Effect Rehabilitation Exercise on the Upper Crossed Syndrome in Patients with Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery [Volume 26, Number 4]
:: Coronary artery disease The Relationship between LDL Particles and Their Surface Charge in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease [Volume 25, Number 2]
:: Corynebacterium diphtheria, Diphtheria toxin, dtxA Gene, recombinant protein Designing and bioinformatics study of synthetic mutated Diphtheria toxin (dtxA) catalytic domain gene and survey of its recombinant protein exprassion as vaccine candidate [Volume 21, Number 5]
:: Cost Investigating the Most Expensive Prescribed Items in the Prescriptions of Treatment Office of the Insured of Health Insurance Organization in 2014 and 2015 [Volume 25, Number 4]
:: Couples The Effect of Group Training Based on Practical Application of Intimate Relationship Skills Program on Marital Relationships Quality [Volume 24, Number 2]
:: Cox proportional hazard model Survival Rates and Prognostic Factors in Colorectal Cancer Patients [Volume 16, Number 1]
:: Cross-sectional study Prevalence of Cognitive Disorders in Multiple Sclerosis Patients: A Cross-sectional Study in Semnan in 2019 [Volume 32, Number 4]
:: Cutaneous Leishmaniasis, Epidemiology, Andimeshk An epidemiological study of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Andimeshk (2005-2010) [Volume 21, Number 7]
:: Cutaneous leishmaniasis, Insect Vectors, Ghanavat, Qom Fauna and monthly activity of sand flies at cutaneous leishmaniaisis focus in Ghanavat district, Qom province (2012) [Volume 21, Number 3]
:: D-test meticillin resistenance in coagulase negative staphylococci isolated from laryngoscope in Shahid Rajaei hospital, Qazvin Iran. [Volume 22, Number 2]
:: DCF method. The survey of IRFI005 function about removing of intra and extracellular free radicals [Volume 22, Number 2]
:: DEA decision-making units Investigation on efficacy of the hospitals affiliated to Ilam University of Medical Sciences by DEA method [Volume 23, Number 1]
:: DMSO The Effect of DMSO in Induction of Differentiation of Cardiomyocytes from Embryonic Carcinoma Cells P19 in Invitro [Volume 23, Number 1]
:: DTP vaccine Assessment of Diphteria,Tetanus and Pertusis Vaccine-associated Complications in theChildren under 7 Years Old in Shahrekord in 2010-1012 [Volume 22, Number 1]
:: Deaf Effect of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing according to the AIP Model based on Seven Factors of Parenting Stress among Mothers of Deaf Children [Volume 29, Number 2]
:: Decision tree C4.5. Data Mining Techniques to Diagnose Diabetes Using Blood Lipids [Volume 23, Number 4]
:: Del (GJB6-D13S1854) Investigation of the Connexin-30 gene Deletion Mutations Del (GJB6-D13s1830) and Del (GJB6-D13s1854) among Subjects with Non-Syndromic Sensorineural Hearing Loss in Khorasan Razavi Province [Volume 25, Number 4]
:: Delivery Method. Study on Behavioral Intention Model (BIM) to the attitude of pregnant women toward normal delivery and cesarean section in province of Esfahan –Khomeiny shahr-1385 [Volume 15, Number 1]
:: Demographic factors A Survey on Anthropometric Parameters of Neonates at Birth and Some Effective Demographic Factors in Sistan Region [Volume 23, Number 4]
:: Dependence Evaluation of the Effects of Ketorolac on Tolerance and Dependence to Morphine in Male Mice [Volume 26, Number 6]
:: Depression Effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Based Stress Management Training on Depression of MS Female Patients [Volume 23, Number 5]
:: Design, validation, scale, nursi-ng advocacy Designing and Validating the Nursing Advocacy Scale [Volume 21, Number 7]
:: Diabetes mellitus Plasma Changes of some Biomarkers and Adenosine Deaminase Activity in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetes Mellitus in Rats Following Administration of Different doses of Pure Extract of Cynodon dactylon Rhizome [Volume 26, Number 4]
:: Diabetes mellitus, Metformin , Pioglitazone , hs-CRP, HbA1C Comparison of metformin and pioglitazone on hs-CRP levels in patients with Type II diabetes [Volume 21, Number 2]
:: Diabetes, Physical Activity, Glycosylated Hemoglobin, Coronary Artery Disease, maximal Oxygen Uptake Physical Activity and Concentration of Serum Glycosylated Hemoglobin [Volume 21, Number 3]
:: Diabetic Patients the EffeThe Effects of Intermittent Hypoxiaon Pulmonary Function Indicesin Obese Patientswith Type Didiabetes [Volume 23, Number 1]
:: Diabetic wistar rat The Regenerative Effects of Pomegranate Extract Fat (Pumice Granum) on Streptozotocin Induced Diabetic Wound Healing in Rats [Volume 24, Number 5]
:: Diagnostic ultrasound waves Effect of ultrasound waves on cerebellum purkinje cells in alcoholic rat model [Volume 23, Number 5]
:: Digestive System Diseases Investigation of Causes and Risk Factors for Gastrointestinal Bleeding (GIB) in Patients Referring to Shahid Mostafa Khomeini Hospital, Ilam City, from 2014 to 2019 [Volume 31, Number 3]
:: Digitalis purpurea L Effect of maceration time and type of solvent on the content of phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of Digitalis purpurea L [Volume 31, Number 6]
:: Doppler ultrasound The Effect of Fatty Liver with or without Hepatomegaly on the Renal Artery Resistance [Volume 27, Number 4]
:: Doubling Time Mathematical Modeling of Population Growth Prediction Until 2041 in Iran [Volume 32, Number 1]
:: Down syndrom Designing of Training Program of Awareness from Phoneme and Study of its Impact on Skills Improvement of Awareness from Phoneme AmongChildren with Down Syndrome [Volume 23, Number 2]
:: Drinking water, Bus, Quality Determination of drinking water quality consuming in Yazd suburban buses in the first half of Year 2011 [Volume 21, Number 7]
:: Dynamic balance Survey the Effect of Core Stabilization Trainings on the Static and Dynamic Balance of Stroke Patients [Volume 23, Number 4]
:: Dysmenorrhea – Acupressure – Sanyinjiao– Ibuprofen Comparison of Pressure Effect on Sanyinjiao Point with that of Ibuprofen on Primary Dysmenorrhea [Volume 14, Number 2]
:: E-4031 The Role of Rapid Delayed Rectifier K+Current on Pacemaker [Volume 16, Number 2]
:: E. coli O157 H7 Comparison of Antibody Titers against the Single, Mixed, Fused and Recombinant proteins, StxB, IpaD and StxB- IpaD [Volume 22, Number 7]
:: ELISA A study on separated and combined effects of stoechas extract(Lavandula stoechas) and silver nano-particles on Klebsiella pneumoniae biofilm formation [Volume 26, Number 3]
:: EMG Effects of Training Style on Neuromuscular Adaptation in Untrained Men [Volume 18, Number 1]
:: ESBLs(Extended spectrum beta-lactamases), Ompk35, Ompk36 Frequency of Ompk35 And Ompk36 in Strains of [Volume 19, Number 3]
:: ESBLs, Mex AB-OPRM, pseudomonas aeruginosa Study of Mutation Frequency in PA3721 Gene amongProducing and Non-producing ESBLsPseudomonas aeruginosa Strainsby PCR method [Volume 20, Number 2]
:: Ecstasy, knowledge, attitude Study of students' knowledge and attitudes about ecstasy and its complications among student of health and architecture schools [Volume 21, Number 7]
:: Educational data mining Application of Data Mining Techniques in Determining the Accuracy of the Models Predicting the Student Academic failure [Volume 28, Number 1]
:: Educational intervention Survey of the Effect of Educational Intervention on the Nutrition Physical Activity and Stress Management of Patients with Hypertension among the Rural Population of Aligoudarz County of Lorestan Province in 2015 [Volume 24, Number 2]
:: Effective attenuation coefficient Influence of Compensator Thickness and Field Size on the Effective Attenuation Coefficient of a Brass Compensator for Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy [Volume 24, Number 4]
:: Elderly womens The Effect of 8 Weeks Aerobic Training on Predictive Inflammatory Markers of Atherosclerosis and Lipid Profile in Obese Elderly Women [Volume 23, Number 7]
:: Elective surgical operation Expense analysis of cancelled Elective Surgical Operations based on expense analysis method in Kerman Shafa Hospital in 2012 [Volume 23, Number 3]
:: Electrocoagulation, removal of heavy metal, Leachate, Operation cost. Performance of electrocoagulation process for the removal of heavy metals (copper, zinc, cobalt) from landfill leachate in Tehran [Volume 21, Number 6]
:: Electronic Teaching, Students, Medical teaching, Electronic Teaching Environments On Medical Sciences Universities students’ Application of E-learning Environments: A Case Study in Medical Sciences Universities in West of Iran [Volume 21, Number 6]
:: Embryonic stem cell, mesenchymal stem cell, blastocysts, feeder layer, pluripotency Ability of conservation embryonic stem cells, umbilical cord blood mesenchymal stem cells as a feeder layer [Volume 20, Number 5]
:: Emotional labor Psychological flexibility Effectiveness of Psychological Flexibility Training based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on Emotional Burn Out and Emotional Labor among Nurses Working at Hospitals in Ahvaz, Iran [Volume 28, Number 4]
:: Empowerment. Relationship between Transformational and Transactional Leadership Styles with Staff Empowerment in Ilam Hospitals [Volume 23, Number 3]
:: Endotoxin Optimized Mouse BMDC Isolation and Culture under Endotoxin-Free Conditions [Volume 29, Number 2]
:: Entrocin A Identification and Isolation of an Enterocin Encoding Gene from an Enterococcus faecium Strain LUB950217 Isolated from Oak Tree Sap [Volume 26, Number 5]
:: Epidemiology Evaluationof DMFT and dmft Indexes and Affecting Factors in Students of Hashtrood City in 2013-2014 [Volume 25, Number 4]
:: Epilepsy efficiency of the acceptance and commitment therapy on individual`s psychological well-being in people with epilepsy in Imam Hossein Hospital in the autumn and winter of 2015 [Volume 25, Number 1]
:: Ergonomic, Musculoskeletal Disorders, QEC, Cement factory Ergonomic evaluation of exposure to risk Factors of musculoskeletal disorders in Cement factory by QEC technique [Volume 21, Number 6]
:: Excitatory receptors Comparing the Effects of Prenatal Stress on Corticosterone Levels in Blood and Brain Excitatory Receptors [Volume 25, Number 5]
:: Exerc-ise-induced Asthma Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing (CPET) in Moist Environment, and Its Relation to the Selected Markers of Salivary Oxidative [Volume 22, Number 7]
:: Exercise therapy The Effect of Hip Abductors and External Rotators Strengthening In Male with Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome [Volume 23, Number 6]
:: Exhaustive exercise The Effect of Neurobion Dietary Supplementationon Cell Muscle Injury Induced by Exhaustive Exercisein Amateur Men Boxers [Volume 24, Number 5]
:: Exopolysaccharides Evaluation of the Effect of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles on the Inhibition of Biofilm formation of standard Pathogenic Bacteria and Comparison with Drug Resistant Isolates [Volume 27, Number 3]
:: FGF Investigation of VEGF and FGF gene expression during angiogenesis of chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane treated with doxycycline antibiotic [Volume 32, Number 5]
:: FMEA Assessing and Prioritizing Health Safety and Environment Risk in Hospitals (Case Study: Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences) [Volume 24, Number 1]
:: Family planning methods Effect of Peer Support on the Incidence of Pregnancy during Breastfeeding in Nulliparous Women [Volume 26, Number 4]
:: Fatty acids Phytochemical Investigation, Antioxidant Properties, and Identification of Organic and Inorganic Compounds from the Carob (Ceratonia siliqua L.) Fruit [Volume 29, Number 3]
:: Fear of negative evaluation Comparison of the effectiveness of mindfulness-based cognitive-behavioral therapy and acceptance-commitment therapy on the fear of negative evaluation and anxiety in couples referring to counseling centers in Ilam, Iran [Volume 29, Number 2]
:: Febrile neutropenia The Diagnostic Value of IL8 Compared with CRP , ESR in the Detection of Bacterial Infections in Pediatric Oncology Patients with Febrile Neutropenia [Volume 25, Number 3]
:: Female Evaluation Study of Aortic Dissection and Early Outcome of Disease in Female Patients [Volume 23, Number 2]
:: Female mice Evaluation of Neonatal Exposure to Mycoestrogens Zearalenone and Alpha-zearalenol on Puberty and Reproductive Function in Female Mice [Volume 24, Number 6]
:: Female nurses Association Between Healthy Eating Index and Metabolic Syndrome in Women: a Cross Sectional Study [Volume 23, Number 1]
:: Fertility Assessment of Potential Effects of Magnetic Resonance Imaging on Adult Male Mouse Fertility [Volume 23, Number 4]
:: Ferula szowitsiana Investigating the Effects of Ferula Szowitsiana (Ferula szowitsiana L.) on Antioxidant System Parameters in the Hippocampus of Male Rats to Follow Inducemultiple Sclerosis Disease [Volume 25, Number 1]
:: Fixed bed reactor The Study of the Performance of Iranian Clinoptilolite Zeolite in Removal of Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) from Stack of Industries by Using Selective Catalytic Reduction System (SCR) [Volume 23, Number 5]
:: Flavanol Phytochemical Study and Recognition of Curcuminoids of Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) Extract and Comparison of the Flavonoid and Flavanol Content Utilizing Different Extraction Methods [Volume 26, Number 6]
:: Flow cytometry Investigating the inhibitory activity of iron oxide nanoparticles attached to coumarin on breast cancer cell line [Volume 32, Number 3]
:: Folin Reagent Evaluation of Antioxidant and Antibacterial Activity, and Determination of Phenolic and Flavonoid Content of Aqueous and Methanolic Extracts of Scutellaria pekinensis [Volume 27, Number 3]
:: Four plate test Determination of Antibiotic Residues in Pasteurized and Raw Milk in Maragheh and Bonab Counties by Four Plate test (FPT) Method [Volume 24, Number 5]
:: Fractional anisotropy Application of Diffusion Tensor Imaging in Multiple Sclerosis Patients [Volume 23, Number 4]
:: Fuzzy clustering, Health Status Indexes, degree of membership, Silhouette Clustering of Provinces based on health indices in Iran: 2005 [Volume 20, Number 5]
:: GATE code Verification of Activity Accumulation Location Effect in Patients Treated with I-131 Radio Pharmacy on the Evaluated Exposure at Different Distances from Patient using NCAT Phantom [Volume 25, Number 6]
:: GC-Mass Isolation of Biodegradable Plastic Producing Bacteria from Soil Contaminated Sewage in Ilam Milk Manufactory [Volume 25, Number 3]
:: GEANT4 code Effects of the Modulator Wheel and Range Compensator Wheel for 3-Dimentional Coverage Target in the Proton Therapy of the Brain Tumors Using Geant4 Code [Volume 25, Number 3]
:: GHQ-28 General health status of male and female students in junior schools of Ilam at 2012 [Volume 22, Number 2]
:: GRP78 Presence of anti-glucose regulated protein78 autoantibodies in the sera of women with recurrent pregnancy loss [Volume 26, Number 3]
:: Gait The Effect of Boston Brace on Lower Limb and L5-S1 Joint Contact Forces during Walking in Patients with Idiopathic Scoliosis [Volume 25, Number 3]
:: Geant4 code Calculation of peak to valley dose ratio due to multi-slice X-ray beams using ionization chamber and Geant4 simulation code [Volume 26, Number 3]
:: Genistein Theoretical Study of Adsorption of Genistein on Graphene and Graphene Doped with Metal Atoms (Ni, Ti, Cr, Se) [Volume 30, Number 4]
:: Genotyping Genetic Diversity of Proteus Mirabilis Isolated from Urine Specimens by Box PCR [Volume 27, Number 3]
:: Ghrelin/Obestatin ratio The Study of Serum Ghrelin/Obestatin Ratio and Its Association with Metabolic Syndrome Components in Women [Volume 26, Number 5]
:: Global deterioration scale Aluminum Levels in the Sera of Patients with Alzheimer's Disease and its Relationship with Disease Stage 3 Compared with Control Group [Volume 24, Number 1]
:: Glutamate Measurement of Glutamate Neurotransmitter in the Brain of Male Rat Using Glutamate Oxidase-Based Electrochemical Biosensor [Volume 31, Number 2]
:: Good governship The effect of good governship on public health expenditure in Iran [Volume 25, Number 5]
:: Gossin Fabrication and Characterization of Nanofibrous Wound Dressings Containing Gentamicin-conjugated Nanoclay [Volume 32, Number 1]
:: Greulich-Pyle (GP) atlas Assessment of Bone Age in 7-15 Years Old Children in Sanandaj Town [Volume 16, Number 4]
:: Grounded theoryWelfare organization Identifying the components of employee empowerment to provide a comprehensive model for the welfare organization [Volume 31, Number 5]
:: H. pylori Evaluation of Gene Expression Alterations of ATM, TP53, and POLM in Gastric Biopsy Specimens of Patients with Gastritis and its Association with Helicobacter Pylori Infection [Volume 29, Number 1]
:: HDAC4 and exercise The Effect of one Session Resistance Exercise on Hdac4 gene Expression in Slow and Fast Twitch Muscles of Male Wistar Rats [Volume 24, Number 2]
:: HDL-c. The Impact of Sugarcane´s Hydro Alcoholic Extract on the Lipid Profile in Male Rabbits [Volume 23, Number 1]
:: HIIT training Effect of high Intensity Interval Training on Adiponectin Leptin Ratio and C‌‌‌-Reactive Protein in Streptozotocin Nicotinamide Induced Diabetic Rats [Volume 27, Number 1]
:: HIV/AIDS Developing a Tool for Measuring HIV/AIDS Literacy for Iranian Society [Volume 24, Number 5]
:: HPSA Analyzing the Abundance of the Gene glmM in Subjects with a Positive Helicobacter pylori Stool Antigen Test (HPSA) and Correlating glmM Abundance with Serum Levels of Cytokines TNF-α and IL-1β [Volume 25, Number 5]
:: HSE culture, culture ladder mo-del, oil refining Assessment of Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Culture in a Oil Refinery Organization By HSE Culture Ladder [Volume 21, Number 4]
:: HT29 The Study of the Effects of Acetobacter Isolated from Local Picklesin PTEN/AKT Signaling Route in Colon Cancer Cells (HT29) [Volume 27, Number 3]
:: HULC Investigating the Anticancer Properties of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles Conjugated with Thiosemicarbazide on Gastric Cancer Cells and Evaluation the Expression Level of CASP8 and HULC Genes [Volume 32, Number 6]
:: Hamadan Assessing Primary and Secondary Drug Resistance of TB among Smear Positive Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients in Hamadan Province in 2013 [Volume 23, Number 5]
:: Hamadan Effect of Intensity of Sputum Smear Positive in Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients at the Beginning of Treatment on Treatment Outcome [Volume 24, Number 1]
:: Hamadan. Survey of Heavy Metals Concentration (Pb, Cd and Cr) in Bottled Water Consuming in Hamadan [Volume 22, Number 7]
:: Hand-poised method, Hands-on method, Perineal trauma, Delivery outcome Effects of two methods ,do not touch the perineum and maneuver Ritgen on second stage in managing the outcoms of labor [Volume 21, Number 4]
:: Health Promoting Behaviors, Chemical Veteran, Health promotion model, Ilam Effective factors of health promotion behaviors based on Health Promotion Model in chemical veterans of Ilam province in 2012-13 [Volume 21, Number 6]
:: Health belief model Prediction of Oral Health in Children 3-6 Years old in Ilam, 2015: Application of Health Belief Model [Volume 24, Number 3]
:: Health care Designing the Minimum Data Set for Iranian Children’ Health Records [Volume 24, Number 1]
:: Health care provider A Study Upon the Effect of Training the Skills of Coping with Stress in Occupation Function of Health Care Providers (BEHVARZAN) in Ilam Township, 2014 [Volume 24, Number 3]
:: Health experts Investigating the Relationship between Psychological Empowerment and Quality of Work Life with Job Burnout among Health Experts of Health Deputy Ilam Province in 2014 [Volume 24, Number 6]
:: Health insurance To Examine the CT Scan Services Prescription Status of Insured of Iran Health Insurance Organization and its Costs in Zone 4 of Country in First Half of 2012 [Volume 23, Number 2]
:: Health insurance organization Investigating the Effect of Health Care Improvement Plan on the Payment of the Insured in Iranian Health Insurance Organization (Case Study: Hospitalized Patients in Collegiate Hospitals of Ilam City in December 2013 and 2014) [Volume 24, Number 6]
:: Health volunteers Health Literacy and Health-promoting Lifestyle among Health Volunteers in Neyshabour [Volume 26, Number 3]
:: Hearing protection devices Designing and Determination of Validity and Reliability of the Questionnaire Increasing the Duration of using the Hearing Protection Device by Workers based on BASNEF Model [Volume 25, Number 6]
:: Heart function Effect of a Six-week Endurance Exercise Program and Empagliflozin Consumption on Some Structural and Functional Indices of the Heart in Male Diabetic Rats [Volume 30, Number 3]
:: Heart-Failure Efficacy of Taurine Supplementation on Markers of Atherothrombosis and Atherogenesis Following Exercise Protocol Bruce Modified in Elderly Men with Myocardial Infarction [Volume 26, Number 2]
:: Heart-disease Heart disease forecast using neural network data mining technique [Volume 25, Number 1]
:: Heat hyperalgesia The Effect of Four Weeks Low-Power Laser Irradiation(660 nm) on Thermal Hyperalgesia in the Model of Spinal Cord Injury Induced in Adult Male Rats [Volume 27, Number 3]
:: Heavy metals Effects of Arsenic on Laccase Enzyme Activity in Strains of Bacillus Subtilis in Vitro [Volume 26, Number 6]
:: Hemiplegia The Effects of Progressive Resistive Exercise on Strength and Dexterity of Upper Extremity in Adult Hemiplegic [Volume 23, Number 2]
:: Hemodialysis Study of the Relationship between Vascular Access Types and Recirculation in Chronic Hemodialysis [Volume 23, Number 5]
:: Hemodialysis patients Correlation between Fibroblast Growth Factor 23 and C-reactive Protein in Hemodialysis Patients [Volume 30, Number 1]
:: Hemorrhage Management of Massive Hemorrhage in Placenta Percreta: A CASE Report [Volume 26, Number 5]
:: Hepatitis B Evaluating the Effect of Interferon Alpha Therapy on Plasma Levels of Hemocysteine in Patients with Hepatitis B [Volume 23, Number 7]
:: High councils Challenges and Barriers to the Interaction of High Councils of Health with the Ministry of Health and Medical Education in Iran: A Qualitative Study [Volume 29, Number 4]
:: High school student girls Assessing Knowledge Attitude and Practice of Ilam Girl High School Students Towards Iron Deficiency Anemia 2013 [Volume 23, Number 4]
:: High-intensity interval training The Effect of Training Type on Hepatic Gene expressions of Apolipoprotein A‐I, and Apolipoprotein A‐II among Male Wistar Rats [Volume 27, Number 2]
:: High-intensity interval training Effect of Endurance and High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT (on Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) in the Rat Hippocampus [Volume 23, Number 6]
:: High-risk behavior Comparison of the effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy and compassion focused therapy on quality of life among female adolescents with high-risk behaviors [Volume 26, Number 3]
:: Hippocampus Assessment of Degree of Agreement between Automated and Manual Volumetry for Quantification of Hippocampal Volume on MRI Images of Epileptic Patients [Volume 23, Number 4]
:: Histometry Effect of Soybean Consumption on Histometry and Histochemistry of Tibial Plateau Cartilage in Female NMRI Mice after Osteoarthritis Induction [Volume 25, Number 5]
:: Histomorphometery Effect of Endurance and Resistance Training on the Improvement of Bone: A Densitometric and Histomorphometric Study in Male Osteoprotic Rats [Volume 23, Number 7]
:: Histopathology Study of Troponin and Creatinine Kinase Changes Associated with Heart and Brain Pathological Lesions Due to Experimental Toxicity of Nerium oleander in Wistar Rat [Volume 25, Number 2]
:: Histopathology An evaluation of Neospora caninum Tachyzoites Cultivation in Attachment (Vero) and Suspension (Mouse macrophage) Cell Lines [Volume 25, Number 6]
:: Holographic reprocessing therapy Comparison of the Effectiveness of Holographic Reprocessing and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy on Cognitive Flexibility and Impulsivity among Depressed Patients with a Suicide Attempt in Ilam, Iran [Volume 27, Number 5]
:: Honey Effects of Eight Weeks of High-Intensity Interval Training on the Expression of the Nkx2.5 and Tbx5 Genes in the Heart Tissue of Type 2 Male Diabetic Rats [Volume 30, Number 2]
:: Hopelessness The Age, Gender and Psychological factors accompanied with suicide attempt among 20 to 70 years old population of Tehran City in 1392 [Volume 22, Number 2]
:: Hospital The Effect of Servant Leadership on Organizational Citizenship Behavior with Mediating Role of Spirituality at Work: Case Study Training Hospitals in Rasht [Volume 24, Number 5]
:: Hospital infections Evaluation of Antibacterial Properties of Oregano Essence on Pathogenic Bacteria Isolated from Hospital Infections [Volume 25, Number 5]
:: Hospital. The relationship between organizational climate and the mental health of hospital workers in Ilam State Hospitals [Volume 15, Number 1]
:: Hospitalized patients Epidemiologic Study of Bone and Soft Tissue Injuries Resulting from Occupational Accidents in Hospitalized Patients of Shahid Beheshti Hospital in Babol City During 2010 – 2012 [Volume 23, Number 2]
:: Hospitals and health care center The Work-Family Conflict Association with Quality of Life among Midwives in Hospitals and Health Care Centers in Ahvaz City [Volume 23, Number 7]
:: Housewives Investigation on the Mental Health Indices in Housewives and Employed Women in Ilam City [Volume 22, Number 7]
:: Human Isolation and identification of Helicobacter pylori in people having contact with pets [Volume 32, Number 2]
:: Human and organizational factors Investigation of Influential Factors Affecting the Effectiveness of Organizational Communication in Ilam University of Medical Sciences [Volume 27, Number 3]
:: Human health Gram- Negative Bacteria Isolation and Salmonella serotyping from Poultry’s Alimentary Canal in Ilam Province [Volume 23, Number 6]
:: Human lymphocyte Effects of Flaxseed (Linum Usitatissimum L.) against Genotoxicity Induced by Cyclophosphamide on Human Blood Lymphocyte [Volume 27, Number 2]
:: Human resource development The Effect of Education Related to Work and Job Displacement and Performance Evaluation and Job Achievement on Human Resource Development in Staff of Ilam University of Medical Sciences in 2015-2016 [Volume 25, Number 4]
:: Human serum albumin Study of Human Albumin Protein Interaction with Fluorouracil Anticancer Drug Using Molecular Docking Method [Volume 30, Number 2]
:: Human serum albumin, DTAB cation, glucose, thermal denaturation, UV spectrophotometry Evaluating Human Serum Albumin Structure and Stability in the Presence of DTAB [Volume 21, Number 7]
:: Human serum albumin, ligand binding, conformation changes, sodium dod-ecyl Sulfate (SDS), UV spectroscopy, dia-betes Evaluating the Effect of Glucose on Structure of Human Serum Albumin [Volume 21, Number 7]
:: Hybrid model Analysis and Clarify of Collaboration Concept by Using Three Stage Hybrid Model [Volume 23, Number 5]
:: Hydrogen Peroxide, Edible Oil, Fried Oil, Deli System, Ilam. Study of Peroxide Value of Oil Consumed in the Deli Systems (Sandwich and Falafel) in Ilam city [Volume 21, Number 6]
:: Hydrophobicity Efficacy of Anethole on Biofilm Formation, Ergosterol Content, and Cell Surface Hydrophobicity of Candida Glabrata Isolated from Urinary System [Volume 32, Number 6]
