1- Shiraz University of Medical Sciences. , smmazloomi@gmail.com 2- Shiraz University of Medical Sciences
Abstract: (9935 Views)
Introduction: Nowadays, lack of attention to the currency period and adverse effects of residues in Food products has highly concerned consumers. Since different met-hods are applied for producing and process-sing plant-based foods, the effect of each method on the amount of pesticide residuals is still under discussion. Materials & Methods: In this review article, the results of 32 studies in scientific data bases were investigated in order to assess the effect of different plant-based foods’ processsing methods on the amount of pesti-cides residues. Findings: Several studies have shown that pre-processing of the Food products incl-uding washing, blanching, and peeling rem-oved some pesticides from these Products.
Also, processing methods such as cooking vegetables and fruits, milling grains, and producing flour and bread has mitigated some residues. However, some Toxicology researches have reported that some proce-sses such as cooking, might degrade the pesticides and convert them to more toxic substances. Discussion & Conclusion: Although studies have shown that most processes which were used in preparing plant-based Food reduced the amount of some pesticides depending on the type of product, type of pesticide, nature of process and other factors, some processes degraded them into more Toxi-colic compounds.
Mazloomi S, Sefidkar R. A Review of the Effects of Different Types of Food Processing Methods on the Amount of Pesticides Residues in Raw and Processed Plant-based Food. J. Ilam Uni. Med. Sci. 2015; 22 (6) :24-33 URL: http://sjimu.medilam.ac.ir/article-1-1485-en.html