:: Hyperbranched dendrimers Synthesis of Fe3O4 Nanoparticles Modified with Hyper Branched Dendrimers to Remove Anthracene from Contaminated Water [Volume 27, Number 6]
:: Hypothyroidism, Propiltiouracil, Testosterone, FSH, LH, Rat Effect of Induced hypothyroidism by Propiltiouracil (PTU) on Serum Levels of Testosterone, Luteinizing Hormone, Follicle Stimulating Hormone in Adult Rat [Volume 21, Number 6]
:: Hyssopus officinalis Effect of Solvent Extraction on Phenol, Flavonoids and Antioxidant Activity of some Iranian Native Herbs [Volume 27, Number 3]
:: Hysterectomy Assessment of Depression Levels and Sexual Function in Women After Hysterectomy Surgery [Volume 32, Number 6]
:: ICU The Prognosis of Patients with Admission Hypomagnesemia in Intensive Care Unit Related to APACHE II, III and SOFA Scores [Volume 25, Number 1]
:: ICU Investigating the relationship between coagulation indices and mortality in patients with COVID-19 hospitalized in the intensive care unit of Dezful Ganjavian hospital in 2020 [Volume 32, Number 5]
:: ICU Investigating the relationship between the level of physical activity and the severity of the disease of COVID-19 in hospitalized patients [Volume 31, Number 2]
:: ICU A Study on the Prevalence of Nosocomial Infections in ICU Patients Admitted at Baqyiatallah Hospital [Volume 16, Number 1]
:: ID1 Evaluation of the Expression of ID1 Gene in AGS Cells Transfected with pFLAG-CMV3-tagD Recombinant Vector [Volume 28, Number 5]
:: IL-17 Investigation of Methylation in E-cadherin Gene Promoter Regions and Interleukin-17 Gene Polymorphism in Breast Cancer Patients [Volume 26, Number 4]
:: IL-18 Effects of Concurrent Training (Resistance-Endurance) on Interferon-γ, Interloukin-18 and Transforming Growth Factor-β Gene Expression in Women with Type 2 Diabetes [Volume 28, Number 4]
:: ILAM Status of environmental factors related to the urban community health of Ilam ,2005-2006 [Volume 15, Number 3]
:: ITS-rDNA Detection and determination of Leishmania parasite in reservoir hosts of Leishmaniasis in Isfahan province using routine laboratory methods and molecular tools [Volume 22, Number 1]
:: IVSII-1 mutation The frequency of common beta-thalassemia mutations among couples referred to health centers of Ilam during a five years period [Volume 22, Number 2]
:: Idiopathic Association between Mir-34 b/c rs4938723 Gene Polymorphism and the Risk of Male Infertility [Volume 25, Number 3]
:: Ilam Evaluation of the Causes, Variety and Factors Associated with Patients' Dispatch via Medical Emergencies Centres of Ilam Province [Volume 25, Number 2]
:: Ilam Investigating Factors Affecting Supply Chain Agility and Creating Competitive Advantage in Public Hospitals in Ilam Province [Volume 27, Number 3]
:: Ilam The Evaluation of PM10, PM2.5 and PM1 Concentration during Dust Storm Events in Ilam city, from Mar 2013 through Feb 2014 [Volume 22, Number 4]
:: Ilam Association of cardiovascular risk factors and coronary arteries involvement based on angiographic findings [Volume 22, Number 1]
:: Ilam A survey of Beta-Thalassemia Trait in Marriage Volunteers in Ilam: The Impact of National Guidelines for Prevention and Control of Thalassemia [Volume 23, Number 4]
:: Ilam Prediction of suicidal thoughts based on cognitive emotion regulation strategies, perceived social support, self-efficacy, perfectionism, and spiritual health in students at Ilam universities [Volume 31, Number 3]
:: Ilam Identifying unsafe Behaviors with Safety Behavior Sampling Method among Workers of Ilam Gas Refinery in 2013 [Volume 25, Number 4]
:: Ilam Knowledge, Attitude and Behaviour of Health and Educational Educators of Ilam on the Impact of Computer Games on Student Health in 2014 [Volume 23, Number 2]
:: Ilam Association Human Factors Related to Car Crash Leading to Death of Ilam Province in 2012 [Volume 24, Number 4]
:: Ilam A comparative study of the California book effect and the servicesrelative value on inpatient costs of the common actions in the selected hospitals of ILAM city in September and October 2014 [Volume 25, Number 1]
:: Ilam Qualitative and Quantitative Evaluation of Airborne Microorganisms and the Concentrations of Particulate and Respirable Matter Causing from Dust Storm in the Air of Ilam City: Six-month Cross Sectional Study [Volume 25, Number 4]
:: Ilam Psychometric Properties of the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ -28) [Volume 22, Number 6]
:: Ilam Investigating the Prevalence of Intestinal Parasites in Ilam City in 2014 [Volume 24, Number 2]
:: Ilam Evaluation and Measurement of Lighting Intensity in the Primary Schools of Ilam in 1392 [Volume 23, Number 1]
:: Ilam A Study on Premenstrual Syndromes of High School girl-students in Ilam City (western Iran), 2015 [Volume 26, Number 1]
:: Ilam Evaluating the Prevalence of Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Relation to Demographical Parameters among Young Adults in Ilam [Volume 25, Number 3]
:: Ilam Evaluation of Sick Building Syndrome prevalence among Mustafa Khomeini hospital staff in Ilam, 2015 [Volume 25, Number 5]
:: Ilam Determination of Genotype Isolates of Human and Sheep Hydatid Cyst in Ilam [Volume 23, Number 2]
:: Ilam Analysis of Health Promoting Behaviors among Employees of Ilam University of Medical Sciences during 2014-15 [Volume 26, Number 2]
:: Ilam The Association between General Health and Emotional Divorce in the Clients Referring to Family Counseling Centers in Ilam City [Volume 27, Number 6]
:: Ilam The Prevalence of Gastrointestinal Diseases in Patients with Dyspepsia who Referred to Gastrointestinal Clinics in Ilam during the Years 2010-2011. [Volume 22, Number 7]
:: Ilam Frequency of Enclosure Skeletal Fractures in CT scan in Emergency Department of Imam Khomeini Hospital in Ilam in 2014 [Volume 26, Number 5]
:: Ilam Cancer Incidence in Ilam [Volume 17, Number 3]
:: Ilam Analysis of Antibiotic Resistance in Bacterial Strains Isolated from Urine Cultures of Patients Referred to Clinical Laboratories of Ilam City during 2012 [Volume 24, Number 2]
:: Ilam Prevalence of tension and migraine headachesamong the students of Ilam Medical University [Volume 15, Number 4]
:: Ilam Comparison of 91 Risk Factors for Suicide in Ilam Province in Comparison with the Trend in the Last 5 Years [Volume 23, Number 3]
:: Ilam Risk Assessment Using William Fine Method at Ilam Gas Refinery in 2012 [Volume 25, Number 6]
:: Ilam Seasonal Pattern of Suicide And Attempted Suicide [Volume 16, Number 2]
:: Ilam Determination and Sequencing of Genotypes of Echinococcus granulosus from Stray Dogs isolates with Cox1 Gen in Ilam, West of Iran [Volume 24, Number 6]
:: Ilam Relationship between Socioeconomic Status and General Health in the Female-headed Households [Volume 23, Number 1]
:: Ilam risk factors Associated with ovarian masses among women of Ilam province during 2007-2009 [Volume 23, Number 3]
:: Ilam Attitude and Confidence of Faculty Members, Clinicians and Medical Students towards Biostatics: A Case study of Ilam University of Medical Sciences [Volume 22, Number 6]
:: Ilam University of Medical Sciences Investigation of Factors Affecting the Uptake of Dedicated Revenues of Medical Sciences from the Perspective of the Managers (Case Study: Ilam University of Medical Sciences) [Volume 25, Number 5]
:: Ilam University of Medical Sciences The Study of the Relationship between Self-confidence and Responsibility among Nurses of Hospitals in Ilam Medical University [Volume 24, Number 5]
:: Ilam University of Medical Sciences Evaluating General Health Status using Goldberg’s General Health Questionnaire among the Staff of Ilam University of Medical Sciences in 2015 [Volume 26, Number 3]
:: Ilam city Studying the Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Job Attitude Employees Health Centers of Ilam [Volume 25, Number 4]
:: Ilam hospitals Investigation observation standards of security and dosimetry at x-ray imaging center hospitals Subsidiary Ilam University of medical sciences [Volume 22, Number 2]
:: Ilam petrochemical company Environmental Risk Assessment of Ilam Petrochemical Company Using Analytical Network Analysis and the Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution Methods in 2016 [Volume 26, Number 5]
:: Ilam province Providing an Integrated Method For Ranking the Townships of Ilam Province in Terms of Health Care Services Enjoyment [Volume 25, Number 2]
:: Ilam province The Study of Frequency and Effective Factors on Maternal Mortality in Ilam Province during 2002-2010 [Volume 22, Number 7]
:: Ilam province Measurement of Outdoor Background Dose Rate in Ilam Province [Volume 23, Number 6]
:: Ilam province Study the Readiness of State hospitals in Ilam Province in the Face of Natural Disasters [Volume 26, Number 3]
:: Ilam province, Elderly, Status of Health and Disease Study of Health and Disease Status in Elderly people of Ilam Province [Volume 21, Number 6]
:: Ilam women Investigating the Effective Factors on tendency to beauty surgeries and Body Management among women of Ilam during 2016 [Volume 25, Number 3]
:: Ilam. Estimation of Number of Addicts to Drug Abuse Addicts by Using Capture-Recapture Method in Ilam City [Volume 23, Number 2]
:: Ileum The Effect of Thymus Migricuson Isotonic Contraction Induced by Acetylcholine on Male Rats Ileum [Volume 24, Number 1]
:: Immunization, GRA5, toxoplasma gondaii, cell expressio n, DNA vaccine Cloning of Toxoplasma Gondii Granular Antigen 5GRA)5) [Volume 19, Number 3]
:: Immunoinformatic, Epitope, B cell, T cell, Prediction Immnoinformatics and epitope prediction methods dynamic science with promising achievements [Volume 21, Number 6]
:: Implantation period The Effect of Low Dose of Aspirin on the Vascular Density of Endometrium in the Mice at Implantation Period [Volume 23, Number 4]
:: Improved variants of S3 Evaluation of the performance of affinity matrix produced from improved variants of S3 peptide to remove endotoxin from Active pharmaceutical ingredient of streptokinase and comparison with commercial matrices [Volume 32, Number 4]
:: Individual exposure Investigation on the Dust Dispersion (PM10 and PM2.5) by Doroud Cement Plant and Study of Its Individual Exposure Rates [Volume 24, Number 1]
:: Infants outcome Investigating the Effect of Progressive Muscle Relaxation Training on Infants outcome in High Risk Pregnant Women [Volume 25, Number 6]
:: Infertile women The effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral coping training package with infertility stress on distress tolerance and cognitive regulation of emotion in infertile women [Volume 32, Number 5]
:: Infertility A comparison Assessment between Diagnostic Value of Hysterosalpingography (HSG) Versus Hysteroscopic Uterine Findings in Infertile Patients who Reffered to IVF Department of Ahvaz Imam Khomeini Hospital During 2010 [Volume 23, Number 4]
:: Infertility The Effect of Resilience Training on Increasing Psychological Well-Being of Infertile Women [Volume 23, Number 5]
:: Inflammation A Review on Vitamin K2 Biology [Volume 22, Number 5]
:: Inflammation Effect of Dietary Magnesium Intake on Serum Levels of C-reactive Protein and Lipid Profile in Patients with Type II Diabetes [Volume 25, Number 2]
:: Inflammatory factors How Does Hypothyroidism Prolong Hospital Stay in COVID-19 Patients? [Volume 30, Number 6]
:: Injection time The Effect of Intravenous Lidocaine Premedication and Slow Rate of Fentanyl Administration on Fentanyl – Induced Coughing [Volume 14, Number 4]
:: Insecticides Comparison of effect of Actelic, Ficam, Diazinon, Fenitrothion and Coopex on cockroaches from Tehran urban areas [Volume 15, Number 1]
:: Insulin resistance The Effects of Ginger Supplementation on Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Patients with Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: A Randomised, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Study [Volume 25, Number 1]
:: Interleukin-6 Comparison of the Effect of High Intensity Interval Training and Moderate Intensity Continuous Training on Gene Expression of Il-6 and Nf-Κb in Lung Tissue of Old and Young Male Rats [Volume 27, Number 5]
:: Interleukin-6 (IL-6) Assessment of Plasma Hepcidin as a Biomarker for Diagnosing Pneumonia [Volume 23, Number 5]
:: Interval aerobic exercise Acute effects of low-volume high-intensity interval aerobic exercise in the morning and evening on brain natriuretic peptide changes and double product inactive men [Volume 26, Number 3]
:: Iran The Average Review Score of Anxiety in Iran: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 25, Number 2]
:: Iran Survey of Salmonella Infections in Broiler Farms around Sanandaj [Volume 25, Number 4]
:: Iran Estimation of Mean age of Menopause in Iran: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 26, Number 4]
:: Iran's Health System Designing a Blockchain Technology-Based Treatment Cost Management Model in the Iranian Health System Using Content Analysis [Volume 32, Number 6]
:: Iranian population Analysis of Allele Frequency and Genotyping of rs67992843 Marker in SMPD1 Gene Region Associated with Niemann Pick Disease in Isfahan Population [Volume 25, Number 4]
:: Iron oxide nanoparticles Evaluation of Antibacterial Properties of Magnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Synthesized using Echinops Persicus Extract Coated with Chloramphenicol [Volume 29, Number 3]
:: Irritable bowel Dialectical Behavior Therapy Group on the Perception of the Disease and Quality of Life of Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome [Volume 25, Number 2]
:: Irritable bowel syndrome Effectiveness of emotional-focused therapy in the difficulty of emotional regulation and severity of symptoms in patients with irritable bowel syndrome [Volume 32, Number 2]
:: Isfahan Accuracy Rate of the Demographic Data Registered for Patients with Thyroid Cancer in Isfahan University of Medical Sciences: A Cross-sectional Study Based on Cancer Registry Data of 2010-2016 [Volume 26, Number 4]
:: Isfahan population Allele Frequency and Genotyping of rs2288258 Polymorphism in HEXA Gene Region in the Isfahan Population [Volume 25, Number 1]
:: Islamic values The model of Positive Organizational Behavior in Government Organizations and their Prioritization with Emphasis on Iranian Islamic Values [Volume 28, Number 1]
:: Isotherm Application of Milk Vetch Wood as Adsorbent of Methylene Blue Dye from Aqueous Solution [Volume 24, Number 4]
:: Isotherm and Kinetic, heavy A Study of kinetics And Biosorption Isotherms of [Volume 19, Number 4]
:: Jellyfish venom Subcloning and Expression of the Chimeric Antigen C-CFTX1-STxB of the Jellyfish Venom and its Antigenicity Assessment in Syrian Mice [Volume 27, Number 5]
:: Job satisfaction The relationship of Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Styles with Job Satisfaction in Kerman Hospitals [Volume 26, Number 3]
:: K-nearest neighbors (KNN) algorithm A Hybrid Model based on Ant Lion Optimization Algorithm and K-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm to Diagnose Liver Disease [Volume 28, Number 5]
:: KG-1 cell line Evaluation of the Effect of Niosomal Nano-Carriers Containing Rosemary(Rosemary officinalis) Essential oil on Survival of KG-1 Cell Line of Acute Myeloid Leukemia [Volume 27, Number 3]
:: Kangaroo care Effect of Kangaroo Mother Care on Premature Newborns’ Pain due to Invasive Procedures in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of Hospital Fatemieh, Hamadan [Volume 22, Number 1]
:: Karate Effect of Sport Competition on Salivary Immunoglobulin A and Cortisol Levels in Adolescent Karateka [Volume 23, Number 6]
:: Kerma-nshah Women’s Ideal Fertility and Its Determinants (A Case Study of Women in Kermanshah) [Volume 22, Number 7]
:: Kerman Assessment of Heavy Metals Lead, Cadmium, Chromium, Nickel and Zinc in Compost Production Plant in Kerman [Volume 23, Number 1]
:: Kermanshah province Hospital waste management more important than domestic sewage- case study of Hospitals in Kermanshah Province [Volume 22, Number 4]
:: Kermanshah province Evaluating the Trend of Heavy Metals Concentration Changes in Feed Water to Reverse Osmosis, Feed and Permeate Water of Dialysis Instrument of Hemodialysis Patients-A (Case Study: Kermanshah Hospitals) [Volume 23, Number 4]
:: Key Words Childbirth preparation classes , duration of second stage of labor , satisfaction of mothers Effect of Childbirth preparation Classes on the duration of admission and satisfaction of mothers [Volume 21, Number 2]
:: Key word Bacteriophage; Pseudomonas aeruginosa; Biofilm Bacteriophage as a new candidate for the prevention and removal of biofilms [Volume 20, Number 5]
:: Key word Raloxifene, LH, FSH, estrogen, progestrone Effects of raloxifene on pituitary - ovary axis hormone in adult female rats [Volume 21, Number 7]
:: Key word awareness, AIDS, hepatitis B, Health education A Survey on awareness level of transmission ways of B- hepatitis and Aids among Marvdasht City barbers [Volume 20, Number 5]
:: Key words ethanol solvent , microwave radiation , Askarel oil , degradation The effect of solvent, hydrogen peroxide and dioxide titanium on degradation of PCBs,using microwave radiation in order to reduce occupational exposure [Volume 21, Number 7]
:: Key words Enterococci, planktonic, biofilm, Nitrofurantoin In Vitro Studing of the Effect of Antibiotics on Planktonic Cells and Biofilm Clinical Isolates of Enterococcus [Volume 21, Number 2]
:: Key words Multiple sclerosis, quality of life. Balance, fatigue the survey of Cawthorne and Cooksey exercise on the quality of life, balance and fatigue in patients with multiple sclerosis. [Volume 21, Number 7]
:: Key words Nanofibrous PHBV conduit, Schwann cells, Peripheral nerve repair, Behavioral analysis, Sciatic nerve. Behavioral evaluation of regenerated rat sciatic nerve by a nanofibrous PHBV conduit filled with Schwann cell as artificial nerve graft [Volume 20, Number 5]
:: Key words Quality Service, Servqual, patients, Hospital A Survey of the Quality of the Provided Services by Public Hospitals of Ilam and Kermanshah city to the Out-Patients on the Basis of SERVQUAL Model [Volume 21, Number 4]
:: Key words Rats, parasitic zoonoses worms, Iran Study on the zoonotic helminths in urban rats of northern Khuzestan province, Iran, in 2010-11 [Volume 21, Number 3]
:: Key words illumination intensity, DIALUX software, study hall, measurement station Measurement and design of general illumination in Qazvin Medical science University student residences [Volume 20, Number 5]
:: Key words social network, physical health, educable mental retarded, parents. The survey relationship between social network size and physical health in parents with educable mental retardated children [Volume 21, Number 5]
:: Keywords Biosorption, lead, Saccharomyces carlsbergensis, 2, 4-Dinitrophenol, Sodium azide Saccharomyces carlsbergensis yeast biomass using active and passive for biological uptake of lead [Volume 21, Number 7]
:: Keywords Cognitive-behavioral teaching, marital satisfaction, hypoactive of sexual desire The effect of Cognitive behavioral Teaching on marital satisfaction of women having hypoactive of sexual disorder [Volume 21, Number 5]
:: Keywords Essential oils, Colon cancer (SW742), Herbal drug, Cuminum cyminum, Cell survival, Anti cancer Evaluation of the Ctytotoxic Effect of Cuminum cyminum essential oils on Human Colon Cancer cell line SW742 [Volume 20, Number 5]
:: Keywords Health-promotion behaviors, life style, students Study of Health-promotion behaviors and Life Style among students of Dezful universities [Volume 20, Number 5]
:: Keywords Posture, Musculoskeletal disorders, QEC technique Ergonomic evaluation of musculoskeletal disorders among kitchen workers by QEC technique in the Tehran University of Medical Sciences [Volume 20, Number 5]
:: Keywords biceps brachii, accessory head, human A Rare Variation for The Accessory Head [Volume 19, Number 2]
:: Keywords biological characteristics, prevented from handicapps, parents of exceptional children, parents of normal children Comparison of biological characteristics in parents of exceptional children and parents of normal children: preventive strategies [Volume 21, Number 3]
:: Keywords committing suicide, suicide, complete suicide Determinants of complete suicide: A cross sectional study [Volume 21, Number 6]
:: Keywords health education, hygienic belief modle , the behavior of teeth brush, use of floss , students Effect of education based on health belief model on students' oral health behavior change [Volume 21, Number 7]
:: Keywords hydatid cyst, crude antigen, antibodies, ELISA Human IgG Class And Subclass Against Crude Hydatid [Volume 19, Number 1]
:: Keywords pre-addiction/sensation seeking/ neuroticism/agreeableness Mediating Role of neuroticism and agreeableness in Relationship Between sensation seeking and pre-addiction in Students of Firdausi Mashhad University [Volume 22, Number 1]
:: Keywords stroke, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, rehabilitation,Stiffness,Wrist Robo Hab Compare the use of combination of low frequency rTMS and rehabilitation treatment with alone rehabilitation treatment on stiffness of muscles of upper limb in hemiplegic patients [Volume 21, Number 7]
:: KeywordsNeurofeedback,trait-competitive anxiety,athletics. The effect of neurofeedback training on the trait-competitive anxiety of athletes [Volume 21, Number 2]
:: Khuzestan Study of type and density of bacteria from Ahvaz air in normal and dusty conditions during different seasons [Volume 23, Number 3]
:: Kinetic Removal of Reactive Blue 19 Dye from Textile Synthetic Wastewater Using Reed Powder [Volume 23, Number 7]
:: Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapene-mase (KPC) Evaluation of Carbapenems Resistance and Frequency of Klebsiella pneumoniae Carbapenemase (KPC) Enzyme in Klebsiella pneumoniae Strains Isolated from Clinical Samples and Determination of their Acquired Resistant profiles [Volume 24, Number 3]
:: Knowledge The Effect of a Blended Educational Program (BEP) on Cervical Cancer Screening Behavior among Housekeeper Women in West Eslamabad in 2016:an Application of Health Belief Model [Volume 25, Number 1]
:: Knowledge Evaluation of Health Education Program on Knowledge, Attitude, and Preventive Behaviors of Brucellosis among Villagers in Holilan, Iran [Volume 28, Number 4]
:: Knowledge, Attitude, AIDS Evaluation of Effective Factors on Knowledge and Attitudeof People of the City of Ilam Regarding Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome [Volume 21, Number 1]
:: Kurd Association of polymorphism-308 TNF-alpha promoter with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (A Case-Control Study) [Volume 22, Number 5]
:: L-NAME Effect of nitric oxide inhibition on weight changes and histology of renal in pregnant rats. [Volume 22, Number 1]
:: LAD Evaluation of Serum Zinc And Copper Levels in PatientsSuffering from Left Anterior Descending Obstruction [Volume 16, Number 4]
:: LAMP Evaluation of LAMP (Loop-mediated isothermal DNA amplification) for Molecular Detection of Salmonella [Volume 17, Number 3]
:: LDH TheEffect of two Different Methods of LoadingSodium Bicarbonate Supplementation along with Aerobic Exercise on Indices of Muscle Injury in Young Men [Volume 22, Number 7]
:: LDL zeta potential Evaluating the Impact of Static and Alternative Electromagnetic Fields on Cardiovascular Disease Parameters [Volume 24, Number 6]
:: Lactation Study of Changes in Blood Cells and Spleen Tissue on days 10 and 20 of Pregnancy and the First Week of Lactation in Rats [Volume 26, Number 5]
:: Lactobacillus fermentum Effect of Lactobacillus fermentum on Hemathological and Histopathological Factors in Rats Infected by Shigella dysenteriae [Volume 26, Number 5]
:: Lactobacillus fermentum Studying the Effect of Lactobacillus fermentum on Arc and CREB Genes Expression of Involved in The Memory of Alzheimer's Rats [Volume 31, Number 3]
:: Lactobacillus rhamnose The Study of Expression of Casp3/Bax Genes in HT29 Colon Cancer Cell Line with Lactobacillus rhamnosus Co-Culturing [Volume 28, Number 4]
:: Lactococcus.lactic Cloning of Immunogenic Domain of Clostridium Difficile Toxin B in Lactococcus lactis to Develop an Oral Vaccine Based on Lactococcus against Clostridium difficile Associated Colitis [Volume 27, Number 4]
:: Laser, Implant Laser Applications in Implantology [Volume 20, Number 5]
:: Lavandula angyustifolia Investigation of Anti Trichomonas Vaginalis Activity of Lavandula angyustifolia Essential Oil in Invitro Media [Volume 16, Number 4]
:: Lavandula sublepidota Invitro Determination of Chemical Compounds and Antibacterial Activity of Lavandula Essential oil against some Pathogenic Microorganisms [Volume 27, Number 4]
:: Lavender, Proteome, Hippoc-ampus, Rat, Clustering, Principal com-ponent analysis Proteomic Study of Rat Hippocampus in Aqua Extract Treatment of Lavandula Aqua Extract [Volume 20, Number 4]
:: Leadership style, personality ty-pe, the big five factors, hospital managers Mangers Personality and their Leadership Style: Application of Five-factor Personality Model [Volume 21, Number 7]
:: Learning Effect of Fenugreek on Memory and Learning and also Antioxidant Capacity in Hippocampus of Type II Diabetic Rats [Volume 25, Number 4]
:: Learning disability neurofeedback Evaluation of Neurofeedback Exercises on Executive Performance of Cognitive Flexibility and Attention in Students with Learning Disabilities [Volume 30, Number 3]
:: Lecture Effect of Team Based Learning on Rehabilitation Students Anatomy Learning [Volume 23, Number 6]
:: Leiomyoma An Investigation of Epidemiology and Causes of Total Abdominal Hysterectomy in Motahari Hospital of Marvdasht during a 5 Years Period [Volume 25, Number 5]
:: Leishmania major promastigute Anticancer Effect of Heracleum persicum Alcoholic Extract and Leishmania Major Promastigute in Comparison with Doxorubicin in MCF7 Breast Cancer Cell Line and Natural HU02 Fibroblast [Volume 28, Number 3]
:: Leishmania major, Apoptosis, 5- fluorouracil Cytotoxic effects of 5 - fluorouracil on Leishmania major promastigotes and induction of apoptosis in the parasite [Volume 21, Number 7]
:: Leuin-Estein culture Positive and negative false results of tuberculin test in diagnosing pericardial tuberculosis in Emam Khomeini and Modaress hospitals of Tehran (2004-4) [Volume 15, Number 3]
:: Leukoplakia Comparison of enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants in patients with squamous cell carcinoma and leukoplakia [Volume 32, Number 1]
:: Leviviridae Isolation Identification and Evaluation of Two Lytic Bacteriophages Against Clinical Antibiotic-Resistant Strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa from Waste Water and Hospital Sewage of Isfahan City [Volume 23, Number 7]
:: Lewis Rat Effects of Tragopogon graminifolius on Skin Wound Healing in Lewis Rats [Volume 22, Number 5]
:: Local anesthesia, inguinal hern-ia, postoperative pain, Bupivacaine Effect of Bupivacaine Local Anesthesia on Pain after Surgical Incision of Inguinal Hernia [Volume 20, Number 3]
:: Local food Investigating Local Foods Consumption Motivation in Ilam in 2013 [Volume 23, Number 4]
:: Locus of Control Orkplace Incivility Consequences: A Model for Hospital Environment [Volume 26, Number 6]
:: Low Back Pain, Yoga, General Exercise, Disk Herniation, Depression The Effect of Yoga Exercises on Lumbar Range of Motion,Pain and Functional Disability in Women with ChronicLumbar Disk Herniation: A Randomized Controlled Study [Volume 20, Number 3]
:: Lymphoid tissue Evaluation of Coincidence of Geographic or Fissured Tongue with Inflammation of Lymphoid Tissue [Volume 25, Number 4]
:: MALAT1 Editing of the MALAT1 Gene in MDA-MB-361 Breast Cancer Cell Line using the Novel CRISPR Method [Volume 30, Number 2]
:: MBC Effect of Silver and Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles on Antibiotic Resistant Gram Negative Bacilli causing Urine Tract Infection [Volume 26, Number 5]
:: MCF-7. Evaluation the Login of Magnetic Silica Nanoparticles Treated with I-131 to the MCF-7 Cell line and Mouse [Volume 22, Number 6]
:: MCF7 Study of Crocin (Saffron Component) on Apoptosis or Survival of MCF7 Breast Cancer Cells Lines) PTEN/AKT1 signaling pathway) [Volume 30, Number 4]
:: MERIT Design And Implementation of An Apparatus to Produce The Specific Electrical Signals for Providing Desired ELF Electromagnetic Fields to Survey Therapeutic Effects of Energy Resonance Induction [Volume 17, Number 3]
:: MIC Comparison of in vitro inhibitory effects of different extracts of Scrophularia striata plant on Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Helicobacter pylori [Volume 22, Number 3]
:: MIC Isolation and identification of strains of Imipenem-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa Strains Isolated in clinical samples from 4 major hospitals of tehran, using MIC method [Volume 24, Number 6]
:: MIC, selenite, resistance, bioremediation Isolation and characterization of selenite resistant microorganisms from industrial wastewaters [Volume 21, Number 7]
:: MTT Anti-oxidative and anti-cancer effects of Melia azedarach L. extract on Proliferation and Cell Viability of Testicular cancer TM4 cell line [Volume 32, Number 5]
:: MTT method Chemo-Informatics Evaluation and Invitro Bioactivity Mesurment of Human Cox2 Enzyme Inhibitors Ligands [Volume 23, Number 3]
:: MTT test Investigating the Cytotoxic Effects of a New Synthetic Chalcone Derivative on HeLa Cell Line [Volume 23, Number 3]
:: Magnetic nanoparticles Preparation and Biological Investigation of Iron Magnetic Nanoparticles Coated with Chitosan/Alginate Biopolymer (Fe3O4/Alg/CS) [Volume 31, Number 2]
:: Magnetic resonance imaging A Case Report of a Rare Familial Cavernous Malformation in Hamadan Farshchian Hospital [Volume 24, Number 5]
:: Male adult rat Effect of Eight Weeks of Exercise with Different Intensities on the Gene Expression of Decorin and Muscular TGF-β in the Male Adult Rats [Volume 29, Number 2]
:: Male rat Effect of Hydroalcoholic Extract of Ferollago angulata on Sperm and Testosterone Indices in Male Rats [Volume 27, Number 3]
:: Male rat The Role of Middle Septal Ghrelin Receptors in the Effects of Morphine on Memory Consolidation in Passive Avoidance Learning [Volume 28, Number 3]
:: Mashhad Molecular Identification of Leishmania Species Causing Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Mashhad, Iran [Volume 18, Number 2]
:: Maxillofacial General Dentists' Knowledge and Attitude toward Prescriptions as well as Advantages and Disadvantages of Cone-beam Computed Tomography in Ilam, Iran, in 2019 [Volume 29, Number 6]
:: Medical biotechnology Fuzzy Hybrid least-Squares Regression Approach to Estimating the amount of Extra Cellular Recombinant Protein A from Escherichia coli BL21 [Volume 27, Number 3]
:: Medical decision making system Analysis of Hepatitis Patient Data using Binary Artificial Algae Algorithm based on K-Nearest Neighbor [Volume 28, Number 2]
:: Medicinal plants The In Vitro Inhibitory Effects of the Rosemary Essential Oil on Some Gram Positive and Negative Bacteria [Volume 24, Number 2]
:: Melittin Evaluation of the Effect of Liposome Carriers and Albumin Nanoparticles Containing Activated Melittin on Inhibiting the Growth of Leishmania Major Amastigote in vivo [Volume 29, Number 6]
:: Membrane transporters Clustering Membrane Helical Residues in the Human Serotonin Transporter [Volume 25, Number 3]
:: Menarche Relationship between Some anthropometric indices with Menarche age of Girls in Ahvaz [Volume 22, Number 2]
:: Mental health The Effect of Puberty Health Education on 12-14 Year-Old Girls' Mental Health and Identity Styles [Volume 25, Number 1]
:: Mentha piperita Evaluation the Effect of Anti bacterial of Ferula assa-foetida L, Carum copticum, Mentha piperita L Hydroalcoholic Extract on Standard Sensitive and Methicillin- Resistant Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli O157H7 and Salmonella typhimurium [Volume 24, Number 2]
:: Mentha pulegium L Evaluation of Kinetic Parameters of Acetylcholinesterase from the Bovine Brain and its Inhibition with Mentha pulegium L. Extract [Volume 27, Number 6]
:: Mesenchymal Stem Cells The Preventive Effect of Topical Administration of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells-Conditioned Medium (MSC-CM) on DNCB-Induced Atopic Dermatitis-Like Model in Mice [Volume 30, Number 6]
:: Meta- analysis Investigating the Prevalence of Toxoplasmosis in Iranian Pregnant Women: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 25, Number 1]
:: Meta-analysis Comparison of the Effect of Garlic and Thyme Plants on Candida albicans: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis [Volume 26, Number 3]
:: Meta-cognitive beliefs Comparing the Effectiveness of Meta-Cognitive Therapy with Meichenbaum’s Self-Instructional in Reduction of Meta- Cognitive Beliefs of Students with Test Anxiety [Volume 23, Number 7]
:: Metabolic syndrome Comparison of Serum Level and IL-18 Gene Expression and Reactive Protein in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes with Metabolic Syndrome and Healthy People [Volume 27, Number 3]
:: Metallo beta-lactamase Investigating the Antibacterial Effect of Methanoland Acetone Extracts of Urtica Dioica and Zataria Multifloraagainst Metallo Beta-lactamase Producing Pseudomonas aeruDecember 5, 2015 ginosa [Volume 24, Number 3]
:: Metalloproteinase Zizyphus jujuba Seed Essential Oil Inhibits Lipopolysaccharide-Stimulated THP-1 Cells Invasion and Migration through Suppression of Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 Expression [Volume 26, Number 4]
:: Methadone. Substitution Therapy With Methadone And Evaluation of Depression in Drug Users in Hamadan [Volume 16, Number 2]
:: Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus The Prevalence of Antibiotic Resistance in Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus and the Determination of Aminoglycoside Resistance Gene aac(6΄)-Ie/aph (2˝) Isolated from Hospitalized Patientsin Imam Hossein, Loghman Hakim, and Pars Hospitals in Tehran using Polymerase chain Reaction [Volume 27, Number 1]
:: Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus Antibacterial Effects of Chitosan Nanoparticles Loaded with Amoxicillin and Clavulanic acid against Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Strains [Volume 27, Number 2]
:: Methylation Investigation of Expression and Methylation Status of ELF5 Gene Promoter in Patients with Breast Cancer [Volume 28, Number 4]
:: Methylphenidate, pellet, dual release pattern, sustained release Preparation of methylphenidate controlled drug release system for treatment of ADHD through pelletization process [Volume 21, Number 2]
:: MiR-21 The Expansion of Micro-RNA 21 (miR-21) in the Serum of Patients with Gastric Cancer [Volume 23, Number 6]
:: Mice Investigating the Effect of Neonatal Exposure of Tamoxifen and Zearalenone on Mammary Gland structure in Female Mouse [Volume 25, Number 6]
:: Mice Effects of Kelussia odoratissima Mozaff Hydroalcoholic Extract on Liver Injury Induced by Carbon Tetrachloride in Mice [Volume 26, Number 5]
:: Mice Effects of Mobile Phone Radiation on the Histological and Anatomical Parameters of Testis and Serum Levels of Testosterone in Mice [Volume 24, Number 2]
:: Mice The Antidepressant-Like Effect of the Ethanolic Extract of Mentha Piperita in Forced Swimming Test and Tail Suspension Test in Male Mice [Volume 26, Number 4]
:: Mice Investigation the Effect of Glycyrrhizic Acid on Ovarian Follicle in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Mice Model [Volume 24, Number 6]
:: Mice Investigating the Effect of Nano Zinc Oxide on Ileum Tissue of Male NMRI Mice [Volume 25, Number 6]
:: Mice Effect of Long Term-Administration of Aspartame on Sperm Quality, Testosterone and Oxidant Parameters in Mice [Volume 27, Number 3]
:: Mice Polycystic ovary induction by Dehydroepiandrostenedione in Mice [Volume 25, Number 3]
:: Microarray, Gene expression network, Network analysis Gene Expression Networks to Analysis DNA Microarray Data [Volume 20, Number 5]
:: Microscopic study Microscopic Study of the Healing Effects of the Mixture of Olive Oil and Lime Water on the Second Degree Burning in Rats [Volume 24, Number 6]
:: Mildtraumatic brain injury Use of Artificial Neural Network Versus Logistic Regression to Predict Post-Traumatic Mental Disorders [Volume 24, Number 4]
:: Mindfulness Mindfulness Efficacy on the Perception of the Disease and the Quality of Life of Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome [Volume 25, Number 6]
:: Ministry of Health and Medical Education The Study of the Situation of Women Promotion Indicators to Managerial Positions at the Ministry of Health and Medical Education [Volume 23, Number 5]
:: Molecular identification Molecular epidemiology of Candida species isolated from clinical specimens and evaluation of their antifungal susceptibility testing to ketoconazole and nystatin with a review of studies [Volume 32, Number 2]
:: Monocyte Reduced TNF-α, IL-1β and COX-2 Expressions and Decreased Production Rate of PGE2 and NO in Articular Chondrocytes of Monocyte/Macrophage using the Aqueous Extract Alhagi Maurorum L. [Volume 27, Number 2]
:: Mononucleotide polymorphism Comparison of the Genetic Profile of rs4646994 Single Nucleotide Polymorphism of the ACE Gene in the Elite Male Weightlifters and Non-athletes [Volume 29, Number 4]
:: Monte Carlo Simulation Quantitative Evaluation of Radiation Scattering Effects on Quality of SPECT Images from Fan Beam Collimator using Monte Carlo Simulation [Volume 22, Number 7]
:: Morphine. Effect of Zingiber officinale on analgesia induced by Morphine in adult male Wistar rats [Volume 22, Number 4]
:: Morphometry Effects of Curcumin on Histologic Lesions of Testis Induced by Aflatoxin B1 in Rat Offspring before and after Puberty [Volume 24, Number 6]
:: Mortality rate The effects of public and private health care expenditure on health status in Iran [Volume 23, Number 5]
:: Mouse The Effects of Hydroalcoholic Borage Extract on Serum Lipid Profile in Mice and Comparison with Lovastatin [Volume 24, Number 3]
:: Mouse Effects of oleuropein on malondialdehyde level and expression of GluN2B gene following passive avoidance memory impairment in mice [Volume 29, Number 3]
:: Mouse Study of the Effects of Lactoferrin in Reduction of Cyclophosphamide-induced Embryotoxicity: In Vitro Fertilization Study in Mouse [Volume 25, Number 5]
:: Mouse Protective Effects of Simvastatin against Doxorubicin-Induced Changes in Mice Testicular Tissue [Volume 25, Number 2]
:: Mouse Evaluation of Curcumin Ointment Effects on Dinitrochlorobenzene-Induced Contact Dermatitis in Mouse [Volume 25, Number 1]
:: Mouse, Protein, Isoelectric fo-cusing, Brain Isoelectric Focusing Optimization of Female Mouse Brain Protein Extract [Volume 20, Number 4]
:: Mouse. Role of Hyaluronan During Foliculogenesis of Mouse [Volume 14, Number 2]
:: Multi Drug Resistant The Prevalence of Multi-Resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Acinetobacter spp. in Patients Addmited in Baqiyatallah Hospital in 2005 [Volume 15, Number 1]
:: Multi criteria decision making Identification and Prioritization of Effective Interventions in the Control of the COVID-19 Pandemic using DEMATEL Method [Volume 31, Number 1]
:: Multiple sclerosis, biomarkers, disease course, therapeutic indices Diagnostic Biomarkers in Multiple Sclerosis [Volume 21, Number 7]
:: Multiplex PCR Identification of Drug-Repellent Encoded Genes (Efflux pump) in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Isolated from Stool Samples, Kerman Province [Volume 25, Number 4]
:: Multiplex PCR Comparison of expression level of CDR1 and MDR1 genes in stages of biofilm formation of Candida albicans and Candida tropicalis [Volume 32, Number 3]
:: Multiplex PCR Molecular Identification of Escherichia coli EPEC Isolated from Children Under the Age of 5 Years by Multiplex PCR in Kermanshah [Volume 24, Number 1]
:: Multiplex PCR Survey and Identification of the Tetracycline Resistance Genes Instrains Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli Isolated from Diarrheal Children by Multiplex PCR and Determine Antibiotic Resistance [Volume 24, Number 2]
:: Multiplex-PCR Determining genesSeh, TSST-1, Can and Antibiotic Resistance in Staphylococcus Aureus Strainsisolated Fromclinical Specimens [Volume 24, Number 3]
:: NGF Simultaneous effect of aerobic exercise and nanocurcumin supplementation on the expression of BDNF and NGF genes in rats with brain tumor [Volume 32, Number 2]
:: Nano curcumin supplement Investigating the effectiveness of aerobic exercise along with nano curcumin supplementation in behavioral-motor disorders in rats with a brain tumor [Volume 31, Number 4]
:: Nano zinc oxide Effect of Aerobic Exercise on the Renal Apelin and Nitric Oxide Levels in Male Rats Exposed to Nano Zinc Oxide [Volume 28, Number 6]
:: Nano-photo catalysis Simultaneous Removal of Phenol and Cadmium by using Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles in Nano-Photocatalytic Process UV/TiO2 from Aqueous Solution: A kinetic Study [Volume 24, Number 1]
:: Nanotubes, Phenyl hydrazine, Microwave, Cytotoxicity Evaluation of Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes Cytotoxicity Elements Oxathiazole and Phenyl hydrazine Derivative was prepared by Microwave [Volume 20, Number 5]
:: Naphtalene Study of Adsorption Isotherms and Kinetics of Naphthalene from Aqueous Solutions by Multi -Wall Carbon Nanotubes [Volume 24, Number 1]
:: Natural cycle Heterotopic pregnancy, A case report [Volume 24, Number 1]
:: Negative predictive value An Investigation of the Diagnostic Value of Serum D- Lactate Levels Measurement in Patient Suspected of Having Acute Appendicitis [Volume 24, Number 2]
:: Nerve growth factor Effect of High Intensity Exercise Preconditioning on the Prevention of Myelin damage in Hippocampus of Male C57BL/6 Mice [Volume 27, Number 1]
:: Neural network Stimated Body Fat Percentage using Mechine Learning Techniques [Volume 25, Number 4]
:: Neuromuscular junction and aging The Effect of High-Intensity Exercise Training on Gene Expression of Semaphorin 3A in Extensor Digitorum Longus Muscles of Aged C57bl/6 Mice [Volume 25, Number 1]
:: Nevus Sebaceus of Jadassohn, basal cell carcinoma, scalp Basal Cell Carcinoma Arising From Nevus [Volume 19, Number 3]
:: Newborns Mortality rate of newborns hospitalized in the neonatal intensive care unit of Ayatollah Taleghani Hospital in Ilam from 2018-2019 [Volume 31, Number 4]
:: Nickel (II) Investigation of Biological Removal of Nickel (II) Using the Isolated Bacteria from Industrial Wastewater of Mobarakeh Steel Complex in Isfahan [Volume 27, Number 4]
:: Nitric oxide L-Glutamin-Induced Inhibition of Endotoxemia by Reducing Pre-Inflammatory Cytokines, Nitric Oxide, and CD40 Expression [Volume 28, Number 4]
:: Nitrite Investigation on the Concentration of Nitrate and Nitrite in Ilam ground waters [Volume 22, Number 4]
:: Nitrogen fixation, Plant asparagus, 16s rRNA, Zinc sulfate (ZnSo4) Phylogenetic identification of nitrogen-fixing bacteria isolated from the rhizosphere of asparagus plants using 16s rRNA and the effect of zinc on isolated strains [Volume 20, Number 5]
:: Nociception. GABAB Receptor Agents into Mesencephalic Cuneiformis of Study of the Effect of Intraperitoneal (i.p) Injection on Metabotropic Naloxone Nucleus(Cnf) of Rat [Volume 14, Number 2]
:: Node, Edge, Gene expression networks, Network analysis Network Analysis Methods for Interpreting Complex Phenotypes in Biological Networks [Volume 20, Number 5]
:: Non-adaptive problem solving The Role of Self-regulation Strategies and Self-Control Ability in Explaining of Problem Solving Styles [Volume 23, Number 3]
:: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease Association between ÷Dietary Sources of Fructose and Anthropometric Indices in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: A Case-Control Study [Volume 24, Number 3]
:: Non-athletes Frequency and Association of SNP rs 8111989 in CKMM A/G Gene in Weightlifting Men with Non-Athlete Men [Volume 30, Number 3]
:: Non-coding RNAs Bioinformatic Prediction of Non-Coding Genes related to the Mouse FGF8, NOG, and BMP4 Ectodermal Differentiation Pathway Genes and Mapping of Related Network [Volume 30, Number 1]
:: Normal people Comparative Study of Temperament and Character Dimensions of Personality in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder, Bipolar I Disorder and Normal People [Volume 23, Number 7]
:: Nulliparous women The Effectiveness of Existential Group Psychotherapy on Postpartum Depression in Nulliparous Women [Volume 23, Number 6]
:: Nurse Barriers of Research Performances in the View of Nurses [Volume 15, Number 2]
:: Nurse Relationship between moral intelligence, moral reasoning, and clinical competency among nurses working in teaching hospitals in Ilam [Volume 32, Number 3]
:: Nurses Designing the Pattern of Affective Factors on Job Satisfaction of Nurses (Case Study: State Hospitals of Ilam City) [Volume 23, Number 1]
:: Nystatin The Comparison of Cichorium IntybusL and Matricaria chamomilla L. Hydroalcoholic Extract Effect Composition with one of them Nystatin on the Isolated Candida albicans from Vaginal Infection under Invitro Conditions [Volume 25, Number 6]
:: OGTT, insulin, cold swim str-ess The Survey of Mandatory Cold Swim Stress Insulin in Male Rats on FBS, OGTT and Serum Insulin in Male Rats [Volume 21, Number 1]
:: ORPHEOUS standards Curriculum Audit of the Iranian Anatomy PhD Program according to ORPHEOUS Standards: A European Standard [Volume 26, Number 4]
:: Oak fruit extract The Biosynthesis of Silver Nanoparticles using OAK fruit extract and the investigation of their Anti-microbial Activities against nosocomial infection agents [Volume 22, Number 4]
:: Obese males Effect of High Intensity Interval Training on the Level of Leptin and Liver Enzymes in Obese and Overweight Males [Volume 27, Number 2]
:: Obesity Effects of Linear and Nonlinear Periodized Resistance Training on some of Kidney Functional Parameters in Women with Abdominal Obesity [Volume 27, Number 3]
:: Obesity Effect of Exercise and Kelussia Odaratissma Mozaff on the Expression of Atrogin-1 Gene in Cardiac Tissue of Obese Rats [Volume 29, Number 4]
:: Obesity Oxidative Stress, Cancer and Obesity, Three Complications Threatens Health in Down Syndrome that Are Preventable [Volume 23, Number 1]
:: Obsessive compulsive disorder The Role of Styles of Thinking and Attributional Styles and Optimism and Pessimism in the Prediction of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder [Volume 23, Number 2]
:: Office staff Comparing Results of Musculoskeletal Disorders Evaluation in Computer Users with CMDQ, RULA and ROSA Methods [Volume 23, Number 4]
:: Office workers The Ergonomic assessment of exposure to risk factors that cause musculoskeletal disorders in Office workers by using ROSA [Volume 25, Number 2]
:: Olibanum Evaluation of the Effect of Aqueous Extract of Olibanum on the Expression of FMR1 and MAP1B Genes in the Rat Hippocampus [Volume 27, Number 2]
:: Oliveria decumbens Antiviral Effects of Oliveria decumbens Vent. Extract against Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 [Volume 26, Number 2]
:: Olympic National committee The Effectiveness of Hardiness Components Training on Personnel Burnout of Olympic National Committee of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 23, Number 2]
:: Operating room Effect of Aromatherapy with Lavender Extract on Occupational Stress among Operating Room Staff [Volume 28, Number 2]
:: Opportunistic infections Prevalence of Microsporidia in HIV-infected Patients in Iran: A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review [Volume 28, Number 3]
:: Oral misoprostol, Labor induction, Premature Rupture of Membranes. The comparison of two methods of oral misoprostol and intravenous oxytocin for success of labor induction in premature rupture of membrane [Volume 21, Number 6]
:: Oral pathogen Evaluation of the Combination of Different Concentrations of Ethanolic Extracts of Mint (Menta longifolia) and Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) on Oral Pathogens [Volume 32, Number 4]
:: Organization Identification of the Key Success Factors of Knowledge Management Maturity in Health and Medical Organizations [Volume 28, Number 3]
:: Organophosphate diazinon Effect of Aqueous Extract of Allium Canadense on the Activity of the Inhibited Acetylcholinesterase Enzyme by Organophosphate Diazinon [Volume 30, Number 1]
:: Organs at Risk Evaluation of the Adsorbed Radiation Dose to Critical Regions of Head and Neck During Radiotherapy of Brain Frontal Lobe [Volume 22, Number 7]
:: Oseltamivir Determination of Oseltamivir Resistance Level by an H275Y Genotyping Assay among Influenza A (H1N1) Viruses in Hamadan Province, Iran [Volume 30, Number 3]
:: Osteoporosis, Prevalence, Sex, Age. Prevalence of osteoporosis among above 60 years old subjects referred to Ayatollah Taleghani hospital in Tehran and its relationship with age and sex [Volume 20, Number 5]
:: Ovary Protective Effect of Crocin on Histomorphometry Growth and Atresia of Ovarian Follicles among Laboratory Rats treated with Busulfan [Volume 27, Number 4]
:: Oxidative stress Effect of Aerobic Training and Berberine Chloride Supplementation on Oxidative Stress Indices in the Heart Tissue of Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats [Volume 28, Number 4]
:: Oxidative stress Assessment of malondialdehyde levels and antioxidant enzyme activity in an astaxanthin-treated human neuroblastoma cell line [Volume 32, Number 3]
:: PCR Exploring the Link Between Choline Dehydrogenase Gene Polymorphism (rs12676) and in a Guilanian Infertile Men population [Volume 25, Number 5]
:: PCR A strategic summary of Cutaneous leishmaniasis registration program in Ilam province [Volume 31, Number 6]
:: PCR Detection of Heat-labile Toxin and Evaluation of Antibiotic Resistance in Enterotoxigenic Escherichia Coli Isolated from Samples of Diarrhea in Children below 5 Years Old in Sari [Volume 26, Number 1]
:: PCR-RFLP Investigating the distribution of TCF7L2 (rs7903146) gene polymorphism in type 2 diabetic patients in West of Iran Mazandaran [Volume 26, Number 6]
:: PCR. Comparison phenotypic methods with mecA gene analysis for the detection of methicillin/oxacillin resistance in clinical isolates of staphylococcus aurous in sanandaj city [Volume 22, Number 4]
:: PER Evaluation Frequency of TEM, VEB and Per Gens Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamase Producing of Escherichia coli Strains Isolated from Urinary Tract Infections in Ilam City [Volume 24, Number 1]
:: PFU/ml. The Antiviral Effects of Botany Extract from Marjoram on Proliferation And Replication Herpes Simplex Virus Type I [Volume 16, Number 2]
:: PI3K Effect of Continuous Aerobic Training with Citrus Aurantium L. on Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase and Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinases Gene Expression in the Liver Tissue of the Elderly Rats [Volume 29, Number 6]
:: PINK1 Association of PINK1gene Polymorphism Ala340Thr with Type 2 Diabetes in Sistan and Baluchistan Province [Volume 23, Number 1]
:: Paddy field A Survey on General Health Status of Paddy Field Workers in Mazandaran Province using the GHQ-28 Questionnaire [Volume 29, Number 3]
:: Paediatrics Relationship and Response of Inflammatory Immune and Hormonal Markers to Incremental Exercise in Paediatrics [Volume 24, Number 2]
:: Pain intensity The Effect of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on Muscle Pain in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis [Volume 30, Number 2]
:: Panic symptoms Comparison of the Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Training of Diaphragmatic Respiratory Exercises on Panic Symptoms in Women with Asthma [Volume 29, Number 6]
:: Parental stress Effectiveness of Resilience Training on Reduction of Parental Stress of Autistic Childrens Mothers [Volume 23, Number 4]
:: Parkinson's disease Comparison of the Effect of 6 Weeks of Continuous and Interval Aerobic Training on Hippocampal Nerve Growth Factor and Catalase Enzyme in a Rat Model of Parkinson's Disease [Volume 27, Number 4]
:: Parkinson’s diseas The Effects of Enriched Environment on Substantia nigra Tissue in Parkinson’s Disease Rats with Prenatal Stress [Volume 26, Number 5]
:: Parkinson’s disease The Effect of Compulsory Sports Activities on Substantia Nigra Tissue and Behavioral Tests Induction Parkinsons Model with 6-Hydroxydopamine in Prenatal Stress Rats [Volume 26, Number 6]
:: Patellofemoral joint The Effect of High Heel Shoes on Tibiofemoral and Patellofemoral joint Contact Forces and Muscle Forces [Volume 27, Number 2]
:: Pathogenesis Effects of Pathogenesis Outcomes on Adherence Rate and Gene Toxicity in Helicobacter pylori [Volume 26, Number 5]
:: Patient safety Identifying factors influencing medication non-adherence in HIV-positive patients in Iran using exploratory factor analysis approach [Volume 31, Number 3]
:: Patients. Evaluation of mortality rate with APACHE II scoring system in patients admitted to trauma ICU of Shahid Beheshti Hospital of Qom [Volume 22, Number 2]
:: Payam Noor University. The effect of personality factors on retrieval of autobiographical memory [Volume 22, Number 4]
:: Peak scatter factor Determination of PSF and SP from PDD for Mega Voltage Photon Beam [Volume 25, Number 5]
:: Pear-shaped obesity The Comparison of Lordosis in Apple-Shaped and Pear-Shaped Obesity in 6th Grade, Primary School Girls in District 2 Arak City [Volume 25, Number 4]
:: Pelargonium Study the Antibacterial Effects of Alcoholic Extract of Pelargonium Sp on the Growth of three Bacteria: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Enterococcus faecalis and Multidrug-Resistant E.coli [Volume 26, Number 4]
:: Perception, Health Belief Model, The copper industry employees, Kerman Assessment of Employees' Perceptions Regarding The Safety Culture Based on Health Belief Model (HBM) in Shahid Bahonar Copper Industries Company [Volume 21, Number 4]
:: Performance Evaluation of the Knowledge and Performance of Anesthesia and Operating Room Staff about Fire Sources and Ways to Prevent and Control them in Hospitals Affiliated with Ilam University of Medical Sciences [Volume 30, Number 6]
:: Performance The Effects of Plyometric Training on Performance and the Feed-forward Activation of Calf Muscles in Active Females with Functional Ankle Instability in Single Leg Drop Landing [Volume 25, Number 2]
:: Performance Synthesis of Trimethyl Chitosan Nanoparticles Containing Recombinant BLF1-stxB Protein of Burkholderia Pseudomallei and Evaluation of its Immunogenicity in Mice [Volume 30, Number 6]
:: Performance Assessment of Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Relating to Parasitic Diseases among Pet Owners in Hamadan and Kermanshah, Iran, From 2018 to 2020 [Volume 31, Number 2]
:: Performance evaluation Performance Evaluation of Hospital Strategic Planning Control Elements Based on Balanced Scorecard (BSC) [Volume 30, Number 6]
:: Peripheral nerve injury Effects of Dexamethasone on Regeneration Process after Sciatic Nerve Transect and Acellular Scaffold Graft in a Rat Animal Model [Volume 26, Number 4]
:: Peripheral nerve injury Effect of Two-Week Swimming Training on the Expression of Irisin Protein in Lumbar Spine of Rats with Neuropathic Pain [Volume 26, Number 4]
:: Peroxisome proliferator receptors Evaluation of the Relationship between Peroxisome Proliferator Receptors (PPARα, PPARγ, and PPARδ) Expression and Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA) in Patients with Colorectal Cancer [Volume 30, Number 3]
:: Peroxone Study of the Efficiency of Proxone Method as Advanced Oxidation Process to Remove 4-Chlorophenol from Aqueous Solution [Volume 25, Number 2]
:: Personality Traits Psychometric Properties of Personality Inventory for ICD-11: Adaptation, Reliability, Validity, and Factorial Structure in an Iranian Sample [Volume 31, Number 2]
:: Personality disorders Examine the Relation of Simple and Multiple Alexithymia, Negative Affect Trauma and Personality Disorder with Somatization Symptom in Nurses of Ahvaz hospitals [Volume 23, Number 3]
:: Pets Alexithymia in adolescents with and without pets during the Covid-19 pandemic [Volume 32, Number 5]
:: Phenol Evaluation of Antioxidant Activity, Phenolic, and Flavonoid Content of Tussilago farfara L. in Different Altitudes and Phenological Stages [Volume 30, Number 4]
:: Phenomenology Analysis of Personality and Lifestyle in Slow-Paced Adults with Down Syndrome with and without Alzheimer's Disorder [Volume 32, Number 3]
:: Phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase Effect of High-Intensity Interval Training following Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury in Heart on Hand 2 and Phosphatidylinositol-3-Kinase Genes in Male Rats [Volume 28, Number 4]
:: Physical Fitness of The Children Infected With Cerebral Paralysis Through A work-group of Physical Fitness of The Children Infected With Cerebral Paralysis Through A work-group of [Volume 17, Number 3]
:: Physical activity The Relationship between Mental Health and Life Quality in Cancer Patients in Ilam Province in 1393 [Volume 25, Number 2]
:: Physical activity Correlation between Physical Activity Levels and Dietary Patterns with Hypertension in Elderly Women with Metabolic Syndrome [Volume 27, Number 4]
:: Physical activity Effect of PETTLEP Imagery and Physical Training on the Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor and Memory Function in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis [Volume 28, Number 6]
:: Physical violence, Pregnancy, Consequences A Survey on Physical Violence during Pregnancy [Volume 20, Number 3]
:: Physician prescriptions Evaluation of the Patients’ Conditions with Respiratory Tract Infections and Interventions to Prevent Taking Antibiotics in these Patients [Volume 31, Number 1]
:: Physicochemical properties Efficacy Evaluation of Quercetin and Its Analogues on the Main Protease Enzyme of the COVID-19 Using Molecular Docking Studies [Volume 30, Number 4]
:: Physiological parameter Investigating the Role of Individual Sensitivity in the Effects of Low-Frequency Noise(LFN) on Physiological Parameters of the Students of Hamedan University of Medical Sciences [Volume 26, Number 6]
:: Phytochemical compounds Investigation of Phytochemical Compounds, antioxidant Potential and the Antimicrobial Effect of Bergamot Essential Oil on some Pathogenic Strains Causing Infection Invitro [Volume 26, Number 6]
:: Pilates, body composition, flexibility, non-athletic women The Effect of Pilates Exercises on the Body Composition and Flexibility of Non-athletic Women [Volume 21, Number 6]
:: Pistacia lentiscus L Determination of Antibacterial Activity of Pistacia lentiscus Methanolic Extract on Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus sanguis , Pseudomonas aeruginosa [Volume 22, Number 7]
:: Plant extract Antimicrobial Effects of Aqueous-Alcoholic Extract of Artemisia Turanica against Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA): An in vitro Study [Volume 30, Number 2]
:: Plantar pressure A comparison of plantar pressure variables and muscular frequency content between individuals with anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction and pronated feet and healthy controls [Volume 32, Number 3]
:: Plasmid profile and E.coli A Study of Antibiotic Resistance Pattern and Plasmid Profile of Uropathogenic Escherichia coli Isolated in Ilam(western Iran) [Volume 17, Number 2]
:: Plyometric exercises The Effects of 500 Ml low-fat Milk on Serum Level Muscle Damage Indices following one Session of Plyometric Exercise [Volume 23, Number 6]
:: Poisson regression Studying the Influential Factors of Children Ever Born of Migrant Women to Tehran [Volume 25, Number 6]
:: Pollutant Design and Invention of Semiautomatic Weld Mask Capable to Protect Visual and Respiratory Systems Against Metal Vapour and Radiations Caused by Welding [Volume 15, Number 2]
:: Polyclonal antibody Prodution of Polyclonal Antibody Against Giardia Lamblia in Rabbit [Volume 14, Number 4]
:: Polycystic ovarian syndrome Investigation of the Effect of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome on the Expression of the Sirtuin-3 Gene in the Ovum of the NMRI Mice [Volume 30, Number 1]
:: Polycystic ovary syndrome Association of Exon 1 Variants of NOEY2 Gene with Poly cystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and Diabetes [Volume 30, Number 4]
:: Polymorphism Association of KISS1R gene polymorphism (rs397515615) with idiopathic female infertility in the northern of Iran [Volume 32, Number 4]
:: Polymorphism Investigation of the Association between Rs13075270 and Rs13092160 Polymorphisms of CCR1 and CCR3 Genes with Behcet’s Disease [Volume 27, Number 1]
:: Polymorphism Association of UCP2 45bp ins/del Gene Polymorphism with Idiopathic Male Infertility [Volume 26, Number 5]
:: Positive parenting Comparison of the Effectiveness of Positive Parenting Program Training and Acceptance and Commitment based Parenting Training on Mothers' Aggression and Symptoms of Oppositional Defiant Disorder in Children [Volume 28, Number 1]
:: Post- Operation Pain. A Study on Efficacy of Pethidine Hydrochloride and Diclofenac Sodium Diclen) on Pain Severity after Cesarean Section [Volume 14, Number 4]
:: Posture Comparison of pain, as well as the condition of the cervical and dorsal spine, in patients with idiopathic and secondary frozen shoulder syndrome [Volume 32, Number 3]
:: Prediabetic State Investigating the effect of green coffee and chlorogenic acid on the mechanism of muscle glycogen content in prediabetic C57BL/6 mice [Volume 31, Number 4]
:: Prediction Prediction of Cardiovascular Diseases Using an Optimized Artificial Neural Network [Volume 27, Number 5]
:: Prediction model A Proposed Model to Identify Factors Affecting Asthma using Data Mining [Volume 27, Number 1]
:: Predictivemodel Study of Effective Factors on Prediction of Mental Disorder in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Patients Based on Logestic Regression [Volume 24, Number 1]
:: Preeclampsia Association between Catalase Gene (CAT-262 C/T) Polymorphism and Preeclampsia in the South of Iran [Volume 28, Number 2]
:: Preeclampsia, Helicobacter pylori , infection relationship btween helicobacter pylory and preeclampsia in women pregnant refer to shahyd mostafa khominy ilam town [Volume 21, Number 5]
:: Preimplantation Spent Blastocyst Medium Evaluating the expression of miRNAs in the culture medium of human embryos with normal sex chromosomes and embryos with an X sex chromosome (Turner syndrome) [Volume 31, Number 4]
:: Prevalence A cross-sectional study of the Prevalence of needle stick and its related factors Among the staff of Kowsar Hospital in Semnan during 2014-2018 [Volume 31, Number 4]
:: Prevalence Prevalence of Parent Abuse in High School Boy Students during the Coronavirus Pandemic [Volume 31, Number 6]
:: Preventive behavior Effectiveness of educational intervention on behavioral promotion in health care workers of Ilam province regarding injury prevention in2012. [Volume 22, Number 2]
:: Pro-apoptotic genes Combined Effect of Aerobic Exercise and Crocin Supplementation on the Prevention of Myocardial Tissue Cell Death in Male Wistar Rats [Volume 30, Number 5]
:: Probiotic Cytotoxicity Effect of Bifidobacterium bifidum probiotic Cell Extract and supernatants on Adenocarcinoma gastric Cancer Cell Line and Analysis of some Apoptosis Genes Expression [Volume 32, Number 5]
:: Probiotic yogurt Evaluation of Lactobacillus rhamnosus Effect on the Aflatoxin M1 Reduction in Probiotic Yogurt [Volume 24, Number 5]
:: Probiotic yogurt [Volume 25, Number 2]
:: Problem solving Development of a multimedia training program and evaluation of its effectiveness on problem solving in children with neurodevelopmental disorders [Volume 31, Number 5]
:: Processing A comparison between microwave-assisted and conventional methods in processing histological sections [Volume 22, Number 3]
:: Professional Ethics Spiritual Intelligence Effect of Spiritual Intelligence on Organizational Commitment according to Professional Ethics Mediator in a Health Center in Ilam, Iran [Volume 28, Number 2]
:: Prognosis Relationship of Peripheral Blood Platelet to Lymphocyte Ratio with the Severity of Coronary Disease in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome in Taleghani Hospital, Urmia, Iran [Volume 29, Number 1]
:: Prognostic factors Evaluation of Biologic Markers Frequency and Their Correlation with Some Determinant Prognostic Factors in Women with Breast Cancer Referred to Oncology Clinic of Imam Sajjad Hospital of Ramsar during 2002-2012 [Volume 22, Number 7]
:: Propolis Effect of Yellow Plant Aloevera and Alcoholic Extract of Propolison Improving Diabetic Rat Ulcers [Volume 24, Number 1]
:: Prostate Cancer Association of polymorphism rs1859962 with prostate cancer in Iranian men [Volume 31, Number 5]
:: Prostate cancer The Analysis of HDAC1 Gene Expression Alteration in Patients with Prostate Cancer [Volume 24, Number 6]
:: Prostate-specific antigen Effect of Finasteride on PSA and Histopathological Results in Patients Undergoing Prostate Biopsy [Volume 30, Number 5]
:: Protection motivation theory Effectiveness of Group Training Based on Protection Motivation Theory in the Lifestyle, Negative Thoughts, and Dysfunctional Attitudes of Depressed People [Volume 32, Number 3]
:: Protein-protein interaction network Drug repurposing for breast cancer treatment using bioinformatics approach [Volume 32, Number 3]
:: Proteomics, Principal components analysis, Astrocytes Application of Non Linear Statistics (Principal Component Analysis) in Data Analysis of Differentiation Stem Cell to Astrocyte [Volume 20, Number 5]
:: Proteomics, kidney, glomerular disease, biomarker Application of Proteomics to Identify the Biomarkers of Glomerular Diseases [Volume 21, Number 7]
:: Protoscolicidal A comparative study on the scolicidal effect of amino-bromophenylcoumarin and amino-hydroxyphenylcoumarin on hydatid cyst protoscolexes in vitro [Volume 31, Number 4]
:: Pseudomonas Synergistic Effect of Silver Nanoparticles and Streptomycin Antibiotic on the MexX Gene Expression of Pump Efflux System in Drug-Resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa Strains [Volume 30, Number 2]
:: Pseudomonas aeruginosa Effect of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles on the Pigment Production of Clinical Isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa [Volume 24, Number 6]
:: Psycho somatic symptoms Job Stressors as Predictors of Psychosomatic Symptoms [Volume 23, Number 1]
:: Psychological Capital Investigation of the structural model of organizational commitment, job stress, psychological capital, and job burnout among nurses in Kermanshah in 2021 [Volume 31, Number 4]
:: Psychological Inflexibility Structural Relationships of Psychological Inflexibility and Parental Psychopathological Features on Children's Asthma Symptoms in Khorramabad, Iran: Mediating Role of Children's Anxiety [Volume 29, Number 1]
:: Psychometric properties The Psychometric Properties of the Adult Separation Anxiety Questionnaire among Students of University [Volume 25, Number 6]
:: Psychosomatic disorder Role of Experiential Avoidance and Alexithymia in the Prediction of Psychosomatic Disorder among the Employees at National Iranian South Oil Company [Volume 30, Number 2]
:: Psychotic patients The Effectiveness of Family Psychoeducation (Atkinson and Coia Model) on Mental Health Family Members of Patients with Psychosis [Volume 24, Number 1]
:: Psychotropic substance abuse Effect of Educational Intervention based on the Theory of Planned Behavior on the Prevention of Psychotropic Substance Abuse among High School Female Students in Ilam, Iran, during 2018 [Volume 28, Number 6]
:: Puberty The Effect of Prenatal Exposures to Chronic Heterogeneous Stress on Anxiety-Like Behaviors in Adult Male Offspring in Rats [Volume 24, Number 3]
:: Puberty Knowledge, Attitude and Performance of K-9 Girl Students of Ilam City toward Puberty Health in 2013-14 [Volume 24, Number 1]
:: Pulmonary TB, non-pulmonary TB, Ilam Trends And Some Risk Factors for Incidence of [Volume 19, Number 3]
:: Pulmonary fibrosis, MMP-2 expression, bleomycin The investigation of MMP-2 protein expression in lung fibrosis induced by bleomycin in mice [Volume 21, Number 7]
:: Pulmonary function Investigation of the Factors Related to Pulmonary Function Decline among Patients with Severe Respiratory Allergy to Mites in Gorgan, Iran [Volume 31, Number 1]
:: Pulmonary index Investigation of the Relationship of Pulmonary Indicators with Quality of Life and Mental Health of Workers and the Role of Physical Activity on These Indicators: A Case Study in Cement and Tile Factory, Yazd, Iran, during 2020 [Volume 28, Number 3]
:: Pvl Identification Sec, Hla, Pvl and Tsst-1 Toxins Genes Profile in of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Clinical Isolates [Volume 24, Number 4]
:: Qualitative research Explaining the Effective Dimensions and Components for Community-Based Medical Education from the Perspective of Family Physicians of Ilam University of Medical Sciences: A Qualitative Study [Volume 30, Number 2]
:: Quality The Relationship Between Perceived Quality of Service by Patients and Job Burnout of Nurses in Shahid Mostafa Khomeini Hospital in Ilam [Volume 23, Number 2]
:: Quality of Life Efficacy of Dialectical Behavior Therapy on Emotion Regulation and Quality of Life among Women with Borderline Personality Disorder in Shahr-e-Kord, Iran, in 2015 [Volume 26, Number 3]
:: Quality of Life, Blind War Veterans, Rasch Model, Longitudinal Latent Regression Model Title: Application of Longitudinal Latent Regression Model (LLRM) for evaluating the Quality of Life (QoL) in Blind War Veterans [Volume 20, Number 5]
:: Quality of life Effectiveness of Compassion-Focused Therapy on Blood Pressure and Quality of Life in Women with Hypertension [Volume 27, Number 1]
:: Quality of life The Effectiveness of Logotherapy on Quality of Life among MS Patients in Shahrekord [Volume 23, Number 5]
:: Quality of life Comparison of the Effects of two Interventional Programs of Group Cognitive Therapy with Group Islamic-based spiritual Intervention in Palliative care on Quality of life, Anxiety, and Depression in patients with Breast Cancer [Volume 28, Number 3]
:: Quality of life Relationship between Job Burnout and Quality of Life in Nurses of Intensive Care Units during the COVID-19 Pandemic [Volume 31, Number 2]
:: Quality of life Effect of fatigue on balance, motor function, lower limb strength, and quality of life of the two groups of elderly people at home and in a nursing home [Volume 31, Number 6]
:: Quality of life. Comparison the quality of life in patients with diabetes type 2 and non-diabetic individuals [Volume 22, Number 5]
:: Quorum sensing Isolation of Klebsiella Species form Urinary Tract Infections and Study of Frequency of those LuxS Gene [Volume 23, Number 6]
:: RAPD-PCR Genomic Polymorphism of Trichophyton Rubrum Isolated from Keratinized Clinical Sources using the RAPD-PCR Method [Volume 29, Number 1]
:: RIA A Study on Relationship Between Tuberculosis And Vitamin D3 Deficiency Among Hospitalized Patientsin Razi Hospital, Ahwaz–Iran(2004-2005) [Volume 16, Number 2]
:: Rabbit Pyrogenic Test. Assessment of Brucella Abortus Lipopolysaccharide [Volume 15, Number 2]
:: Radiology Comparison of Three Cross Pin with 4 Pin Trans Radioulnar Methods in the Treatment of Unstable Distal Radius Fractures using Radiographic Results [Volume 27, Number 4]
:: Radionuclide Calculation of the Damage Induced by Radionuclide 125I at Different Intervals from the DNA Central Axis based on an Atomic Model using the Geant4-DNA Toolkit [Volume 28, Number 5]
:: Range of motion Comparison between the Short Term and Durability Effects of Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Exercise and Instrument Assisted soft Tissue Mobilization Technique on Ankle-Dorsiflexion Range of Motion [Volume 27, Number 1]
:: Rat Systemic Transplantation Effect of Human Adipose Tissue Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells on Cognitive Deficits and Hippocampal Antioxidant Capacity in Trimethyltin Model of Alzheimer's Disease [Volume 29, Number 5]
:: Rat The Effects of Hydro- alcoholic Extract of Stachys Lavandulifolia Vahl on the Hormonal Pituitary-Gonad Axis and Testis Tissue Changes in Adult Male Rat [Volume 24, Number 6]
:: Rat Involvement of Dorsal Hippocampal Muscarinic Cholinergic Receptors of CA1 Area on Anxiety Induced by Iron Oxide Nanoparticles in Adult Male Rats [Volume 27, Number 2]
:: Rat The Effect of Endurance Exercise Training and Atorvastatin on VEGF in Rat Following Experimental Myocardial Infarction [Volume 24, Number 4]
:: Rat The protective effects of zinc on malathion-induced acute oxidative injury in ‎‎blood rats ‎ [Volume 22, Number 4]
:: Rat Study of Histological and Histometrical Changes of the Placenta after Administration of Milfoil (Achillea wilhemsii) Hydroalcholic Extract in Rat [Volume 25, Number 4]
:: Rat The Effect of Ethanolic Extracts of Petroselinum crispum Leaves on Histopathological and Activity of Liver Enzymes in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats [Volume 23, Number 7]
:: Rat The Protective Effect of Royal Jelly on Testicular Histomorphometry and Spermatogenesis in Heat-Stress Exposed Male Rats [Volume 26, Number 6]
:: Rat 17-β estradiol Attenuated Hippocampus Oxidative Stress in an Ethidium Bromide-Induced Multiple Sclerosis Model among Adult Male Rats [Volume 26, Number 6]
:: Rat Effect of Magnesium Oxide Nanoparticles on Oxidative Stress Parameters to Treat Alzheimer's Disease in Adult Male Wistar Rats [Volume 30, Number 5]
:: Rat Induction of Anti-inflammatory Functions in Peripheral Blood Monocytes by Dopamine in Vitro [Volume 32, Number 2]
:: Rat Effects of Using Lipsticks with any Lead Content on the BRCA1 Gene Mutations [Volume 27, Number 2]
:: Rat Effect of Endurance Training on the Expression of the Muscle Fibronectin Type III Domain-Containing Protein 5 and CTRP15 Levels in the Male Rats [Volume 28, Number 1]
:: Rat Effect of Root Kudzu on Caspease-3 Activity by Immunohistochemy Method in the Testis in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats [Volume 24, Number 2]
:: Rat Histological Evaluation of the Effect of Cucurbita pepo L. fruit on Seminiferous Tubules induced by Ethanol Administration in Rats [Volume 26, Number 5]
:: Rat Effect of Hydroalcoholic Extract of Apium graveolens on Semen Quality and Spermatogenesis in Subchronic Toxicity by Diazinon in Rats [Volume 26, Number 5]
:: Rat Correlation of Serum Lipids Profile with Anatomical and Histomorphometrical Parameters of the Testes in the Rat [Volume 24, Number 3]
:: Rat Effect of Ammoniphilus oxalaticus DIM Bacterium on Reducing the Risk of Hyperixaluria Induced by Ammonium Oxalate in Wistar Rat [Volume 23, Number 6]
:: Rat The Efficacity of Abelmoschus esculentus Fruit on Insulin Control in Diabetic Male Wistar Rats [Volume 24, Number 1]
:: Rat Effect of Zinc Sulfate on Oxidative Stress Indices of Ovarian Tissue in Streptozotocin Induced Diabetic rats [Volume 26, Number 6]
:: Rat Study of Protective Role of Vitamins E and C in Reduction of Diazinon-Oxidative Stress in Rat Kidney [Volume 23, Number 3]
:: Rat Investigation the Effect of Valproate on Locomotor Activity, Balance, Lipid Profile, and Serum Biochemical Parameters before Sexual Maturity in Rat [Volume 27, Number 1]
:: Rat Evaluation of the Effects of Co-administration of Humulus lupulus hydroalcoholic Extract with Ketamine on Anesthetic Parameters in Male Rat [Volume 25, Number 5]
:: Rat Topical Effects of Aloevera and Propolis on Open Wound Healing in Male Rats [Volume 23, Number 4]
:: Rat. The effect of berberine chloride on oxidative stress in hippocampus of streptozotocin-diabetic rats [Volume 22, Number 4]
:: Rats The Effect of resistance training on GLUT4 expression in muscle tissue, glucose and insulin resistance in rats [Volume 26, Number 6]
:: Rats Antioxidant Activity of Glycyrrhiza glabra L. Extract and Protective Effect of its Leaf Extract on Ethanol-Induced Nephrotoxicity in Male Rats [Volume 26, Number 4]
:: Rats. Study of amygdalus lycioides root extract on blood glucose concentration in intact and diabetic rats [Volume 22, Number 2]
:: Readmission Factors Affecting Readmission in Patients Undergoing Coronary Artery bypasses Surgery at Tehran Heart Center [Volume 26, Number 5]
:: Real Time PCR BIF-1 Relative Gene Expression Study in Breast Cancer Tumor and Normal Adjacent Tissues using Real Time PCR [Volume 25, Number 3]
:: Real-time (RT)-PCR technique Evaluation of Grapefruit Juice in terms of Interleukin 18 Gene Expression in Rats with Fatty Liver and Healthy Rats [Volume 29, Number 4]
:: Recombinant protein, binding domain of tetanus toxin (THc), B subnnit of heat labile toxin (LTB), antibody titer, im-mune memory Evaluating and Comparing Immunization Level of the Recombinant Proteins, Binding Domain of Tetanus Neurotoxin and B Subnnit of Heat Labile Toxin of Escherichia coli, and their Relation to Immunological Memory [Volume 21, Number 7]
:: Recombinant vaccine Evaluation of Immune Responses Induced by Co-administration of Recombinant NP-based Influenza H1N1 Vaccine and Hemokinin-1 Adjuvant in BALB/c Mice [Volume 27, Number 5]
:: Recurrent miscarriage Study of Micro RNA(miR-23a-3p) expression level in maternal plasma of women with early Recurrent miscarriage (RM) and Recurrent Implantation Failure(RIF) [Volume 31, Number 5]
:: Recurrent pregnancy loss Analysis of Missense Mutations of CX3CR1 Gene in Patients with Recurrent Pregnancy Loss Using Bioinformatics Tools [Volume 30, Number 3]
:: Refractory temporal lobe epilepsy Evaluating the Effectiveness of Medication Plus Neurofeedback on Decrement of Severity of Epileptic Symptoms in Two Patients with Refractory Left Temporal Lobe Epilepsy in Isfahan [Volume 25, Number 2]
:: Reinforcement sensitivity theory The Role of Brain-Behavioral Systems in Internet Addiction: With Regard to Revised Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory [Volume 24, Number 2]
:: Rejection Comparison between the efficacy and safety of de novo Everolimus plus low dose Cyclosporin protocol and standard regimen (Cyclosporine plus Cellcept) in renal transplant patients [Volume 32, Number 1]
:: Rejection Serological study of the frequency of human herpesvirus-8 in patients with liver cirrhosis [Volume 32, Number 1]
:: Relational capital Assessment of Intellectual Capital Condition in Ilam University of Medical Sciences [Volume 26, Number 5]
:: Reliability Development and Psychometric Assessment of Nutritional Preventive Treatment of osteoporosis in women based on protection motivation theory [Volume 25, Number 4]
:: Reliability Validation of likert form Death Depression Scale in an university students samples [Volume 24, Number 1]
:: Removal Efficiency. Survey on the Performance of Ilam Wastewater Treatment Plant in the Removal of Coliform, Fecal Coliforms and other Parameters Effected on Water Quality [Volume 22, Number 1]
:: Renal function Determination of Toxicity Impacts of Copper on Serum Parameters Related to Renal Functions in Wistar Male Rats [Volume 23, Number 2]
:: Renal of corpuscular Studying the Effects of Nanoparticle Cu on Function and Tissue Kidney in Wistar Rat [Volume 23, Number 7]
:: Reproductive age Urinary Incontinence and its Predisposing Factors in Reproductive Age Women [Volume 25, Number 6]
:: Research ethics A Survey on the Observance rate of Research Ethics Principles in Approved Proposals at Ilam University of Medical Sciences, Ilam, Iran [Volume 29, Number 3]
:: Resilience Predicting psychological well-being based on resilience and personality type D in cancer patients [Volume 31, Number 6]
:: Resilience Effectiveness of Dialectical Behavior Therapy on Social Problem-Solving, Difficulty in Emotion Regulation, Impulsiveness, and Resilience in Suicide Attempts in Ilam Province, Iran [Volume 32, Number 4]
:: Resilience Comparison of the Effectiveness of Emotion Regulation Method Based on Gross Model and Muscle Relaxation Technique on Perceived Stress, Anxiety, and Resilience in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease [Volume 30, Number 4]
:: Resistance Index Color Doppler Analysis of Vertebral Arteries in Healthy Elders [Volume 14, Number 4]
:: Respiratory disorders Comparison of breath quality in COVID-19 patients with kyphosis and without kyphosis [Volume 31, Number 3]
:: Respiratory indices Comparing Effect of General and Epidural Anesthesia on Intra and Postoperative Respiratory Indices in Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy Surgery [Volume 24, Number 4]
:: Responding to treatment The Comparison of Coping Strategies and Psychological Hardiness between Parents of Children with Cancer of Positive and Negative Responding to Treatment [Volume 24, Number 6]
:: Resveratrol Investigating the therapeutic effect of doxorubicin and resveratrol on MCF7 breast cancer cells [Volume 31, Number 3]
:: Resvin The Effect of Short-Term Resvin Supplementation on C-reactive Protein in Elite Women Volleyball Players [Volume 23, Number 7]
:: Reverse Osmosis Investigation on the Microbial Quality of Water Treatment centers in Abadan City [Volume 22, Number 4]
:: Review, scabies, contamination, related factors, sarcopet Scabies contamination and its related factors in Iran : A review [Volume 21, Number 7]
:: Rhodopsin Investigating the effect of Ciprofloxacin on rhodopsin protein structure using the molecular docking calculation method [Volume 31, Number 4]
:: Rhus coriaria. A Study on The Effects of Rhus Coriaria (Somac) on LDL Cholesterol Level Compared with Lovastatin [Volume 17, Number 3]
:: Risk Prioritization and Analysis of Factors Affecting the Occupational Health of Farmers: A Case Study of Gardeners in Ilam Province, Iran [Volume 29, Number 2]
:: Risk Assessment Identification of Hazards and Risk Assessment among Various Units of Ilam Gas Refinery using the Integrated Approach of Bow-tie and FMEA Methods [Volume 29, Number 2]
:: Risk factor Prevalence and Causes of Chronic Kidney Disease in Patients Referred to the Nephrology Clinic in Ilam [Volume 31, Number 1]
:: Risk factors Investigating the Factors Influencing Breast Lumps in Women Referring to Health Centers in Aran and Bidgol [Volume 25, Number 1]
:: Risk factors The Effect of 10 Weeks Resistance and Aerobic Training on Inflammatory Cytokines in Sedentary Overweight Men [Volume 23, Number 5]
:: Risk factors Prevalence and Factors Associated with Suicidal Ideation in General population of Shiraz, 2017 [Volume 27, Number 3]
:: Risk factors Comparison of Emotion Regulation Problems in Mild Traumatic brain Injured Patients and Normal People [Volume 23, Number 7]
:: Root canal Antimicrobial effect of diode laser irradiation on the reduction of Candida albicans in the root canal [Volume 32, Number 2]
:: Root canals Investigation of the Number of Root Canals in Mandibular Molars and Premolars Teeth in Ilam in 2020 [Volume 29, Number 5]
:: Rs3746444 Association between Polymorphism rs3746444 (A/G) Mir-499 and Ovarian Cancer in Iranian Female Population [Volume 28, Number 1]
:: SCC Comparison of E- cadherin and CD44 Marker Expression in Oral Lichen Planus, Oral Leukoplakia, and Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma [Volume 30, Number 5]
:: SHV-1 The Prevalence of SHV and SHV-1 Type of Extended-Spectrum-Betalactamase Genes in Escherichia coli Strains Isolated from Urine Samples of Patients Referring to Health Centers of Sanandaj [Volume 25, Number 2]
:: SNP Polymorphism Association of Rs13476 Polymorphism in lncRNA GAS5 Encoding Gene with Type 2 Diabetes in Isfahan, Iran [Volume 29, Number 1]
:: SPAR-H Investigation of the Occupational Hygiene Errors in the Tasks of Overhead Crane Operator Using Standardized Plant Analysis Riskhuman Reliability Analysis Technique in One Steel Industry [Volume 29, Number 4]
:: SREBP-1c Effect of aerobic training and capsaicin on the expression of lipogenic genes SREBP-1c and FASN in liver tissue of obese rats [Volume 32, Number 2]
:: STxB Comparison of the Titers of Produced Antibodies against BLF1 and BLF1-STxB Recombinant Proteins in Laboratory Rats [Volume 26, Number 6]
:: Saffron extract The Protective Effects of Saffron Extract "Crocus sativus'' on Oxidative Stress Reduction in Male Rats with Parkinson’s Disease [Volume 27, Number 2]
:: Safranal Investigating the effect of iron oxide nanoparticles coated with glucose and conjugated with safranal on the survival and expression of some genes related to cell death in liver cancer cells [Volume 32, Number 5]
:: Salmonella typhi, molecular detection, PCR, food Molecular Detection of Salmonella typhi in FoodSamples by PCR Using invA Gene [Volume 20, Number 1]
:: Salmonella typhimurium Effect of Lactobacillus Casei on Hematological and Histopathological Factors in Rats Infected with Salmonella typhimurium [Volume 27, Number 1]
:: Sanandaj Survey of relationship between PM10 and plate count heterotrophic microorganisms in the air and dust particles in sanandaj 2012-2013 [Volume 22, Number 3]
:: Sarpol-e-zahab Epidemiologic and Clinical Qualities of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in Primary School Students in Sarpol-e Zahab town, Western Iran [Volume 26, Number 2]
:: Satureja sahendica Bornm The effect of Satureja sahendica Bornm essential oil on the expression of metalloproteases1, 2, 9 and 13 in bovine fibroblast - like syniviocytes [Volume 31, Number 5]
:: Scapula control Study of the Persistence Effect of two Exercises Controlling the Scapula and Corrective Movements on Neck Pain and Angle of Head in Males with forward Head [Volume 27, Number 1]
:: Scapular rhythm Comparison of the Effect of Codman Exercises and Scapular Rhythm on Pain and External Rotation of Shoulder in Women with Frozen Shoulder Syndrome [Volume 29, Number 6]
:: Schizophrenic Patients Effects of Home Psychiatric Nursing Care in Treatment of Schizophrenic Patients [Volume 15, Number 2]
:: Scopus Citation Database. A Review of Scientific Products of Ilam University of Medical Sciences from 2001 to 2018 at the Scopus Database: A Descriptive Study [Volume 29, Number 2]
:: Scrophularia striata; Antimicrobial Effects Staphylococcus aureus; Human Fibroblast Cell line, Tetracycline The Study of Antibiotic Properties of Scrophularia Striata Aqueous Extract on Staphylococcus aureus [Volume 20, Number 5]
:: Secondary metabolites Optimization of Production Conditions of Natural Antibacterial Violacin Pigment from Janthinobacterium lividum [Volume 30, Number 3]
:: Seizure Effect of Salix Alba Leaves Hydro-Alcoholic Extract on PTZ-Induced Seizure in Male Mice [Volume 30, Number 5]
:: Seizure Effect of Seizure on the Rate of Depression in Pregnant Mice Treated with Pentylenetetrazol [Volume 27, Number 1]
:: Self Efficacy The effect of companion training based on Bandura's theory on maternal self-efficacy during childbirth in Mashhad, 2018 [Volume 31, Number 5]
:: Self-care dimension The Status of Self-Care Behaviors in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes in the City of Ilam in 2014 [Volume 24, Number 2]
:: Self-efficacy Effectiveness of Teaching Concepts of Reality Therapy on Parent-Child Conflicts and Self-Efficacy in Male Adolescents [Volume 23, Number 6]
:: Self-efficacy Effectiveness of a Proposed Discharge Plan on Self-Efficacy among Patients Underwent Cardiac Valve Replacement [Volume 27, Number 6]
:: Self-efficacy Effect of online gamification on learning lung diseases and self-efficacy (Policy Brief) [Volume 32, Number 5]
:: Self-medication Survey of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Ilam Pregnant Women Towards Arbitrary use of Drugs in Pregnancy, 2013 [Volume 23, Number 7]
:: Sense of coherence Predicting the meaning of life based on the sense of coherence and defense mechanisms with the mediation of perceived stress in women with breast cancer [Volume 32, Number 1]
:: Serotonergic pathway Evaluation of the Association of Htr2a Gene Rs6313 Polymorphism with Heroin Dependence in a Sample from Northwest Iran [Volume 29, Number 4]
:: Serum The Evaluation of Serum Selenium Concentration in Children with Febrile Convulsion [Volume 24, Number 4]
:: Serum antioxidant activity The Study of Protective Effect of Eugenol on Dyslipidemia Caused by Metabolic Syndrome and Serum Antioxidant Status in Male Rat Model [Volume 27, Number 3]
:: Severity of rheumatoid arthritis Evaluation of the Severity of Rheumatoid Arthritis based on Blood Sedimentation Rate and Sensitive Joints using a Longitudinal Model [Volume 28, Number 3]
:: Shear stress Numerical Analysis of Gravitational Effects on the Blood Flow in Cerebral Arteries Using Computed Tomography Angiography Images: A Case Study of a Healthy Male [Volume 27, Number 6]
:: Shiraz Self-Efficacy and Health Promoting Behaviors among Women of Reproductive Ages in Shiraz During 2013 [Volume 24, Number 2]
:: Shiraz Investigating the Level of Nervousness among Female Students in Shiraz University of Medical Sciences in 1390 [Volume 22, Number 4]
:: Shuttle box Effect of Fennel Extract on the Improvement of Memory Disorders in Beta Amyloid Alzheimer Model of Male Wistar Rats [Volume 27, Number 1]
:: Siderophore Evaluation of the Frequency of the Uropathogenic Escherichia coli Genotypes Resistant to Multidrug using the iucA, iucB, iucC, and iucD Siderophore Genes [Volume 29, Number 2]
:: Siderophore Phylogenetic Characterization oF Endophytic Bacterium Pseudomonas Protegens with Antagonistic Ability Isolated From privet [Volume 26, Number 4]
:: Silver nanoparticle The Inhibitory Effects of Silver Nanoparticles on Bap Gene Expression in Antibiotic-Resistant Acientobacter bumanni Isolates using Real-Time PCR [Volume 26, Number 4]
:: Silver nanoparticles Phytochemical Study and Comparison of Antioxidant Potential and Phenolic Content of Different Solvent Extract of Flaxseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) and Biosynthesis of Gold and Silver Nanoparticles using its Extract [Volume 29, Number 1]
:: Silver nanoparticles Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles using Methanol Extract of Bunium Persicum and the Evaluation of its Cytotoxic, Antileishmanial, and Antimicrobial Activities [Volume 30, Number 6]
:: Silver nanoparticles Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles using aqueous seed extract of Cuminum cyminum L. and evaluation of their biological activities [Volume 26, Number 5]
:: Silymarin Silymarin Effect on Mitophagy Pathway in the Human Colon Cancer HT-29 Cells [Volume 30, Number 5]
:: Single girls Care Pressure Arising from Caring for Elderly Parents among Single Girls in Ilam [Volume 30, Number 6]
:: Single nucleotide polymorphism Association Study of Polymorphisms in the LEP Gene with Breast Cancer Risk [Volume 32, Number 4]
:: Sirtuin-3 Effect of Continuous Exercise Training on Protein Levels of SIRT3 and OGG1 in the Liver Tissue of Male Wistar Rats [Volume 27, Number 5]
:: Skin Molecular Identification and Drug Susceptibility of Candida Species Isolated from the Skin of Patients with Acne Clinical Sings [Volume 27, Number 2]
:: Sleep habits Study of sleep habits and their effective factors in children admitted to Amirkabir Hospital, Arak [Volume 31, Number 3]
:: Sleep quality Association between Demographic Characteristics and Sleep Quality of Elderly Patients with Coronary Artery Disease Hospitalized in Imam Ali Hospital during 2018 [Volume 28, Number 1]
:: Sleep quality The Effect of Neuro Feedback Training on Improving Sleep Quality of Patient with Insomnia [Volume 23, Number 4]
:: Smoking Comparison of Nucleus and Cytoplasm Diameter of Buccal Mucosa Cells in Cigarette Smokers and Nonsmokers: A Cytomorphometric Study using Feulgen and Papanicolaou Stains [Volume 30, Number 6]
:: Snake venom Evaluation of Anti-Cancer Effects of Caspian Cobra (Naja naja oxiana) Snake Venom in Comparison with Doxorubicin in HeLa Cancer Cell Line and Normal HFF Fibroblast [Volume 29, Number 6]
:: Soccer player Investigating the effect of neuromuscular training on the proprioception of knee and ankle joints in male soccer player students prone to anterior cruciate ligament injury in Khorazmi University, Tehran, 2018 [Volume 31, Number 4]
:: Social Adjustment Effectiveness of Cognitive Therapy Based on Religious Believes on Death Anxiety, Social Adjustment and Subjective Well-being in the Cancer Patients [Volume 22, Number 5]
:: Social Phobia Effectiveness of Coping Cat Program on the Symptoms of Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Social Phobia in Male and Female Children with Anxiety Disorders [Volume 28, Number 1]
:: Social avoidance Effectiveness of Behavioral Activation on Social Avoidance of Mothers of Children with Cerebral Palsy [Volume 31, Number 6]
:: Social maturity Causal Model of Marital Boredom Based on Emotional Maturity and Social Maturity [Volume 31, Number 1]
:: Social problems Comparison of the Effect of Parent Management Training and Play Therapy on Anxiety and Social Problems of Children with Oppositional Defiant Disorder [Volume 28, Number 5]
:: Social responsibility Correlation between Social Responsibility and Organizational Agility with Moderating Role of Job Enthusiasm at Imam Khomeini Hospital, Ilam, Iran [Volume 27, Number 4]
:: Social skills Development of a Multimedia Training Program with Neuropsychological Approach and Evaluation of its Effectiveness in Social Skills of Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders [Volume 31, Number 2]
:: Social support Relationship between Social Support and Quality of Life in Myocardial Infarction Patients Referring to the Hospitals of Ilam City [Volume 23, Number 6]
:: Sodium benzoate Effect of Sodium Benzoate on Reducing Inflammatory Symptoms in Animal Models of Rheumatoid Arthritis [Volume 27, Number 6]
:: Software Evaluation of Image Analysis in the Diagnosis of Cytologic Cervicovaginal [Volume 26, Number 5]
:: Soleus muscle Investigation of Spinal nerve Ligation Effect on Muscular Neurotrophin-4 Gene Expression in Male Wistar Rats [Volume 25, Number 4]
:: Solid Waste Survey of Solid Waste Management in Small and Large selected Hospitals of Tehran [Volume 22, Number 2]
:: Solidiers Predicting Suicide Ideation Based on Psycho-Social Factors and Probability of Drug Abuse in Soldiers: A structural model [Volume 24, Number 6]
:: Sound pressure level Relationship between Sound Pressure Levels and the Risk of Hearing Loss using Personal Protective Equipment in Manufacturing Industries [Volume 29, Number 1]
:: Speech disorder A survey the clinical efficacy of frankincense in acute ischemic stroke [Volume 25, Number 1]
:: Sperm Protective Effects of Boswellia Thurifera Aqueous Extract against Cisplatin-Induced Cytotoxicity on Sperm Quality in Mice [Volume 30, Number 1]
:: Sperm The Ameliorative Effects of Achillea millefolium Inflorescence Hydro Alcoholic Extract on Sperm Parameters in Male Rats Exposed to Diethyl-Hexyl–Phthalate [Volume 28, Number 2]
:: Sperm parameters Protective Effect of Royal Jelly on Sperm Parameters, In-vitro Fertilizing Potential, and Oxidative Stress Indicators in the Testis of Mice Exposed to Ethephon [Volume 29, Number 4]
:: Spermatogonial stem cells Investigation and Comparison of Communication Network and Expression of KLF4 and POU5F1 Genes During Spermatogenesis [Volume 32, Number 4]
:: Spinal Anesthesia Effect of spinal anesthesia on the ratio of agreement between the lower and upper extremity pressures in lower abdominal surgeries [Volume 26, Number 3]
:: Spinal Cord and Medulla Oblongata Plastination of the posterior wall of trunk, spinal cord and medulla oblongata by injection of coloured polymer into arteries. [Volume 15, Number 1]
:: Spiritual Wellbeing Prediction of Spiritual Wellbeing based on Contextual Factors and Spiritual Needs in Patients with Cardiovascular Diseases [Volume 27, Number 5]
:: Spiritual health The Causal Relationship between the Meaning of Life and Self-Compassion with the Fear of Aging among the Elderly in Ilam: The Mediating Role of Spiritual Health [Volume 31, Number 1]
:: Sport gene Effect of ACE (I/D) and ACTN-3 (R/X) Genotypes on some Factors of Physical Fitness and Performance of Motor Skills in 6-8-Year-Old Children [Volume 28, Number 6]
:: Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) Epidemiological Study and Anatomical Involvement Pattern of Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) of the Head and Neck in Western Iran (Kermanshah) during 2013-2021 [Volume 31, Number 5]
:: Stabilization training Comparison of the Effect of Scapular Stabilization and Conscious Control Training on Postural Variables, Pain, and Selected Muscle Strength in Patients with Scapular Dyskinesia [Volume 27, Number 1]
:: Staphylococcus aureus Effects of Biosynthesized Zinc and Copper Nanoparticles on Medicine Resistant Pathogenic Bacteria(Antibiotics) [Volume 30, Number 5]
:: Staphylococcus aureus Relationship of Bacteria Isolated from Antral Gastric Biopsy with the Incidence of Dyspepsia in Patients Referred to Mehrad and Labbafinejad Hospitals, Tehran, Iran, in 2018 [Volume 30, Number 1]
:: Stem cell Effect of Aerobic Training in Combination with Stem Cells on Inflammatory Biomarker Levels in the Heart Tissue of Rat Model of Osteoarthritis [Volume 28, Number 1]
:: Stereology Stereological Study of the Protective Effect of Alpha-Lipoic Acid on Kidney Tissue following Toxicity with Silver Nanoparticles in NMRI Mice [Volume 28, Number 4]
:: Stigma Stigma in Health Systems: A Review Article [Volume 23, Number 4]
:: Stomach Effect of Aspartame on Histology and Histomorphometry of Stomach in Balb/C Mice [Volume 30, Number 4]
:: Strategic decision making Explaining the Effective Factors of Organizational Transparency in Strategic Decision-Making of Health System Managers: A Case Study: Ilam University of Medical Sciences [Volume 30, Number 5]
:: Strengthening Quadriceps Muscle The Effect of Strengthing Core Stability and Quadriceps Muscle Strengthening Trainings on Pain and Function in Patients with Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome [Volume 25, Number 5]
:: Streptozotocin The Effect of Quercus Infectoria Alcoholic Extract (Acorn Inner Bark) on Postprandial Blood Glucose Level in Normal and Deiabetic Male Rats [Volume 23, Number 5]
:: Streptozotocin Effect of Silymarin on the Expression of Mafa gene and its Relationship with Insulin Levels in Streptozotocin- Induced Diabetic Rats [Volume 27, Number 4]
:: Students Effectiveness of Mindfulness Training on EMotional Dysfunction and Academic Achievement of Junior Middle School Students [Volume 29, Number 3]
:: Students Effect of Education Based on Perceived Threat on Water Conservation Behavior Among Students in Behbahan Faculty of Medical Sciences in 2018 [Volume 31, Number 6]
:: Students Evaluation of the Risk Factors Affecting Social Injuries among Dormitory Students of the State Universities in Ilam during 2016 [Volume 28, Number 2]
:: Students The Relationship between Parenting Styles and Addiction Potentiality in Ilam high School Students: The Mediating Role of Novelty Seeking [Volume 25, Number 3]
:: Students Effect of Educational Intervention Using Children's Traffic Park on Safe Crossing from the Street among School Children [Volume 27, Number 6]
:: Students Relationship between perceived psychological stress and anxiety caused by COVID-19 in students and healthcare workers [Volume 32, Number 4]
:: Students The Effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy on Body Dysmorphic Disorder and Perfectionism Concerns in Students with Physical Deformity Concerns [Volume 30, Number 6]
:: Students A Mediator Role of Self-Control in Relation of the Attachment Styles and Angry in High School Female Students of Ilam [Volume 25, Number 5]
:: Students. Study of Knowledge and Attitude of among Ilam University of Medical Sciences Students Regarding to Food Sanitation and Safety [Volume 23, Number 3]
:: Stuttering Effectiveness of art Therapy Based on Painting Therapy to Reduce Anxiety of Children with Stuttering [Volume 23, Number 2]
:: Sudden cardiac death Cardiac Troponin T Response during High-Intensity Competition and its Correlation with the Corrected QT Interval among the Trained Athletes [Volume 28, Number 2]
:: Suicidal ideation Effect of Negative Mood Control Training Skill on Suicidal Ideation, Anxiety, and Depression among High School Female Students in Ilam, Iran [Volume 27, Number 6]
:: Suicidal thoughts Investigating the prediction of suicidal thoughts based on metacognitive beliefs and emotional schemas in male substance users in Ilam city in 2022 [Volume 31, Number 4]
:: Suicide Assessment of Some Social Factors Related to Suicidal Behaviors in Ilam, Iran, during 2018 [Volume 28, Number 1]
:: Suicide Epidemiology of Self- Immolation in Ilam Province in the Years 2011 to 2015 [Volume 24, Number 5]
:: Suicide attempt Predicting Suicide Attempts through Feeling Alone, Distress Tolerance, and Parental Bonds [Volume 31, Number 6]
:: Suicide attempters Comparison of the Effectiveness of Dialectic Behavioral Therapy and Monotheistic Integrated Psychotherapy on Reducing Suicidal Thoughts and Expression Change in Suicidal Persons [Volume 25, Number 5]
:: Sumac fruit Investigating the Antioxidant Properties of Silver Nano Particle (Sumac Fruit) Synthesized by Green Method [Volume 23, Number 7]
:: Super decision Identification of a Suitable Place for Sanitary Landfill in Ilam [Volume 29, Number 3]
:: Surgery Investigating of the Relationship of Psychological Factors with Immunological and Physiological Factors According to Moderator Role of Type D Personality Characteristic in Patients a waiting for Surgery in Imam Khomeini Hospital, Ilam, Iran [Volume 28, Number 2]
:: Surveillance system COVID-19, Data architecture, Information system, Reportable diseases, Surveillance system [Volume 28, Number 6]
:: Sushi3 tetramer peptide Evaluation of the Effect of Less Negatively Charged Amino Acid Substitution in Synthetic Tetramer Peptide S3 Derived from Horseshoe Crab Ambocyte on its Antibacterial Properties [Volume 29, Number 4]
:: Swedish massage and physiological indicators The Effect of Swedish Massage on Physiological Parameters in Pationts with Ischemic Strok [Volume 29, Number 2]
:: Swimming Effect of Swimming Training on Spatial Memory of Maternal Deprived Infants: Inducing Stress by Six Hours Separation per Day [Volume 30, Number 3]
:: System Verification. Proposing a Formal Approach for Verification of Heart-Lung Machine [Volume 23, Number 3]
:: System design, neutron activation, tissue light elements, MCNP Designing light elements analysis System with neutron activation analysis ( NAA) by using MCNP code [Volume 21, Number 5]
:: Systemic embolism Retinal Artery Embolism Considering Bicuspid Aortic Valve [Volume 31, Number 1]
:: Systolic Blood Pressure Variation Among Children [Volume 15, Number 2]
:: T lymphocyte Exam Stressor Situation And Its Effect on Cellular Immune System Parameters [Volume 18, Number 2]
:: T3/T4 ratio Comparative Study of Peripheral Thyroid Hormone Homeostasis Disturbance in the Diabetic and Non-Diabetic Hemodialytic Patients [Volume 29, Number 6]
:: THP-1 cells Investigation of the Anti-inflammatory Properties of Iranian Nigella sativa L in Reducing the Expression of Pre-Inflammatory Cytokines of TNF-α and IL-18 in Human THP-1 Cells [Volume 25, Number 3]
:: TRX Comparison of the Effect of Selected Exercises with TRX and Aerofitness on Balance and Proprioception in Patients with Multiple sclerosis [Volume 30, Number 1]
:: TTF1 Diagnostic challenges of lung biopsies in setting of metastatic female genital tract tumors; report of 2 cases [Volume 31, Number 3]
:: Tamarindus indica aqueous extracts The Effect of Pre- Nutrition Tamarindus indica Aqueous Extract on Infarct Volume and Neurological Deficits in Rat Stroke Model [Volume 25, Number 3]
:: Target gene microRNA-Based Anticancer Therapies [Volume 22, Number 4]
:: Tea Antibacterial Effect of Arginine, Protamine, Aqueous Extracts of Green Tea, and Aloe Vera against Escherichia Coli [Volume 30, Number 4]
:: Teachers Determining Health Belief Model Constructs to Prevent Cardiovascular Diseases among Teachers of Boys high Schools in Dehloran City [Volume 25, Number 2]
:: Teaching hospital Knowledge and Compliance with Standard Precautions and its Predictors among Health Care Workers in Teaching Hospitals, Ilam, Iran [Volume 29, Number 3]
:: Teaching hospitals Investigation of the Safety Climate of Nurses' Working in Medical-Surgical Units of Teaching Hospitals [Volume 30, Number 1]
:: Tehran Comparison of IL-28B favorable genotype frequency between healthy and patients infected with HCV [Volume 26, Number 2]
:: Tehran Performance of Electro-Fenton Process For the Removal of COD From Landfill Leachate in Tehran [Volume 24, Number 5]
:: Tehran University of Medical Sciences Prioritizing the Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction among Hospitals Staff Affiliated to Tehran University of Medical Sciences Based on Analytic Hierarchy Process [Volume 26, Number 1]
:: Temperament Effectiveness of Life Skill Trainings in Ego Power, Temperament, and Suicidal Thoughts among Girls and Boys Attempting to Commit Suicide in Ilam Province, Iran [Volume 29, Number 4]
:: Tempreture. Electrochemical study of Activated HpB binding to Human Serum Albumin [Volume 14, Number 4]
:: Tennis elbow Does Instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization affect the quality of life of patients with tennis elbow? [Volume 32, Number 5]
:: Testicular tissue The Study of the Protective Effects of Quince (Cydonia Oblonga) Leaf Hydroalcoholic Extract on the Structural Alterations of Testicular Tissue Induced by Monosodium Glutamate in Adult Rats [Volume 24, Number 5]
:: Testicular tissue Effects of Administration of Monosodium Glutamate and Methylphenidate on the Histologic Structure of Testicular Tissue and Microscopic Indices of Spermatogenesis in Adolescent Rats [Volume 26, Number 3]
:: Tetramer S3 peptide Comparison of Antimicrobial Properties and Toxicity of Natural S3 Peptide with Horseshoe Crab Amoebocyte Origin and its Mutants [Volume 29, Number 4]
:: Teucrium hyrcanicum L. Investigation of Different Extraction Methods on Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activities of Teucrium hyrcanicum L. [Volume 30, Number 3]
:: Textile wastewater Evaluation of Chitosan and Magnesium Oxide Nanoparticles Efficiencies in Removal of Direct Blue 71 and Turbidity [Volume 27, Number 1]
:: Thermogenesis Effect of High Fat Diet and Endurance Training on the Gene Expression of Sarco/Endoplasmic Reticulum ATPase2 (SERCA2) and Ryanodine Receptor2 (RYR2) under Near-Thermoneutrality in Inguinal Adipose Tissue of Mice [Volume 29, Number 6]
:: Thiol Effect of Pomegranate Seed Extract (PGSE) on Oxidative Stress duo to Ischemia/Hypoperfusion in Male Rat Hippocampus [Volume 23, Number 5]
:: Thisemicarbazide Synthesis of Titanium Oxide Nanoparticles Functionalized by Glutamine and Conjugated to Thiosemicarbazide and their Effect on the Expression of the CASP3, Bcl2, and BAX genes [Volume 31, Number 1]
:: Thymus kotschyanus Boiss Investigation of the anti-amyloidogenic and antioxidant effects of silver nanoparticles synthesised with leaf extract of Thymus kotschyanus Boiss [Volume 31, Number 5]
:: Thyroid tumors Evaluating the Prevalence of Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 Gene Polymorphism in Patients with Thyroid Tumors from North West of Iran [Volume 25, Number 2]
:: TiO2 Nanoparticles Effects of Combination Treatment of Cisplatin and Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles on the BCL2L12 Gene in Prostate Cancer Cells [Volume 28, Number 2]
:: Tile industry Investigating the Effect of Basnef Model Training Intervention in increasing the duration of Using the Hearing Protection Device by Workers [Volume 25, Number 6]
:: Tissue engineering, Bone regeneration, Scaffold, Stem cells, Craniomaxillofacial Craniomaxillofacial bone tissue engineering: A review on growth factors [Volume 20, Number 5]
:: Tissue engineering, intelegent polymer temperature response, chitosan, poly N-Isopropylacrylamide Smart Hydrogel designed PNIPAm / chitosan by Gamma Irradiation of Biological applications [Volume 20, Number 5]
:: Tomato products Comparison of Conventional and Modern Packaging in the Cold Storage of Healthy Tomato Paste and Tomato Paste Contaminated with Aspergillus flavus Spore [Volume 27, Number 2]
:: Toothbrush The survey of Microbial Contamination Prevalance and the Effective Factors in ILam University of Medical Sciences Student’s Toothbrushes [Volume 23, Number 1]
:: Topical anesthesia Comparison of Fentanyl and Propofol versus Alfentanil and Propofol to limit Patient´s EYEMovements during Cataract Surgery under [Volume 22, Number 7]
:: Torilisleptophylla, Thecoca-rpusmeifolius, essential oil, spathulenol, anti microbial activity Chemical Composition and Anti Bacterial Activity of the Essential Oil From Aerial Parts of Torilisleptophylla and Thecocarpusmeifolius [Volume 21, Number 6]
:: Total antioxidant capacity Total Antioxidant Capacity and Malondialdehyde Levels in Seminal Plasma Among The Varicocele-Suffering Men [Volume 17, Number 2]
:: Toxicity Investigation of the Anticancer Effects of Nanocomposite of the Modified Graphene Oxide with Isatin-3-Semicarbazone on the Retinoblastoma Cells (Y79) Invitro [Volume 29, Number 5]
:: Toxoplasmosis Serological study of toxoplasmosis in pregnant women in Babol, northern Iran 2012-2013 [Volume 22, Number 4]
:: Trace element Concentration of Trace Elements in the Blood Serum of Operating Room Staff Exposed to Low-Dose Radiation [Volume 28, Number 5]
:: Transcranial direct current stimulation Effect of Motor Cortex Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS)on the Strength and Endurance performance of Healthy Collegiate Subjects [Volume 27, Number 1]
:: Traumatic brain injury Effect of Mild Brain Traumatic Injury on Intelligence and memory Function in Motorcycle Riders [Volume 27, Number 1]
:: Treatment Leachate Treatment of Isfahan Composting Plant by Coagulation-Flocculation Process [Volume 23, Number 4]
:: Tree gum Biosynthesis of Silver Nanoparticles from Tree Gum Extracts and Evaluation of Antibacterial Properties of Silver and Copper Nanoparticles [Volume 26, Number 6]
:: Trichomonas vaginalis In-vitro Activity of Ferula gummosa Essential Oil and Its Different Extracts on Trichomonas vaginalis [Volume 27, Number 2]
:: Trichomonas vaginalis Phylogenetic Analysis of Trichomonas Vaginalis using ITS1/5.8S/ITS2 Gene in Women Referred to Diagnostic Treatment Centers in Karaj, Iran [Volume 28, Number 6]
:: Trichotillomania Effectiveness of Attention Training Technique on the Metacognitions of Adolescent Girls with Trichotillomania Disorder [Volume 32, Number 6]
:: Triglyceride The Combined Effect of Aerobic Training and Vegetarian Diet on Lipid Profile in Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis [Volume 31, Number 6]
:: Trimethylettin Effect of Trans-cinnamic Acid on Cognitive Deficit, Cell Density of CA1/CA3 Regions, and Cholinergic Activity of Hippocampus in Trimethylettin Model of Alzheimer's Disease [Volume 31, Number 1]
:: Trophoblastic Determination of risk factors of gestational trophoblastic neoplasia for women with molar pregnancy with weibull model [Volume 25, Number 4]
:: Tuberculosis Epidemiological investigation of Tuberculosis in Ilam province between 2005-2011 [Volume 21, Number 7]
:: Tuberculosis treatment Tuberculosis Treatment Side Effects and Effective Factors on It [Volume 22, Number 6]
:: Tumor necrosis factor-alpha Impact of exercise training on inflammatory markers in adult and elderly patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A Systematic review and meta-analysis [Volume 32, Number 2]
:: Tumor necrosis factor-alpha(TNF-α) Evaluation of the Effect of Pentoxifylline on Inflammatory Biomarker Serum Levels in Patients with Burn Injuries above 40% [Volume 27, Number 2]
:: Tumor necrosis factor-α Elevated Serum Levels of IL-6 and TNF-α in Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome [Volume 27, Number 2]
:: Two-dimensional ectrophoresis, Ischemicstroke, DAVID program, Proteo-me Investigation of Ischemic Stroke Mechanism by Analyzing Human Brain Proteome [Volume 21, Number 3]
:: Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, Multivariate statistical technique, Protein Data Analysis of Two Dimensional Electrophoresis Gels by Multivariate Statistical Methods [Volume 20, Number 5]
:: Type 1 diabetes Effect of Low-level Laser Therapy on Bone Defect Repair in Diabetic and Osteoporotic Rats using the Real-Time PCR Technique [Volume 28, Number 3]
:: Type 1 diabetes Increase in mRNA Content of Lactate Transporters after Diabet Induction and Endurance Training the Brain of Diabetic Rats [Volume 23, Number 4]
:: Type 1 diabetes Effectiveness of Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT) on Generalized Anxiety Disorder in Children with Type 1 Diabetes [Volume 25, Number 6]
:: Type 2 Diabetes Effect of eight weeks of aerobic and resistance training on adropin, spexin, and TNFα levels, as well as insulin resistance indices, in obese men with type 2 diabetes [Volume 31, Number 5]
:: Type 2 diabetes Changes in the Serum Levels of Metabotropic Biomarkers (Asprosin and BDNF) in Adaptation to Aerobic Interval Training [Volume 31, Number 2]
:: Type 2 diabetes Investigation of the Relationship between the rs8192688 Polymorphism of the FABP-4 Gene and Cardiovascular Disease Susceptibility in Type 2 Diabetic Patients in Ilam Province, Iran [Volume 30, Number 2]
:: Type 2 diabetes mellitus The Effect of 8 Weeks Resistance Training on Bone Mass Density in Postmenopausal Women with Type 2 Diabetes [Volume 23, Number 4]
:: Type 2 diabetes mellitus Effect of Continuous and Interval Exercise on the Necroptosis and Apoptosis of Endoplasmic Reticulum Proteins in the Heart of Diabetic Wistar Rats [Volume 28, Number 5]
:: Type 2 diabetes mellitus e Prevalence of Different Genotypes CASQ1 rs2275703 (A / C) in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus [Volume 27, Number 6]
:: Type 2 diabetes, Complication, Risk factors, Logistic regression Determining factors related to the incidence of complications in type 2 diabetic patients [Volume 20, Number 4]
:: UCP-2 Evaluation of 45bp Ins/Del Genetic Variant in UCP-2 Gene as a Risk factor for Bipolar Disorder [Volume 28, Number 6]
:: UV The Protective Effect of Conjugated Bacterial Melanin with Titanium Oxide against UV [Volume 26, Number 4]
:: Ultrastructure The Microscopic and Ultra Structural Study of Testicular Tissue Following Time Dependent Administration of Methylphenidate in Adult Rats [Volume 24, Number 4]
:: University Autonomy Impact of Policy-Making on the University Autonomy in Macro Medical Universities of Region Three [Volume 30, Number 4]
:: University students Relationship between Health Literacy Skills and Adoption of Preventive Smoking Behaviors among University Students [Volume 27, Number 2]
:: Upper cross syndrome The Effect of a NASM-Based Training Protocol on Upper Cross Syndrome in Paraplegia Spinalcord Injury Patients [Volume 25, Number 6]
:: Urea Protective Effects of Astaxanthin on the Levels of Urea and Creatinine as well as Changes in Kidney Tissue following Cadmium-Induced Toxicity in Syrian Male Mice [Volume 28, Number 5]
:: Urea Optimization of the Refolding Process for Recombinant Anti-EGFR Immunotoxin Produced in the Escherichia coli [Volume 29, Number 5]
:: Urea Breath Test (UBT) Evaluation of Helicobacter pylori Infection and Its Relation with Coated Tongue in Patients Referring to UBT [Volume 27, Number 3]
:: Uric acid lowering drugs Renal Transplantation and Hyperuricemia [Volume 28, Number 3]
:: Urinary disorder Evaluation of aggression in children with daily urinary disorders [Volume 31, Number 6]
:: Urinary tract infection Antimicrobial Effect of Scrophularia striata Extract on Escherichia coli Strains Isolated from Patients with Urinary Tract Infection in Ilam [Volume 24, Number 2]
:: Urinary tract infection Prevalence of Pathogenicity Islands and Fim H Virulence Genes in Escherichia coli Strains Isolated from Urinary Tract Infection in Rasht City, Iran [Volume 26, Number 3]
:: Urinary tract infection, adults, antibiotics, antibiotic resistance Bacterial Etiology of Urinary Tract Infections and Determining their Antibiotic Resistance in Adults Hospitalized in or Referred to the Farshchian Hospital in Hamadan [Volume 21, Number 7]
:: Urinay infection Frequency of Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamase Producing Multidrug Resistant Klebsiells Pnemoniae in Urinary Tract Infections in Rasht [Volume 25, Number 2]
:: Urine Rapid Detection and Prevalence of Cytomegalovirus in Infants under Three Weeks by PCR and Real Time PCR [Volume 24, Number 5]
:: Urtica Dioica The Effect of One Period of Endurance Training and Consumption of Hydroalcoholic Extract of Urtica Dioica on Oxidative Stress Indices of Heart Tissue in STZ-Induced Diabetic Rats [Volume 31, Number 2]
:: Usnic acid Effects of Usnic Acid on Apoptosis and Expression of Bax and Bcl-2 Proteins in Hippocampal CA1 Neurons Following Cerebral Ischemia-Reperfusion [Volume 30, Number 3]
:: Uteroplacental insufficiency Neuroprotective Effect of Cinnamic Acid on Cognitive Impairment and the Level of Oxidative Stress Indicators in Rat’s Offspring in an Uteroplacental Insufficiency Model [Volume 28, Number 6]
:: VIM gene The Frequency of VIM 2, 3, 9, 11 and VIM all among Metallo-beta-Lactamase Producing Pseudomonas aeruginosa [Volume 26, Number 4]
:: VL EMG activity and taping A review article about the effect of taping on patellofemoral joint pain syndrome [Volume 23, Number 5]
:: VacA protein In Silico Analysis of the Effect of Scrophularia striata Linalool on VacA Protein of Helicobacter Pylori [Volume 29, Number 1]
:: Vaccine Synthesis of PEG-PLA Block Copolymer Nanospheres Containing Mixed Recombinant Proteins of Protective Antigen and Lethal Factor of Bacillus anthracis [Volume 29, Number 5]
:: Vaccine candidate Production of Recombinant Construct by Cloning of Protective Antigen Domain 4 Gene and Fusion of it with Lethal Factor Domain 1 Gene of Bacillus anthracis in E.coli [Volume 23, Number 7]
:: Vascular endothelial growth factor Effect of Moderate Aerobic Training on Serum Levels of Angiogenic and Angiostatic Factors in Women with Type 2 Diabetes [Volume 27, Number 1]
:: Vascular endothelial growth factor Effect of Eight Weeks of High-Intensity and Low-Intensity Interval Training on Chemokine Gene Expression and Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor in Male Adult Rats [Volume 30, Number 4]
:: Vaspin The Effect of Along Session of Aerobic Exercise with Different Intensities on Plasma Levels of Vaspin and Chemerin in Female Sprague Dawley Rats [Volume 23, Number 4]
:: Vero cells Investigating the Cytotoxic Effect of Chitosan and Chitosan Nanoparticles in a Laboratory Environment: An In Vitro Model [Volume 31, Number 6]
:: Vibrio cholera Rapid Detection of Vibrio Cholera by a Coagglutination Complex using Staphylococcus aureus Including Protein A [Volume 27, Number 1]
:: Victims of cyberbullying The effect of teaching emotion-oriented processing strategies on the perceived stress of cyberbullied medical students [Volume 32, Number 5]
:: Viewpoints Barriers to Research Implementation in Medical Sciences in Iran from the Viewpoints of Faculty Members, Researchers, and Students: A Systematic Review [Volume 27, Number 1]
:: Viral load Comparison of the frequency of HHV-8 virus in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus and healthy population [Volume 32, Number 1]
:: Virtual education Investigating the impact of virtual stress management education on the occupational stress of healthcare providers in Bushehr City: An application of self-efficacy theory [Volume 31, Number 3]
:: Virtual training Comparison of the effectiveness of face-to-face, virtual, and integrated first aid training in the knowledge, attitude, and skills of mountaineers [Volume 32, Number 1]
:: Virulence Virulence Potential of Rhizopus Species in an Embryonated Chicken Egg Model [Volume 28, Number 2]
:: Virulence Some enzymatic properties of Acid phosphatase in the logarithmic and stationary phase of Leishmania major [Volume 22, Number 1]
:: Visceral Larva Migranas, IFA, ELISA Evaluation of indirect immunofluorescent antibody (IFA) and ELISA in diagnosis of Visceral Larva Migranas [Volume 21, Number 7]
:: Visual analog scale Efficacy of Topical Tacrolimus 0.03% Ointment for Treatment of Allergic Conjunctivitis [Volume 25, Number 4]
:: Visual perception error and test (VPEMT) Design, Fabrication, and Standardization of Visual Perception Error Measurement Test (Understanding the Size of the Length) [Volume 29, Number 5]
:: Vitality Comparison of the effectiveness of life quality improvement treatment and emotion-focused therapy in the flexibility of action and vitality in individuals suffering from grief due to COVID-19 [Volume 32, Number 2]
:: Vitamin B2 The association Between Riboflavin Intake and Incidence of Migraine Symptoms: A Review on Evidences Between 1994-2014 [Volume 23, Number 2]
:: Vitamin C Comparison of the Effects of Aerobic Training with Vitamin C and Estradiol on Markers of the Liver among Ovariectomized and Normal Rats [Volume 27, Number 2]
:: Vitamin C The Effects of Endurance Swimming Plus Vitamin C Supplement on the Indices of Oxidative Stress among Male Rats [Volume 24, Number 6]
:: Vitiligo Comparison of Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Compassion-Focused Therapy (CFT) on Internalized Shame in Patients with Vitiligo [Volume 30, Number 2]
:: Vitrification Expression of Apoptotic Genes after Autotransplantation of Vitrified Rat Ovary Encapsulated with Hyaluronic Acid Hydrogel [Volume 29, Number 5]
:: Vulvovaginitis Compairsion of the Ketoconazole, Fluconazole and Clotrimazole against Candida Albicans in women with Chronic Vaginitis in laboratory conditions. [Volume 15, Number 1]
:: Walking speed Effect of TRX Suspension Training on Functional Balance in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis [Volume 27, Number 2]
:: Wastewater Performance Evaluation of inorganic adsorbent Leca-modified of HCl for the removalof anionic surfactant from wastewater [Volume 23, Number 4]
:: Wastewater Isolation and Investigation of the Effect of Soil and Textile Wastewater Bacteria on Decolorization of Industrial Dyes [Volume 27, Number 1]
:: Wastewater treatment Removal of Zinc from Industrial Wastewaters Using Microscopic Green Algae Chlorella Vulgaris [Volume 23, Number 6]
:: Water maze Effects of Electromagnetic Waves and Physical Activity on Learning, Spatial Memory, and Levels of a Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor in the Offspring of Pregnant Rats [Volume 28, Number 5]
:: Web of Science A Scientometrics Study of Proteomics Documents in Asian Countries on Web of Science during 2014 [Volume 25, Number 2]
:: WebQual Quality Assessment of Ilam University of Medical Sciences Website from the Users’ Viewpoints According to WebQual Model [Volume 26, Number 4]
:: Welfare organization Investigation of the Causes of Disability among Adolescents Under 14 Years of Age in Ilam during 2018 [Volume 27, Number 5]
:: White tea The Effect of Aqueous Extract of White Tea on the Levels of Antioxidant Enzymes of Rats' Liver Tissue Exposed to Arsenic [Volume 25, Number 5]
:: William Fine Method. Identify and Assess Environmental Risks Posed by High – Voltage Power Transmission Lines in Urban areas by [Volume 22, Number 2]
:: Wistar rats Effect of Endurance Training on Plasma AGRP and NPY Levels in Wistar Rats [Volume 24, Number 6]
:: Withdrawal syndrome The Effect of Smyrnium cordifolium Boiss. Hydroalcoholic Extract on Addiction Withdrawal Syndrome in Mice in Comparison with Clonidine [Volume 26, Number 4]
:: Women A study of effectiveness of solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT) on reducing marital stress in women [Volume 22, Number 4]
:: Women living in Ilam Investigation of Relation between Social Capital and Violence against Women in Families in Ilam during 2017 [Volume 27, Number 2]
:: Women, Cosmetic Surgery, Liposuction, Social Comparison Body, Body Women The Modeling of The Causes of Women's Tendency to Cosmetic Surgery With Using Lisrel Software [Volume 21, Number 6]
:: Working memory ُEffectiveness of process-based therapy in working memory and sleep quality in women suffering from anemia comorbid with generalized anxiety disorder [Volume 32, Number 4]
:: Worry Effectiveness of Dialectical Behavior Therapy in Worry, Anxiety, and Intolerance of Uncertainty in Women with COVID-19-induced Anxiety [Volume 30, Number 5]
:: X-ray diffraction (XRD) Theoretical, Instrumental, and Cytotoxic Evaluation of Synthetic Zinc Ferrite Nanoparticles for their Use in Targeted Drug Delivery to Target Tissue: Nano-Biophysical Chemistry Approach [Volume 30, Number 5]
:: Yazd Toward Green Hospital Standards in Yazd Educational Hospitals in 2013 [Volume 22, Number 5]
:: Yazd(Iran) Prevalence of Overweight And Obesity Among The First Grade Primary Students in Yazd [Volume 18, Number 4]
:: Young girls The Effect of Four Weeks of Resistance Training Along with Alfalfa Extract on Cathepsin S and Cystatin C Levels in Girls with Weight Loss [Volume 24, Number 3]
:: ZFP protein Evaluation and Comparison of the Expression Levels of the ZBTB16 (Plzf) and ZFP Genes and Alkaline Phosphatase in Three Cell Populations: Mouse Spermatogonial Stem Cells, Embryonic Stem-Like Cells (Es-Like), And Embryonic Stem Cells [Volume 31, Number 1]
:: Zabol Determination of Lead and Cadmium Level in Cow’s Milk by Spectrophotometry Electrothermal Atomic Absorption in Zabol City [Volume 23, Number 3]
:: Zataria multiflora Biological Evaluation of Coronaviruses and the Study of Molecular Docking, Linalool, and Thymol as orf1ab Protein Inhibitors and the Role of SARS-CoV-2 Virus in Bioterrorism [Volume 28, Number 6]
:: Zbtb16 Experimental Investigation of Ki67, POU5F1, and ZBTB16 Expression in the Pig and Mouse Testicular Cells using Immunocytochemistry and RT-PCR [Volume 28, Number 5]
:: Zinc oxide Investigating the Anti-Angiogenesis Effects of Zinc oxide Nanoparticles (ZnO) Synthesized from Aspergillus fungus using Green Method [Volume 25, Number 6]
:: Zinc oxide nanoparticles Evaluation of Antibacterial and Antioxidant Activities of Biosynthesized Zinc oxide Nanoparticles using Aqueous Extract of Eriobotrya Japonica Seeds [Volume 28, Number 5]
:: Zingiber officinale Antioxidant Effects of Ginger (Zingiber Officinale) and Chitosan-Treated Ginger on the Liver Enzymes and Biochemical Parameters in Rats [Volume 28, Number 6]
:: Ziziphus mauritiana Effect of the Solvent Type on Phenolic and Flavonoid Substances and Antioxidant Properties of Leaves of 15 Medicinal Plants in Roodān Region of Southern Iran [Volume 29, Number 5]
:: Zoonosis Role of Intermediate Hosts' Lymph Nodes in the Continuity of Life Cycle and Prevalence of the Linguatula Serrata Parasite [Volume 30, Number 1]
:: academic failure and Family Factors Evaluating Familial Factors Associated With Academic Failure in First Grade Female and Male Students of High Schools [Volume 21, Number 6]
:: academic failure, research, academic counseling A Survey on The Behavioral Styles of Students In Scientific Research Environments [Volume 21, Number 4]
:: academic members, research difficulties, intra-organizational factors, researcher, Iran Evaluation of Research Limiting and Potentiating Factors Among The Scientific Board Members of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences [Volume 21, Number 4]
:: academic procrastination, emotional intelligence, mastery students The Prediction of Academic Procrastination Based on Emotional Intelligence components [Volume 21, Number 4]
:: acute cholesistitis, conscious-sness fall, hepatic encephalopathy, primary biliary cirrhosis, celiac sprue Primary Biliary Cirrhosis Accompanied With Celiac: A Case Report [Volume 20, Number 1]
:: acute respiratory infection A Study of Human Respiratory Syncytial Virus Genotypes in Children Less Than 5 Years of Age with Acute Respiratory Symptoms in 2007 and 2009 [Volume 18, Number 3]
:: addiction treatment centers Associated Factors with Addiction Relapse in Patients of Referring to Addiction Treatment Centers in Ilam: a Case-Control Study [Volume 22, Number 6]
:: addiction, opium, thyroid hormone, rat Effect of Opium Addiction on T4, T3 and TSH in Male and Female Rats [Volume 20, Number 2]
:: adolescents Impact of Group Problem Solving Training on Some Psychological Characteristics of Adolescents Attempting Suicide [Volume 18, Number 1]
:: affecting factors, fertility, single child families, families without children, Shahr-e-kord Determination of the Most Important Factors Influencing the Fertility Patterns of Single Child and Without Child Families in Shahr-e-kord City in 2013 [Volume 21, Number 6]
:: aging Study of Relationship between Spiritual Health and Depression among Elderly People [Volume 23, Number 3]
:: aging Effect of Interval Training Intensity on Gene Expression of Endothelial Progenitor Cells and Cardiac Stem Cells in Aged Rats [Volume 26, Number 3]
:: air pollution sources The Knowledge of Kashan’s People on Air pollution and Its Effects, Sources and Controlling Method [Volume 22, Number 3]
:: alzheimer disease, lavender, proteome, hippocampus, rat, clustering Expression Clustering of Proteins of Alzheimeric and Normal Rat Hippocampus Treated with Lavandula Angustifolia [Volume 21, Number 4]
:: alzheimer, amyloid beta, lavan-dula angustifolia Effect of Aqueous Extract of Lavandula Angustifolia on Clearance of Amyloid Beta Plaques [Volume 20, Number 4]
:: aminoglycoside A Study on the Prevalence of IS256 Insertion Sequence and Biofilm Formation in Staphylococcus Epidermidis Isolated from Healthy Human Skin [Volume 26, Number 1]
:: amphetamine, poisoning, clinical findings, laboratory results, children Evaluation of the Clinical Signs, Paraclinical Findings and Between 2010 and 2011 Referred to Loghman Hakim Hospital Out Comes of Amphetamins Poisning in Children [Volume 21, Number 1]
:: anaerobic Design and Construction of Green Semiautomatic Producer of Biogas and Fertilizer [Volume 22, Number 2]
:: analgesia, finasteride, morphine, testosterone, male mice Effectiveness of Exogen Testosterone And Finasterid on [Volume 19, Number 2]
:: anaphylaxis, antibody therapy, bone marrow transplantation, primary imm-uneodeficiency, stem cell transplantation X-linked Hyper-IgM Syndrome: Control and Treatment [Volume 21, Number 6]
:: anesthesia Effects of Supplemental Oxygen for Prevention of Nausea And Vomiting After Breast Surgery [Volume 17, Number 4]
:: antibody titer, immunization, memory cell, tetanus toxin, botulinom tox-in Survey and Comparison of Immunization Scale of The Recombinant Proteins of Attachment Subunit of Tetanus and Botulinom(A) Toxins [Volume 21, Number 5]
:: antigen Western blotting analysis of proteinantigens of Fusarium Solani [Volume 15, Number 3]
:: anxiety, test anxiety, time mana-gement, girl student The Effect of Time Management on Test Anxiety of First Grade High School Girls in Hamadan City [Volume 21, Number 1]
:: apoptosis Identification of the effect of lncRNA MT1JP on cell proliferation, migration, and apoptosis in lung cancer cells [Volume 31, Number 3]
:: aptamer, morphine, SELEX Separation and Application of DNA Aptamer for Detection of Morphine [Volume 20, Number 4]
:: attachment style, identity style, borderline personality disorder. Investigating the relation of attachment and identity styles with borderline personality Disorder of adolescents [Volume 21, Number 6]
:: avoidant coping The Relationship Between maladaptive Perfectionism And Test Anxiety: The Mediating Role of Avoidant Coping [Volume 22, Number 1]
:: azo dyes, decolorization, pseu-domonas aeruginosa, pseudomonas putida, kinetics Comparative and Kinetic Studies on Microbial Decolorization of Azo Dyes By Pseudomonas Aeruginosa and Pseudomonas Putida [Volume 21, Number 4]
:: baking technology A Study on the Effective Factors of Bread Wastes in Ilam Urban Bakeries(2006-7) [Volume 16, Number 4]
:: balance Efficacy of PNF and Classic Physiotherapy Stretching Exercises on the Balance and Function in Patellofemoral Syndrome Patients [Volume 26, Number 1]
:: binary data, markov correlation, marginal model, transition model, roc area under curve Comparing Marginal and Transition Models In The Analysis of Binary Longitudinal Data: a Simulation Study [Volume 20, Number 4]
:: biomarker Studying The Urinary Proteome of Patients With IgA Nephropathy and Introducing The Biomarkers Relevant to Disease Progression Using Supervised Statistical Analysis [Volume 21, Number 5]
:: blaTEM Surveying of antibiotic resistance pattern and frequency rate of blaTEM in the ESBLs producing E. coli isolated in Rasht [Volume 22, Number 4]
:: body fluids Tumor Markers at a Glance [Volume 21, Number 6]
:: bone, USSCs, stem cell Potential Capacity of Cord Blood-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells in the Regeneration of Bone Defects in Rabbits [Volume 21, Number 1]
:: bottled water, chemical quality, microbial quality, Ilam Investigation of Microbial and Chemical Quality of Bottled Waters Distributed in Ilam (wester Iran) 2009-10 [Volume 20, Number 2]
:: bread loss, fermentation factors, baking technology A Study on the Effective Factors of Bread Wastes in Ilam Urban Bakeries(2006-7) []
:: bread loss, fermentation factors, baking technology A Study on the Effective Factors of Bread Wastes in Ilam Urban Bakeries(2006-7) []
:: breast cancer Cytotoxicity Effectiveness of Biosynthesized Silver Nanoparticles on Breast Cancer T47D Cell Line, Using Macro Algae Laurencia caspica Extract [Volume 26, Number 1]
:: breast cancer, survival, cox reg-ression, artificial neural networks Comparison of Artificial Neural Network and Cox Regression Models in Survival Prediction of Breast Cancer Patients [Volume 21, Number 2]
:: breast cancer; mortality; Iran Trend Analysis of Breast Cancer Mortality in Iranian women [Volume 20, Number 4]
:: breast self-examination Study of motivational factors and causes of nonparticipation to breast and cervical cancer screening tests among women attending health centers in Kashan city [Volume 22, Number 3]
:: cancer, proteomics, biomarker, early detection Early Detection of Cancer and Proteomics [Volume 21, Number 1]
:: carbon nanotube, colon center, functionalization Functionalization of Carboxylated Multi Walled Nanotubes With Diazo Compounds of Aromatic Amins and anti Cancer Study on SW742 Cell Line By Invitro Conditions [Volume 21, Number 2]
:: case control study Black Tea and Coffee Intake and Prostate Cancer: A Case-Control Study [Volume 22, Number 6]
:: catalytic ozonation, zeolite, ra-dical scavenger, copper Investigation of the Catalytic Ozonation Performance Using Copper Coated Zeolite in the Removal of Reactive Red 198 From Aqueous Solutions [Volume 21, Number 4]
:: celiac disease, irritable bowel syndrome, anti body Frequency of Celiac Disease in Patients with Diarrhea Predominant Irritable Bowel Syndrome Referred to Gastroenterology Clinics in Ilam During 2008 to 2012 [Volume 21, Number 4]
:: cement Identification and assessment of risk a killen of cement factory with RPN and critically matrix approaches of FMECA [Volume 22, Number 1]
:: center of pressure Relationship between postural control with Sway- back Malalignment in the non-athlete males [Volume 22, Number 5]
:: cerebro-vascular accident (CVA) risk factor, diabet type II, short-term Cerebro-vascular Risk Factors in Type 2 [Volume 19, Number 3]
:: cervical cancer, proteome, clustering, principal component analysis Proteomic Study of Cervical Cancer [Volume 20, Number 4]
:: cesarean Effectiveness of Entonox on Severity of Labor Pain in Women Referred to Maternity Ward of Imam Reza hospital Kermanshah, 2007 [Volume 17, Number 1]
:: cesarean section, preeclampsy, Comparison Between Remifentanil And Fentanyl Effects on [Volume 19, Number 4]
:: cesarian, pain, general anesthe-sia, spinal anesthesia Comparasion Study of Pain After Cesarean Section by General and Spinal Anesthesia [Volume 21, Number 3]
:: chamomile, matricaria chamomilla L., pain,mice Antinociceptive effects of matricaria chamomilla L. ethanolic extract in mice [Volume 21, Number 7]
:: children Validation of Pediatric Quality of Life Questionnaire (PedsQL) in Kashan city [Volume 22, Number 3]
:: children Efficacy of Social Skills Training on Behavior Disorders Among Elementry School Children [Volume 18, Number 3]
:: children, dilated cardiomyopath-yprognosis Ten Years Assessment of Children With Dilated Cardiomyopathy [Volume 21, Number 3]
:: children, heart disease, Kawasa-ki disease, vasculitis Assessment Heart Involvement in Patients With Kawasaki Disease [Volume 21, Number 1]
:: chitosan, insulin, nanoliposome, entrapment efficacy New Formulated Insulin-Loaded Nanoliposomes for Oral Delivery: Preparation And in vivo Efficacy [Volume 20, Number 1]
:: cholera, eltor, outbreak, risk factors Evaluation the Risk Factors of Cholera Outbreak in Kashan [Volume 21, Number 6]
:: cholesterol Effects of Pistachio Nut Powder on Rat LiverPhosphatidate Phosphohydrolase andSerum Lipids and Lipoproteins Profile [Volume 16, Number 1]
:: chronic back pain Correlation Between Pain Intensity and Disability Level with Some of the Impairments in Patients With Nonspecific Low Back Pain [Volume 21, Number 2]
:: chronic multiple sequential stress, seminiferous tubule, spermatogonia, sperm, leydig, rat The histological effects of chronic multiple sequential stress on rat testis [Volume 21, Number 3]
:: chronicdiarrhea, biopsy, colo-noscopy Colonoscopy and Biopsy Values in Determining The Etiology of Chronic Diarrhea [Volume 21, Number 3]
:: citizens The Relationship between Social Capital and Mental Health amonge the Citizens of Shahr-e-Kord [Volume 22, Number 7]
:: city factor analysis Investigation of Influencing Factors of Taxi Drivers’ Risky Behavior in Ahvaz in 2013 [Volume 22, Number 6]
:: clinical diagnostic, neurolo-gical, kaufman, Ilam, 4-4.11 Years old The Investigation of Psychometric Characteristics of Kaufman's Neurological-Clinical Diagnostics Battery on 4 Years Old and 11Months Children in llam Kindergarten [Volume 20, Number 4]
:: clove essential oil Comparison of Antioxidant, Antibacterial, and Cytotoxic Effects of Essential Oil and Nanoemulsion of Clove Essential Oil [Volume 29, Number 3]
:: coke Effects of Education Interventions on the Coke workers' Immune Performances on Baznef Model Basis at Isfahan Melting Factory, 2005 [Volume 16, Number 3]
:: colorectal cancer Estimation of Prediction Error for Survival Time with Application in Colorectal Cancer [Volume 22, Number 3]
:: comfort, pen, ergonomics, loc-al posture discomfort Comfort Evaluation of Penagain Ergonomic Pen with Traditional Pen (non-ergonomic) [Volume 20, Number 3]
:: community-based interventions, in-juries, safe traffic behavior, seat belt Community-Based Interventions For Prevention of Motor Vehicle Injuries [Volume 21, Number 3]
:: compact fluorescent Low consumption lamp Determining Safe Distance for Exposure to UV Radiation of Compact Fluorescent Lamps [Volume 22, Number 6]
:: comparison of household dimension A Comparison of Housedhold Size Among Emploed Women and Homemakers (Ilam Sample) [Volume 22, Number 3]
:: competitive ELISA Investigation of Proteolytic Ctivity of Lactococcus lactis in Reducing Cow´s Milk Caseins Allergenicity [Volume 26, Number 2]
:: complication Mixture of Logarithmic Series Distribution and Its Application in Modeling of Effects of Nutrition on Complications in Diabetic Patients [Volume 23, Number 3]
:: computerized tomography A study on Brain Gliomas and Metastatases to Brain in Computerized Tomography [Volume 16, Number 3]
:: concept analysis, autonomy, Walker and Avant approach, nursing Concept Analysis of Autonomy in Nursing: A Review Study [Volume 21, Number 2]
:: conflict management, emoti-onal intelligence, compromise, cooperative behavior The Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Conflict-Handling Styles Among The Head Nurses of Milad Hospital, Tehran [Volume 20, Number 2]
:: consciousness level Biochemical Disorders in Children with Febrile Seizure [Volume 16, Number 4]
:: contemporary learning Comparing the Effect of Presenting the Course of Nutrition as Problem Based Learning with Method of Lecture in Level of Learning and Presence in the Class in midwifery Students [Volume 22, Number 1]
:: content uniformity imipramine, fluorescence detection, liquid chromatography, assay, content uniformity [Volume 17, Number 3]
:: contrast agent Stability of Gd-porphyrins as a contrast agent of magnetic resonance imaging in mice [Volume 15, Number 3]
:: coping An Investigation of Psychological Factors Related to Distress Feeling in the Infertile Women [Volume 22, Number 3]
:: coronary artery bypass graft Possible Effective Factors on the Sleep Quality and Quantity of Patients After Coronary Artery Bypass Graft [Volume 16, Number 3]
:: cortisol Effect of repeated bouts of resistance and endurance exercise on immunological responses in athlete girls [Volume 22, Number 1]
:: cortisol hormone Effects of Examination Stress on Plasma Levels of Cortisol And Hypertension [Volume 18, Number 1]
:: cosonominal infection, micr-obial contamination, liquid soap, hospital, Ilam The Survey of Microbial Contamination of Used Liquid Soaps in the Hospitala of Ilam City in 2010 [Volume 20, Number 3]
:: craniosynostosis, plastic surg-ery, Iran The Frequency of Patients with Craniosynostosis Referred to the Department of Reconstruction and Plastic Surgery During 2006-2011 [Volume 21, Number 1]
:: cucurbits Evaluation of Total Phenol and Flavonoid Content in a Wide Range of Local and imported Plants [Volume 26, Number 2]
:: cutaneous leishmaniasis, ITS1, PCR-RFLP, Apo1 Detection of Cutaneous Leishmanioasis Isolated From Iranian Patients By Using ITS1 Gene and Apol Enzyme via PCR-RFLP Molecular Method [Volume 20, Number 4]
:: cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase, phosphodiesterase inhibitors Overview of Cyclic Nucleotide Phosphodiesterase Isoenzyme: a Review Article [Volume 21, Number 4]
:: cytomegalovirus, liver transplantation, the prevalence of serology Prevalence of Cytomegalovirus Infection in Candidates for Pediatric Liver Transplantation at Namazi Hospital of Shiraz During 2006-2009 [Volume 21, Number 6]
:: cytoplasmic sperm injections(ICSI A study on the relation of sperm parameters and sperm origin on the outcome of cytoplasm sperm injection (ICSI) in infertile couples [Volume 15, Number 3]
:: cytotoxic Study of antioxidant properties and toxicity of silver nanoparticles synthesized by aqueous extract of Rubia tinctorum on liver cancer cells(HepG2) compared to normal HDF cells [Volume 26, Number 2]
:: cytotoxicity Effects of Aluminum on Cultured Human Embryonic Astrocytes and Apoptotic Gene Expression [Volume 16, Number 3]
:: death alluded to vaccination Spread Infection after BCG vaccination in a four-month suckling in Ilam [Volume 23, Number 1]
:: delivery Impacts of sleeping disturbances in the last month of pregnancy on the length of labor and way of delivery in women referring to the health centers of Saghez , 2006 [Volume 15, Number 3]
:: demographic characteristics, infertility, quality of life, women Quality of Life and Its Related Factors in Infertile Women of Isfahan 2008 [Volume 20, Number 3]
:: depression, students, Beck depression inventory, Ilam Investigation of Prevalence Rate of Depression Symptoms Among Ilam University students [Volume 19, Number 2]
:: depression, suicidal thoughts, to commit suicide Depression Among the Suicide Committed Comparison Between Suicidal Thoughts and Depression Among the Suicide Committed and Healthy Individuals Among Ilam Province People Between 2011 and 2012 [Volume 21, Number 1]
:: developmental projects, FMEA, risk, safety, tunneling The Risks and Effects of Iranian Amirkabir Tunneling Project Using Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) [Volume 21, Number 4]
:: diabetes, vanadium, glibencl-amide, shrimp extract, rat Extract on Exprimental Diabetes in Rats Evaluation Effect of Shrimp(Fenneropenaeus Indicus) [Volume 20, Number 4]
:: diabetes; coping strategies; mental disorders; mental health Role of Coping Strategies In The Psychological Problems of Patients With Diabetes [Volume 21, Number 3]
:: diabetic patients The effects of intermittent hypoxia on plasma adiponectin level in obese people with type II diabetes [Volume 23, Number 3]
:: diagnosis Assessment of Serum Total Sialic Acid Usage in Diagnosing Pneumonia [Volume 22, Number 5]
:: disasters Investigation on the Safety Status and Preparedness of Ilam´s Hospitals against Disasters in 2012 [Volume 22, Number 7]
:: disk-diffusion Antibacterial Activity of Alcoholic Extract of Ferulagoangolata [Volume 23, Number 4]
:: drinking water, fluoride, dental Effects of Flourid on Child Dental Caris in [Volume 19, Number 4]
:: droupout, non-droupout, stud-ents, general health Comparison of General Health in Droupout and Non-droupout Students of Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences [Volume 20, Number 2]
:: drugs resistance Sero-grouping of intestinal pathogenic bacteria causing diarrhea isolated from children and detection of their antibiotic resistance [Volume 15, Number 4]
:: dysfunctional Attitude Scale, factor structure, reliability, validity Development and validation of the Dysfunctional Attitude Scale -26 items : factor structure, reliability and validity in Psychiatric outpatients. [Volume 21, Number 5]
:: eccentric, concentric, training, oxidant, antioxidant Investigation of Acute Effects of Eccentric And [Volume 19, Number 3]
:: education, health, media Survey the Status of Media in Health Education in Iran [Volume 21, Number 1]
:: education, knowledge, attitude, cardio, vascular diseases, risk factors Survey The Effectiveness of Education on Knowledge and Attitude of High School and Guidance School Teachers of Ilam Urban About Risk Factors of Cardio-Vascular Diseases [Volume 21, Number 2]
:: electronic learning, web based education, medical education A Study on Electronic Learning Readiness of [Volume 19, Number 4]
:: elementary students Standardization of Meeker's Test on The 2nd To 5th Grade Elementary School Students of Ilam (Iran) [Volume 18, Number 3]
:: employee Status of Employee Empowerment in EMS Providers in Iran [Volume 18, Number 2]
:: enterotoxigenic escherichia coli, pathogenesis, vaccine, virulence factors Review of Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli bacteria vaccines [Volume 20, Number 4]
:: entrapment efficacy In vitro Anti-fungal And Toxicity of Spray-dried Amphotericin B-loaded Poly Lactide-glycolide Nanocapsules [Volume 18, Number 3]
:: ergonomics Comparison of Foot Anthropometric Measuremeants in Two Digital and Manual Approaches [Volume 16, Number 3]
:: esophageal varices, gastric lesi-onns, duodenal lesions, diameter of the po-rtal vein Assessment of the Simultaneous Presence of Esophageal Varices and Gastric and Duodenal Lesions and The Relationship Between the Lesions and Portal Vein Diameter In Hospitalized Patients With Cirrhosis [Volume 21, Number 6]
:: esophagus Effectiveness of Neoadjuant Treatments on Mortalities And Short-term Complications in Esophageal Cancer Patients Short-term Complications in Esophageal Cancer Patients )Hospital of Mashhad (Iran) [Volume 17, Number 1]
:: ethanol, fibroblast, MTT assay, morphologic studies The Evaluation of Ethanol Effects on Fibroblast Cells Viability [Volume 21, Number 2]
:: ethic, professional ethics,medical ethics Professional ethics and its role in the medicin [Volume 20, Number 5]
:: evaluation The Effect of Supportive Supervision Training on Supervision Teams Performance of the Health Networks in Ilam Province [Volume 22, Number 4]
:: exam anxiety, metacognitive beliefes, self- efficacy, optimism Relationship among metacognitive beliefs, self- efficacy, optimism and exam anxiety of medical science students [Volume 21, Number 7]
:: externalizing disorder Comparison The Personality Characteristics And The Parenting Styles of Elementary School Girls Students Mothers with Externalizing Disorder and Mothers of Normal Girl Students In Ilam [Volume 23, Number 2]
:: extract Evaluation of Leishmanicidal Effect of Watery & Ethanolic Flowers Calendula officinalis Extract on Promastigotes of Leishmania Major (MRHO/IR/75/ER) in Vitro [Volume 18, Number 1]
:: faculty member The Relationship between Human Capital and Learning Organization Components in Faculty Members of Imam-Khomeini Hospital Complex in 2011 [Volume 21, Number 7]
:: falling aeration Constructing and Designing A New Activated Sludge System Using Falling Aeration [Volume 18, Number 1]
:: family history Comparative Study of Factors Associated with Addiction Withdrawal in Clients Referring to Drug-Stop Clinics of Northern khorasan(Iran) in 2007 [Volume 17, Number 2]
:: fasting glucose, triglycerides, total cholesterol, LDL and HDL Effect of Fasting on Fasting Blood Glucose, Lipid Profile and Liver Enzymes [Volume 21, Number 4]
:: fear conditioning task Modulated Effect of 5-HT4 agonist upon Fear Memory in Dorsal Hippocampus (CA1) in Mice [Volume 22, Number 5]
:: female Students Relationship between Physical Fitness and General Health among Female Students of Ilam University [Volume 22, Number 3]
:: fentanyl Using Hematoma Black along with Fentanyl to Fix the Acute Forearm Distal Fractures [Volume 14, Number 2]
:: ferritin, purification, anion exchange chromatography, peroxidase acti-ity Purification of Ferritin From Sheep Liver and The Report of Peroxidase Activity of Heme-Ferritin Complex [Volume 20, Number 4]
:: fields of study Hypochondrias in Resident Students of Mashhad University of Medical Sciences [Volume 17, Number 1]
:: flicker value Development and validation of a laboratory instrument for measuring visual fatigue variations [Volume 22, Number 2]
:: fluency in Ilam high school students Examining relationships of creativity and its dimensionswith mental health [Volume 22, Number 6]
:: fluoride overu Fluorosis Prevalence in 8-27 Years Old Population of Dehloran, Mousian and Dasht Abbas Areas (Ilam) in 2006 [Volume 17, Number 2]
:: folly catheter A Study on Ripening of Cervix Using PG and Foley Catheter [Volume 16, Number 1]
:: food borne disease Prevalence of Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria Isolated from Foodstuff in Kitchen of a Hospital in Tehran [Volume 22, Number 2]
:: food patterns, healthy dietary pattern, metabolic syndrome, adults, insulin resistance Association between healthy dietary pattern and metabolic syndrome [Volume 21, Number 7]
:: foot and hand massage, pain intensity, caesarean. Intensity After Caesarean The Effect of Hand and Foot Massage on Pain Intensity After Caesarean [Volume 20, Number 4]
:: forgiveness, mental health, quality of life, intimacy and religious attitudes Comparison of Mental Health, Quality of Life, Intimacy And [Volume 19, Number 3]
:: functional recovery Effects of Olfactory Ensheathed Cells Transplantation on Functional Recovery in Delayed Phase of Spinal cord in Injured Rats [Volume 26, Number 1]
:: gene expression Gene Expression Analysis of Leukemia Microarray Data By DAVID Program [Volume 21, Number 2]
:: generalized anxiety disorder The role of emotion regulation deficits, thought-action fusion and behavioral inhibition in Generalized Anxiety Disorder [Volume 22, Number 6]
:: geographic distribution Study of International Approaches on Treatment of Common Diseases Using Different Methods of Complementary Medicine [Volume 16, Number 4]
:: girls Comparison of Irrational Beliefs and Happiness in intelligent and normal students [Volume 22, Number 3]
:: glycation, human serum Agonist Effect of Papaverine on Human [Volume 19, Number 4]
:: grassy and beach soccer, aerobic power at anaerobic threshold, anaerobic power, velocity, agility Comparison of The Selected Physiological and Functional Variables of The National Team Players of The Grassy and Beach Soccer [Volume 21, Number 1]
:: haemophilus influenzae, rapid detection, PCR Design of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Assay for Influenzae Bacterium Molecular Detection of HaemophilusInfluenzae Bacterium [Volume 20, Number 4]
:: hair regrowth Efficacy of Clobetasole Under Occlusion in Totalis / Universalis Alopecia [Volume 15, Number 1]
:: handedness Assessment of uneven shoulder and its related factors among high school Boys aged 15 -18 years in Ilam city [Volume 22, Number 2]
:: health education, prevention, obesity, children, adolescents Prevention of Overweight and Obesity In Children and Adolescents: A Review on The Accomplished Interventional Studies [Volume 21, Number 4]
:: health-promoting behaviors, ps-ychosocial well-being, University Acade-mic staff Health-Promoting Behaviors and Psychosocial Well-Being of University Shahid Sadoqi Yazd Academic Staff in Iran [Volume 21, Number 3]
:: heart rate Assaciations Between Two Exercise Intensity Indexes(%VO2max & %HRmax) During Submaximal Ergometery Exercise with Spastic Cerebral Palsy Teen-agers [Volume 16, Number 4]
:: heroin, glass, serum and blood parameters Comparative Study of Intraperitoneal Injection [Volume 21, Number 2]
:: high school Effectiveness of Teaching Management Skills on Aggression among Third Grade High School Boy-students in Ilam City (western Iran) [Volume 26, Number 1]
:: high-resolution CT, lung, ly-mph node, manifestation, mediastinum, sa-rcoidosis Typical and Atypical Manifestations of Patients With Sarcoidosis at High-resolution Computed Tomography(HRCT [Volume 21, Number 3]
:: histo-pathology The histopathologic effects of sulfur dioxide in mouse liver following the chronic and acute exposure [Volume 15, Number 3]
:: hypothyroidism, methimazole,‌ copper, zinc, rat The Effect of Methimazole-Induced Hypothyroidism on Serum Levels of Copper and Zinc in Albino Rats [Volume 20, Number 4]
:: hypoxia, recovery, blood pressure, children Evaluation of Hemodynamic And O2sat Conditions [Volume 19, Number 3]
:: icaD Evaluation of Chemical Composition of Helichrysum artemisioides Extract Its Effect on Biofilm Formation and IcaD Gene Expression in Clinical Isolates of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus [Volume 25, Number 1]
:: individual features, psycholo-gical features, escape A Survey of Personal and Psychological Features of Runaway Girls and Women in Kermanshah Township During 2011 [Volume 21, Number 3]
:: individual health The lifestyle of married women referring to health centers in West of Ahvaz [Volume 22, Number 3]
:: infant Eficacy of Peer Support on Growth Patterns of Infants below One Year Old [Volume 26, Number 1]
:: infection Cytomegalovirus Infection among Kidney Transplant Recipients One Year after Transplantation [Volume 26, Number 2]
:: infertility, sperm, protein, sam-ple preparation Total Protein Extraction With High Concentration From The Sperm Cells of Fertile and Infertile Men [Volume 20, Number 4]
:: insulin growth An ultra structure study on the effects of nerve growth factor and insulin-like growth factor on rat peripheralnerve regeneration [Volume 15, Number 3]
:: insurance Factors Affecting Patients' Preference in Choosing a Hospital Based on Marketing Mix (7p) in Iran [Volume 26, Number 1]
:: introverted Examine the relationship between personality type and level of confidence in the girl students in Zainab hostel of Lorestan University [Volume 22, Number 3]
:: irritable bowel syndrome Efficacy of Back Massage on Irritable Bowel Syndrome(IBS) Using Colcaba Comfort Theory [Volume 16, Number 2]
:: isolation, mazut, biodegradat-ion, oil hydrocarbons, enterobacter cloacae Evaluation of Petroleum-Degrading Bacteria and Their Ability in Eliminating Bioenvironmental Pollutants [Volume 21, Number 5]
:: job exhaustion, job satisfaction, A, B personality. relationship between personality types (A&B) and job satisfaction with job exhaustion among kindergarten educators of Ilam city [Volume 21, Number 6]
:: key words colorectal cancer (CRC), Exo1 gene, Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) Determining the role of Exonuclease1 gene polymorphism G>A rs1047840 and risk of colorectal cancer [Volume 21, Number 5]
:: knee flexion angle Investigating Knee Flexion Angle and Quadriceps to Hamstring Co-Activation in Athletes with Ankle Pronation Deformity and Healthy [Volume 23, Number 4]
:: knowledge, attitude, research Khowledge and Attitude of Students Toward Research in Isfahan University of Medical Sciences [Volume 21, Number 6]
:: knowledge, brucellosis, students Determining the Students' Knowledge of Kashan University of Medical Sciences about Brucellosis [Volume 21, Number 4]
:: knowledge, osteoporosis, education, students Effects of Brief Intervention on The Osteoporosis-Related Knowledge of Middle School Girl Students [Volume 21, Number 4]
:: knowledge, prevention perce-iveed susceptibility, perceived severity, ost-eoporosis, teachers Knowledge and Perceptions of Prevention of Osteoporosis Among Shahr-e-kord Female Teachers [Volume 21, Number 4]
:: labor cost The Estimation Of Cost Function In Ilam Hospitals (2003-2012) [Volume 22, Number 4]
:: lactat The Effect of Sleep and Sleep Deprivation on Cortisol and Testosterone Responses, Anaerobic Performance Indices and Blood Lactate in Active Men [Volume 24, Number 6]
:: language deficits, aphasic patie-nts, parallel recovery model, bilingual apha-sic test The Pattern of Language Deficit in Aphasic Patients who Suffer from CVA: Evidences of Kurdish-Persian Bilinguals [Volume 21, Number 1]
:: lavender aqueous extract, fibr-oblast, MTT assay, cytotoxic effects The Evaluation of Lavender Aqueous Extract on Human Fibroblast Cells [Volume 21, Number 1]
:: learning disorder Investigation of cognitive-behavioral instruction effect on students mental health with learning disorder in Tehran counties in academic year 2012-13 [Volume 23, Number 3]
:: lectures, video screenings, awareness, attitude, behavior, Comparison of two methods of dental health education lectures and film screenings on knowledge, attitude and practice of students [Volume 20, Number 5]
:: left ventricle The effect of Endurance Activity on Left Ventricle PurβGene Expressionin Wistar Male Rat [Volume 23, Number 6]
:: left. Histological changes in respiratory epithelium of right and left nasal cavities to Capsaicin in rat nasal mucosa. [Volume 15, Number 1]
:: length of first stage labor A study on how the pregnant mother's positions affect the length of her first deliveries [Volume 15, Number 4]
:: lesson plan, Shiraz University, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences Comparative Analysis of the Implementation of Lesson Planning By The Professors at Shiraz University and Shiraz University of Medical Sciences [Volume 21, Number 4]
:: lieshmania major, IL-2Rα, ph-yto hemagglutinin, lymphocyte proliferate-ion An In Vitro Study on Suppressive Effects of Leishmania major on IL-2Ra Expression in Activated Peripheral Human T Lymphocyte [Volume 21, Number 5]
:: lifestyle Clarifying Association of Various Types of Social Skills, Self-efficacies, Lifestyles, with Internet Addiction Disorders (IAD) in High School Sport Students of Ilam Province [Volume 26, Number 1]
:: linguatula serrata, dog, zoonotic, Ilam Study of Linguatula serrata Infection Rate among Shepherd And Stray Dogs in [Volume 19, Number 2]
:: lipid per oxidation A Comparison between lipid Per oxidation Products & Hemoglobin in Patients of Diabetes T.2 with Normal People [Volume 16, Number 1]
:: lipids pr-ofile The Effects of 12 Weeks of Low-volume High-intensity Interval Training and Traditional Continuous Exercise Training on Adiponectin Level and Lipids Profile in Obese Young Men [Volume 22, Number 5]
:: lung cancer Investigation on the Inhibitory Effects of Hydro-alcoholic Extract of Thymbra spicata on the Growth of Lung Cancer Cell Line SK-Mes-1 [Volume 22, Number 4]
:: lutetium Increasing The Absorbed Dose in Photon Activation Therapy in the Labeled Tissue by Gold and Lutetium [Volume 26, Number 1]
:: male rats Evaluating the Root Extract of Cyperus rotundus L. on Learning and Memory in Male Rats [Volume 22, Number 6]
:: maltose Comparison of Maltofer And Maltose Effects on Growth And Morphology of Dermatophyte spp Colonies [Volume 18, Number 3]
:: mam-mography The study of Preventive and Impeller Factors of Prevalent Cancers Screening Tests in Women in Kashan during 2013 [Volume 22, Number 7]
:: massage Effects of Massage on Pain Due to Cramp MuscleDuring Hemodialysis [Volume 17, Number 1]
:: mastic oil, fatty acids, baneh, omega-3, wanoshk, traditional uses of baneh A review Study on Chemical Properties and Food Indexes of Mastic Oil Compared With Olive, Sunflower and Canola oils. The Ilamian Traditional Uses of Mastic [Volume 21, Number 5]
:: mastitis, dairy cows, bacteria, contaminated milk Bacterial Agents of Mastitis in Dairy Cow Farms in Ilam City [Volume 20, Number 4]
:: maximum strength Effects of Strength Training on C-reactive protein And [Volume 18, Number 3]
:: medical imaging Potential applications of bacteriophages in medicine: medical imaging, targeted drug and gene delivery [Volume 23, Number 1]
:: medical students The Evaluation of Anti Measles IgG Antibody Level Five Years After Mass Vaccination of Measles- Rubella Among The Medical Students of Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences [Volume 18, Number 1]
:: melatonin, formalin test, rats, br-ain ventricle Effect of Melatonin on the Formalin-Induced Pain in White Male Rats [Volume 21, Number 5]
:: menopausal women Effectiveness of Education on Life Style in Menopausal Women [Volume 26, Number 1]
:: menopause. Effects of Passion Flower on Hot Flash in Menopausal Women Supervised by Esfahan Health Centers, 2002 [Volume 14, Number 2]
:: mental disorders Epidemiological Investigation of Suicide due to Mental Disorders in Ilam Province during 1993-2009 [Volume 22, Number 5]
:: mental health How Does Spousal Violence Affect Mental Health of Women in Chahar-Mahal Bakhtyari, 2006 [Volume 16, Number 1]
:: meta-analysis Gly972Arg Polymorphism of IRS-1 Gene and Susceptibility to Type 2 Diabetes: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Study [Volume 22, Number 6]
:: meta-analysis, outlier, influence, albendazole, hookworm Application of Effective Diagnostic Methods For Meta-Analyzing The Effect of Albendazole In The Treatment of Patients With hookworm: A Systematic Study [Volume 21, Number 5]
:: metacognition beliefs and domestic violence Metacognition beliefs with types of domestic violence in the women victim of Ardebil city [Volume 21, Number 7]
:: methylene blue, UV radiation, advanced oxidation, catalyst immobilize-ation. of Methylene Blue Using UV Radiation in Study of the Effective Parameters on Decolorizationof Methylene Blue Using UV Radiation in the Presence of Immobilized Catalyst [Volume 21, Number 1]
:: mice Effects of Medicago sativa Plant on Wound Healing in Animal Model [Volume 18, Number 4]
:: micro organism The Study of bacterial contamination status of bank ATM keyboards in Shahrekord [Volume 22, Number 2]
:: microfilter Effects of Micro-filter in Detection of Coliform in Tap Water by PCR [Volume 17, Number 3]
:: mindfulness cognitive therapy, blood pressure sistolic and diastolic The effect of mindfulness cognitive therapy on blood pressure sistolic and diastolic in male patient with blood pressure of Golestan Hospital of Ahvaz [Volume 21, Number 4]
:: missing completely at random, missing at random, missing not at random, selection model, pattern-mixture model, shared parameters model Different Types of Missing in Longitudinal Data and the Likelihood-base Methods Applied in their Analysis [Volume 20, Number 4]
:: mixer Dual-purpose oscillating and radial laboratory mixer [Volume 22, Number 5]
:: molecular dynamics Pharmaceutical Inhibitor Design against Cyclooxygenase2 to Reduce the Inflammation and Pain [Volume 24, Number 6]
:: mouse Effects of Overcrowding on Mice Blastocyst [Volume 18, Number 3]
:: multiple sclerosis Analysis of Thraputic Expenditure in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis in Iran [Volume 21, Number 7]
:: multiple sclerosis, body esteem, social support Evaluation of relationship body esteem with perceived social support in patients with multiple sclerosis admitted to the MS Society Tehran [Volume 21, Number 6]
:: multiple trauma A Case Report of Septicemia Due to Pseudomonas AeruginosaAnd Acinetobacter in A Multiple Trauma Patient [Volume 16, Number 2]
:: multiplex-PCR Simultaneous isolation of sulfonamide resistance gene class (sul І, П) and Integron Class I in Shigella Sonnei isolated from clinical samples in Kerman province using Multiplex-PCR [Volume 26, Number 2]
:: nano-TiO2, Cobalt 60, Breast cancer, radiosensitivity, radiotherapy Evaluation of Synergistic Effect of TiO2 Nanoparticles and Gamma Rays on Human Breast Cancer Cell Line [Volume 20, Number 4]
:: nano-TiO2, Cobalt 60, gastric cancer, radiosensitivity, radiotherapy Evaluation of radio-sensitizing effect of TiO2 nanoparticles on human gastric cancer cell line [Volume 20, Number 5]
:: nanoparticle Histopathologic and biochemical study of zinc oxide nanoparticles effect on renal tissue in rats [Volume 26, Number 3]
:: nanoparticles, magnetite, kinetic, isotherm, batch experiment, chromium. Synthesis tea waste-supported magnetite nanoparticles and study affect onto Removal Chromium Cr(VI) from aqueous solution [Volume 21, Number 7]
:: nephrotoxicity The effect of Alhagi maurorum(aerial parts)hydroachoholic extract on acute gentamicin nephrotoxicity in rat [Volume 22, Number 2]
:: newcastle disease virus, F gene identification, mutation, Iran Identification of Newcastle Disease Virus F gene from Recent Outbreaks in Iran [Volume 21, Number 1]
:: noise stress, testosterone, LH, FSH, zinc Effect of Supplementation of Zinc on Exposed to Noise Stress Fertilization Capacity of Male Rats Exposed to Noise Stress [Volume 21, Number 1]
:: non-organic disturbance Prevalnce of Iron Deficiency Based on Lab. Indexes in Children with None-organic Growth Referred to Imam Khomeini Hospital of Ilam [Volume 18, Number 2]
:: normal people The comparison between executive functions of patients with type 2 diabetes and normal subjects [Volume 22, Number 3]
:: nostalgic family, compatibility, dormitory, students The Relationship Between Nostalgia for the Family and Compatibility Among Students Living in the Dormitories of Shahr-e-kord University of Medical Sciences [Volume 21, Number 6]
:: nurse distribution, inequality, e-quity, lorenz curve, gini coefficient The Nurse Manpower Distribution at State Hospitals of Iran by Lorenz Curve and Gini Index During 2001-2006 [Volume 21, Number 6]
:: nutritional status, food groups, Health, students Evaluating the Nutritional Status of Dormitory Resident Students in Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Science [Volume 21, Number 3]
:: obesity. The Effect of 12 weeks of aerobic training on lung function and serum leptin levels in obese men [Volume 22, Number 1]
:: occupational accidents, uns-afe behavior, unsafe conditions, oil refinery Kermanshah Reasons of Occupational Accidents in Kermanshah Petroleum Refinery: A Retrospective Study 1984-2009 [Volume 20, Number 2]
:: oil-refining industry Ergonomics Assessment of Manual Handling Tasks using the Key item Method (Kim) and its Relationship with Prevalence of Musculoskeletal Disorders in Abadan Oil Refinery [Volume 26, Number 1]
:: omega3 Effects of Evening Primrose Oil on Depression Disorders onPatients at Psycho-neurological Clinic of Khoramabad [Volume 16, Number 4]
:: opium, rabbit, histology, liver The effect of the opium addiction on histological structure of liver and kidney in rabbits [Volume 21, Number 3]
:: optimization Optimization of Effective Parameters on Cut-off of Rapid Detection System of Morphine Based on Lateral Flow Assay (LFA) Method [Volume 22, Number 3]
:: organs at risk Estimation of Absorbed Dose to the Organs with High Risk of Radiation Exposure During External Radiotherapy of Esophageal Cancer [Volume 22, Number 7]
:: orthosis Effectiveness of Common Supportive Orthosis in Relieving Patients Suffering from Knee Osteoarthrosis [Volume 16, Number 1]
:: osteoporosis, osteopenia, wom-en, BMD, physical activity, calcium Prevalence of Osteoporosis and its Related Factors in Women Referred to Fasa`s Densitometry Center [Volume 21, Number 4]
:: ovalbumin Cytokine Responses in BALB/c Mice Immunized with Ovalbumin after Oral Administration of 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural [Volume 26, Number 1]
:: pH adjustment of the solution by instant feedback method Design and Construction of an Automatic pH Adjustment System by Instant Feedback Method [Volume 29, Number 2]
:: pain intensity Effects of Acupressure at The Hugo Point(LI4) on Labor Pain And Duration of Delivery in Nulliparous Women [Volume 18, Number 4]
:: pancreatic cancer; mortality; Iran Trend analysis of Pancreatic Cancer Mortality in Iran [Volume 20, Number 4]
:: parametric models, socioecono-mic factors, colon cancer Assessment of Parametric Models For Determining 5-Year Survival In Patients With Colon Cancer In Tehran [Volume 21, Number 5]
:: parasite, leishmania, cutaneous leishmaniasis, epidemiology, Kashan An Epidemiological Study of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis With Emphasis on Incidence Rate in Kashan, Isfahan Province [Volume 21, Number 2]
:: pedestrians, knowledge, attitude, behavior, road rules, Kashan Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Pedestrians about Driving Rules in kashan [Volume 20, Number 5]
:: pediatric dentistry, behavior management, sedation, general anesthesia Sedation Versus General Anesthesia Dental Behavior Management in Children:Sedation Versus General Anesthesia [Volume 20, Number 4]
:: peptide, antimicrobial, bacteria Synthesis of antimicrobial peptides in bacteria [Volume 20, Number 5]
:: perceived stress, perceived social support, depression, students. Study of Effective Factors on Depression, Perceived Stress and Perceived Social Support and their Relationship among Students Living in Dormitories of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Science [Volume 21, Number 4]
:: personal style (Autonomy / Socitropy) The Relationship between Personal Styles and Emotional Intelligence with Marital Satisfaction [Volume 22, Number 5]
:: phenol, MTT, UV Absorbing, β-carotene, anti-cancer Application of Phenols in Improvement of β-carotene as Anti-Cancer Agent Assisted by its UV Absorbing Quality [Volume 20, Number 4]
:: physical activity, quality of life, school children, PedsQL questionnaire, vid-eo game Evaluating the Association Between Quality of Life and Physical Activity in Female Student Children [Volume 21, Number 2]
:: plant based food A Review of the Effects of Different Types of Food Processing Methods on the Amount of Pesticides Residues in Raw and Processed Plant-based Food [Volume 22, Number 6]
:: play therapy cognitive – behavioral, shyness, social withdrawal, approach cognitive- behavioral Mayknbam The effect of play therapy with a cognitive approach - behavioral Mayknbam reduce shyness and social withdrawal malekshahy city school students [Volume 21, Number 6]
:: polyaluminum silicate chloride, electrocoagulation, natural organic matter, coagulation and flocculation Comparison of Polyaluminum Silicate Chloride And Electrocoagulation Process in Natural Organic [Volume 19, Number 2]
:: polymer. Evaluating the Performance of Limecoagulant Using Synthetic Polymer in Dye Removal From Textile Wastewater [Volume 22, Number 6]
:: polymorphism Breast Cancer And Glutathione s-transferaseGenetic Polymorphism [Volume 17, Number 1]
:: post dural puncture headache,dexamethasone Efficacy of Prophylactic Intravenous Dexamethasone in [Volume 19, Number 4]
:: preceptor, clinical education, sa-tisfaction, nursing students Relationship Between Preceptors Educational Preparedness and Nursing Student’s Satisfaction With Clinical and Practical Educations [Volume 21, Number 5]
:: preeclampsia Serum Concentration of Leptin And Adiponectin in Preeclampsia [Volume 18, Number 4]
:: pregnancy Association of The First Trimester Anemia and Fetal Birth Weight [Volume 26, Number 2]
:: pregnancy Determining the Correlation between Consumption of Calcium, Iron and Multivitamin Supplements and Dental Status in Post Partum Women in the City of Tehran (2011) [Volume 22, Number 5]
:: pregnant women A Study on Correlation Between Gestational Diabetes And History Polycystic Ovary Syndrome in Women Referred to Akbar Abady Hospital in Tehran 1998-2005 [Volume 17, Number 4]
:: preparedness, pandemic influen-za H1N1, schools, universities, Ilam How Prepared Are Schools And Universities of Ilam Against Pandemic Influenza H1N1 [Volume 20, Number 1]
:: prevalence Prevalence of Behavioral Disorders among School-boys & girls in Ilam During 2005-6 [Volume 16, Number 1]
:: primary dysmeno-rrheal Effect of Using Combination of Fennel, Chamomile and Ginger on Relieving Symptoms of Primary Dysmenorrheal among Students in Ardabil University of Medical Sciences in 2012 [Volume 22, Number 6]
:: primary teeth, tooth decay, dmft Prevalence and Causes of Decay In Primary Teeth of Children Aged 2-6 Years In Kashan [Volume 21, Number 5]
:: prisoner study the effect of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) on the enhancement of social, affective and health adjustment of prisoners [Volume 22, Number 1]
:: protection Designing a safety device to protect drivers' visionagainst up-or-down head-lights of opposite trucks [Volume 15, Number 4]
:: protein Comparison of Three Staining Methods, Coomassie Blue R250, Colloidal Coomassie Blue and Blue Silver, for Detecting Mouse Brain Proteins Separated by Two-Dimensional Electrophoresis [Volume 22, Number 3]
:: proteom Proteomics Comparison of Breast Cancer with Adjacent Normal Tissues in Women with Breast Cancer [Volume 26, Number 1]
:: pseudomonas aeruginosa, cystic fibrosis, PAPI Study of PAPI-1 Frequency in Clinical Strains of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa [Volume 21, Number 5]
:: pseudomonas aeruginosa, exotoxin A, alginate A Study on The Frequency of Toxin A, Alginate Genes, And of Clinical Pseudomonas aeroginosa Strains [Volume 20, Number 1]
:: psycho-metric evaluation. Validity and reliability of "Multidimensional Symptoms Fatigue Inventory-Short Form"(MSFI-SF) [Volume 22, Number 5]
:: psycho-social disorders, time trend, counseling centers of social welfare organization during 1381-1388 psycho-social problems in referred client to counseling centers of Social Welfare Organization Frequency distribution trend of psychological disorders and [Volume 20, Number 4]
:: psychological disorders, general health, sleep, sleep quality, Gole Gohar Sir-jan Investigation of The Relationship Between General Health and Workers’ Sleep Quality and Work Incidence in Gole Gohar Mineral Industries Co., Sirjan [Volume 21, Number 2]
:: psychotropic substances, ecstasy, addiction, student Assessment of Psychoactive Substances Use and Their Associated Factors Among Students of Shiraz University and Shiraz University of Medical Sciences [Volume 21, Number 4]
:: public health The survey of job exhausting and this correlation with nursing public health in Abadan and Khoramshahr in 2012 [Volume 22, Number 4]
:: pulmonary function test (PFT), ulcerative colitis (UC), IBD (Inflammatory Bowel disease) Pulmonary Function Test Results in Patients [Volume 19, Number 1]
:: pulse oxygen Correlation between Cardiovascular Hemodynamic Parameters of Perimenopausal Women during an Exhaustive Activity at Air Polluted and Non-Air-Polluted Environments [Volume 29, Number 1]
:: quadruple therapy Furazolidone, Amoxicillin, Omeprazole With or Without Bismuth for Eradication of Helicobacter Pylori in Peptic Ulcer Disease [Volume 18, Number 2]
:: qualitative ordinal methodology Qualitative Evaluation of Primary Health Care Plans (Worker Health House) Among Some Industries in Yazd, Iran [Volume 18, Number 1]
:: qualitative study Explanation of Emotional Feelings of Women with Infertility: A Qualitative Study [Volume 21, Number 1]
:: quality of life, brain tumor, cancer, EORTC QLQ-C30, EORTC QLQ-BN20 Health related quality of life associated factors among patients with brain tumors [Volume 21, Number 3]
:: quality of life, cataract, surgery Comparing the Quality of Life in Patients Older than 50 Years Before and After Cataract Surgery in Chaharamahal and Bakhtiari [Volume 21, Number 6]
:: quality of life, depression, nutrition status, students Effective Factors on The Quality of Life in Female Students of Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences [Volume 21, Number 6]
:: quality of life. Effect of methadone on depression, anxiety and quality of life in addicts [Volume 22, Number 2]
:: quim coccid The Anti-coccidial Evaluation of Quim coccid, Pharm coccid, Amprolium And Monensia Against Eimeria Tenella in Vitro [Volume 18, Number 2]
:: rCT Evaluation of mRNA Expression of Calcitonin Gene-Dependent Peptide (CGRP) and Rat Calcitonin (rCT) in the Periaqueductal Gray Area (PAG) of Diabetic Rats in the Formalin Test [Volume 30, Number 1]
:: radiotherapy Association of Glutathione S-transferase And Chromosomal Aberrations As a Means to Determine Occupational Exposure [Volume 17, Number 3]
:: rat Determination of Spontaneous Locomotor Improvement in Rats with Spinal Cord Chronic Injury [Volume 26, Number 2]
:: rat The Combined Effect of Endurance Training and Atorvastatin on the Extent of Necrosis Damageand Fibrosis Tissue in Male Wistar Rats Heart after Experimental Myocardial Infarction [Volume 23, Number 7]
:: rat Effect of Chronic Administration of Morphine on Male Rats' Feeding Behavior [Volume 18, Number 4]
:: rat Effects of Hydro-Alcoholic Extract of Withania Coagulans on Antioxidant Status and Sperm Parameters Following Testosterone Administration in Rat [Volume 26, Number 2]
:: rat Effects of Ginger (Zingiber Officinale) Aqueous Extract on the Levels of Hepatic Enzymes, Biochemical Parameters, and Histological Changes in Male Wistar Strain Rats Following Treatment with Streptozotocin [Volume 26, Number 1]
:: rat The effects of L-Arginine and L-Name on corpus luteum and growing follicle changes in pregnant rats [Volume 17, Number 4]
:: rat Effects of Cuminum cyminum Essence on Rat Ovary Function following Administration of Dopaminergic Agonist and Antagonist [Volume 26, Number 1]
:: rats Evaluation of Cold allodynia by Thermal Place Preference Test Following A Short Term of Treadmill Exercise in Neuropathic Rats [Volume 26, Number 2]
:: re-training course Considering the Effect of Re-training Course of Cardio pulmonary Resuscitation on Nurses’ Awareness and Skill Levels of the Most Recent Changes in CPCR Protocol [Volume 22, Number 6]
:: real-time PCR Study of the Differential Expression of Non-coding RNA, such as PRNCR1, in the Plasma of Breast Cancer Patients [Volume 26, Number 5]
:: rehabilitation Comparison of Movement Skill Growth in Students With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder With Normal Students [Volume 17, Number 4]
:: related fact-ors Assessing Related Factors on the Illicit Use of Medications in Abbas Abad City(mazandaran): A Cross Sectional Study [Volume 22, Number 5]
:: reliability Evaluation of standards measuring psycho-social factors effective on physical activities of high-school girl-students at Tehran branch No:10 [Volume 15, Number 4]
:: retrograde urthrography Compatative Investigation of Male Urinary Tract Stricture Sonography With Urthrographic Resulrts [Volume 16, Number 3]
:: rheumatoid arthritis, quality of life, health status, self-care behaviors Relationship Between Quality of Life, Health Status and Self-care Behaviors in patients [Volume 19, Number 2]
:: rs17065417 polymorphism Evaluation of the Association between the Risk of Breast Cancer and rs17065417 Polymorphism in the LIN28B Gene [Volume 27, Number 5]
:: rs17576 Association of MMP-2(rs7201) and MMP-9(rs17576) genetic polymorphisms with the risk of endometriosis [Volume 32, Number 3]
:: rs1801133 The Association of the MTHFR Gene Polymorphisms with Breast Cancer Susceptibility [Volume 30, Number 6]
:: safety climate, management commitment, accident, Gol Gohar Investigation of the Safety Climate among Workers in Sirjan GolGohar Mining and Industrial Company [Volume 20, Number 5]
:: salivary glands A study on ethanol effects on tissue structureof salivary glands in adult mouse [Volume 15, Number 4]
:: saponin, candidiasis, aqueous extract, Nectaroscordum tripedale The in Vitro Inhibitory Effects of the Aqueous Extracts of Summer Onion on Candida Albicans [Volume 21, Number 1]
:: satesfaction from welfare possibilities A Investigation about Effect of Jender,Job Satisfection,Satisfaction from Welfar and Stste of marriage on Depression In Nurses of Public Hospitals of Ilam County and it’s associated Factors. [Volume 22, Number 4]
:: satisfaction, student, computer centers, medical sciences university of Sh-ahr- e-kord Evaluating the Satisfaction Rate of Students With Computer Centers at Shahr-e-Kord University of Medical Sciences [Volume 21, Number 5]
:: schizophrenia, PRODH, proline Analysis of Polymorphisms in Relation to Schizophrenia Susceptibility [Volume 20, Number 4]
:: schizophrenia, emotion facial expression from recognition, paranoid, disorganized. Comparison of emotion facial expression from recognition in paranoid schizophrenia, disorganized schizophrenia and control people [Volume 21, Number 6]
:: scientometrics; articles, citation-ns; paramedical school; Shahid Beheshti Univ-ersity of MedicalSciences Trend of Scientific Production at The School of Paramedical Sciences of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences inScopus & ISI Databases During 2009-Mid 2012 [Volume 21, Number 4]
:: scp B gene Detection of GBS(scpB gene) Carriers in Pregnant Women in Kermanshah By phenotypic and Colony PCR Methods [Volume 26, Number 2]
:: scrophularia striata; antim-icrobial effects; escherichia coli; human fibroblast cell line Study of Antibiotical Effects of Scrophularia Striata With Tetracyclin Aqueous Extract on E. Coli in Comparison With Tetracyclin [Volume 20, Number 4]
:: self care Relations between self-esteem and applying coping mechanism and self-care program in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients [Volume 15, Number 4]
:: self care, student, university Assessment and Comparison of Self-Care Status among Students of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences and Tabriz University [Volume 21, Number 6]
:: septic arthritis, shoulder, hip, knee, arthrotomy Evaluation of Etiologies And Results of Septic Arthritis [Volume 19, Number 2]
:: sequencing Identification and Investigation of norA Gene Mutations by Nucleotide Sequencing in Ciprofloxacin Resistance Staphylococcus aureus Isolated from Nasal Infection in Sanandaj Town, Western Iran [Volume 26, Number 2]
:: sequencing batch reactor Anaerobic-Aerobic attached sequencing batch reactor lab scale performance evaluation related to the orthophosphate removal from secondary treatment effluent [Volume 22, Number 1]
:: sero-group Molecular Typing of Endemic Isolates of Leptospires in Guilanm,Iran, by Restriction Endonuclease Analysis( REA) [Volume 17, Number 2]
:: seropositivity to mycoplasma pneumonia, acute myocardial infarction, patients, acute infection Comparison of Seropositivity Rate of Mycoplasma Pneumoniae in Patents With Acute Myocardial Infarction And Without It [Volume 20, Number 1]
:: serum bilirubin level Effects of Oral Agar Gel in Prevention of None-hemolytic Jaundice in Normal Term Neonates A Double-Blind Controlled Trial [Volume 18, Number 4]
:: serum cholesterol A study on the Effects of Lactobacillus fermantum-fermented Milk Consumption on Lipid Patterns of Rats Fed with a High Fat Diet [Volume 26, Number 1]
:: sex ratio. The Role of Gender Preference in Reproductive Behavior of Women in the City of Kangavar [Volume 22, Number 6]
:: skin Effects of Scrophularia striata Extract on Wound Healing in Rabbit [Volume 17, Number 4]
:: skin cancer, educational Promotion of Sun Protection in Children: An [Volume 19, Number 4]
:: sleep, sleep time, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, student The relationships between sleep habits and times with sleep quality among college students [Volume 21, Number 4]
:: smoking, ardestan city, cigarette Cigarette Smoking Status in The City of Ardestan City During 2010 [Volume 21, Number 4]
:: soft tissue malignancy Comparison of Efficacy of Transdermal Fentanyl Patch in Treatment of Chronic Soft Tissue Cancer Pain With Placebo in A Double-Blind Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 17, Number 1]
:: south Iranian women Analyzing Association of the IRF-5 rs10954213 Gene Polymorphism with the Risk of IdiopathicRecurrent Pregnancy Losses in South Iranian Women [Volume 26, Number 1]
:: spastic, exercise intensity, ergometry, heart rate Assaciations Between Two Exercise Intensity Indexes (%VO2max & %HRmax) During Submaximal Ergometery Exercise with Spastic []
:: staphylococcus aureus, smr, Zn-So4 Antimicrobial Effects of Zinc in S. Aureus Strains Resistant and Sensitive to Benzalkonium Chloride and Holder smr Gene Isolated From Clinical and Dairy Samples [Volume 21, Number 2]
:: streptozotocin Efficacy of Eggplant Hydroalcoholic Extract on Blood Lipid Indice in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Male Rats [Volume 26, Number 2]
:: stress, coping strategy with str-ess, mental health The Relationship Between Coping style and Mental Health Along With Considering The Severity of Drug Addiction In Addicted Subjects [Volume 21, Number 3]
:: students Studying the Knowledge of Middle School Students in Khomeinshahr City about Food Stuffs Hygiene [Volume 22, Number 3]
:: students The relationship of internet addiction with depression, mental health and demographic characteristic in the students of Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences [Volume 22, Number 4]
:: students Evaluating The Use of Poetry To Reduce Signs of Depression in Students [Volume 18, Number 2]
:: students. The Relationship between personality traits and Identity Styles in Students [Volume 22, Number 4]
:: suicide Comparing the Effectiveness of two Therapeutic Methods of Dialectical Behavior Therapy and Cognitive Behavior Therapy on the Improvement of Impulsive Behavior in the Patients Suffering from Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) Showing a Tendency to Suicide [Volume 22, Number 5]
:: suicide, self immolation, burni-ng percentage, Ilam province Burning Percentage Evaluation of Cases With Suicide Attempt by Self-Burning in The Ilam Province Between 1372-1385 [Volume 21, Number 3]
:: sulphate of cooper Effects of Drug Combined of Black And White Alum on Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Lesion [Volume 17, Number 4]
:: support, exclusive breast feeding, breast feeding duration Effect of Support from the Mothers with Positive Breast Feeding Experience on Breast Feeding Pattern and Duration among Primiparous Women Referred to MaternityWard of Ilam Hospital, 2010 [Volume 20, Number 2]
:: synoviocyte Evaluating the Effects of Carnosic acid on TNF-α Gene Expression in LPS-activated Synoviocytes [Volume 25, Number 5]
:: telomeres, telomerase, cancer, aging The Association Between Telomeres, Telomerase, Cancer and Aging [Volume 21, Number 1]
:: the brain behavioral systems Cognitive emotion regulation strategies in processing suicidal thoughts [Volume 22, Number 4]
:: the family planning A comparative study of Effective Factors on Women’s Reproductive Health among Dorood and Koohdasht Residents [Volume 22, Number 6]
:: theory of planned behavior, road crossing safe behaviors, students, behave-oral intention Survey on Elationship Between Constructs of The Planned Behavior and Road Crossing Safe Behaviors Among The Fourth Grade Students of Tehran City [Volume 21, Number 3]
:: tissue engineering, bone regene-ration, growth factor, craniomaxillofacial Craniomaxillofacial Bone Tissue Engineering: A review on Growth Factors [Volume 20, Number 4]
:: toxicity-adjuvant therapy, breast cancer, side effects Impacts of Treatment Management Methods onControl of Toxicity And Side Effects of Chemotherapy Regimens in Breast Cancer [Volume 20, Number 1]
:: toxoplasma gondii, IgG, IgM, pregnant women, Tabriz Sero-epidemiology of Toxoplasma Infection in PregnantWomen Referred to Al Zahra Hospital in Tabriz [Volume 20, Number 3]
:: traffic accidents, road bump The Effect of Road Bump on The Incidence of Road Accidents in Kashan [Volume 21, Number 4]
:: training performance Compative Study of The Students' Self-assessment And Evalution of Professors' Training Performance in Ilam University of Medical Sciences [Volume 18, Number 4]
:: traumatic events, psychological symptoms, male students, high school Role of Experiencing Traumatic Life Events in The Prediction of Psychological Symptoms in Male High School Students in City of Uremia in 2010-2011 School-Year [Volume 20, Number 4]
:: triglycerides, prevalence, meta-analysis, Iran Prevalence of The Hypertriglyceridemia in Iran: A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review Study [Volume 21, Number 2]
:: trust Relationship between attachment styles, Nutrition type , ( Breastfeeding , dry milk) weaning style (suddenly or gradual) with communication styles interpersonal trust in adulthood [Volume 22, Number 1]
:: type 2 diabetic, self manage-ment, knowledge Effectiveness of Education Program on Increasing Self Management Among Patients with Type II Diabetes [Volume 20, Number 1]
:: type of delivery Effects of ambulation during the active phase of first stage of labor on the type of delivery [Volume 15, Number 4]
:: un-stable Increasing Plasma Level of Pentraxin-3 (PTX3) in Differentiation of Patients with Coronary Artery Disease from Healthy Subjects [Volume 22, Number 5]
:: underweight. Prevalence of abnormal body mass index in adolescents in the city of Sanandaj and its socio-demographic predictors [Volume 22, Number 1]
:: university students Association Between Clinical Features And Its DemographicCorrelates, in Ilam Azad University Students 2007-8 [Volume 18, Number 2]
:: unstable The Inflammatory Role of Myeloperoxidase and Its Increased Level in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease [Volume 22, Number 5]
:: uropathogen Association Between Asymptomatic Bacteriuria And Some emographic Variables in Pregnant Womenr Refered to Health Centers Affilited to Hamadan University of Medical Sciences [Volume 18, Number 3]
:: vaginal infections Comparison of Application clotrimazole Cream and Povidone iodine on Common Vaginal Infections [Volume 22, Number 4]
:: valerian Effectiveness of Valerian As A Complementary Medicineon Bipolar Mood Disorders [Volume 17, Number 1]
:: validity Designing the Validity and Reliability of Osteoporosis Prevention Instrument based on Health Belief Model in women [Volume 22, Number 3]
:: variation, inferior epigastric, medial circumflex femoral and artery Rare Origin of the Inferior Epigastric and Medial Circumflex Femoral Arteries a Common Trunk from the External Iliac Artery [Volume 20, Number 3]
:: ventilation system Designing and Constructing Welding Tongs Equipped with Electric Arch and Ventilation System [Volume 17, Number 2]
:: violence, nursing, hospital Survey of Violence Against Nursing in The Ilam Training Hospitals at 2012 [Volume 21, Number 2]
:: virologic and epidemiologic factors Investigating the Relationship of Virologic and Epidemiologic Mmarkers with Treatment Outcomes in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B [Volume 22, Number 7]
:: volatile organic compounds, benzene, ozone, ultraviolet rays On the Effects of Reaction Time,Ozone Dosage,and Relative Humidity on the Efficacy of the UV/O3 Process in the Removal of Benzene from the Airflow [Volume 21, Number 2]
:: volatile organic compounds, petrochemical, environmental air, gas chromatography Evaluation of Benzene, Toluene And p,m&o-Xylene Contaminants at Mahshahr Petrochemical [Volume 19, Number 2]
:: workers An Analysis Over The Decrease of Hearing Ability Among Workers in Workshops & Factories of More Than 50 Members in Ilam Province [Volume 17, Number 1]
:: working woman The effect of educational program based on BASNEF Model on performing regular physical activity among employees women in Hamadan University of Medical Sciences [Volume 25, Number 5]
:: wound healing Study of clinical and biomechanical effect of carboxymethyl ellulose on surgical wound healing [Volume 32, Number 1]
:: ‎Candida albicans Comparison of Antimicrobial Effects of Two Medicinal Plants Eryngium Planum and Stachys Lavandulifolia on Oral Pathogens in Vitro Models [Volume 32, Number 6]
مجله دانشگاه علوم پزشکی ایلام Journal of Ilam University of Medical Sciences
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