Submission instructions
Articles Submission System is designed to give the users the ability to check the status of articles at any time and modify the articles and facilitates effective communication between the executive director and authors.
- User registration
- Sending the article
- Follow-up the article status
An article processing charge (APC)/ Publication fee, Scientific Journal of Ilam University of Medical Sciences(JIUMS) is an open access journal with no review and publication processing charge and is freely available to any user or institution.
Article Processing charges (APCs): Free
Article Submission charges: Free
User registration
Before sending the article, you must register as a user. So fill the registration form on the site. This form will be available at the following address:
registration form
To send your article, you should apply through the following address and fill the article submission form:
Send article
After filling the submission form, follow these steps: (the specifications and paper records are available to you)
A) Description of the submission
Following the completion of the registration form, wait for the email to receive your activation code. After receiving the activation email, click on the “Send Article” section on the top bar of the site and upload your article. Click on the “Start the steps”:

B) Determine the characteristics of the paper
In this stage, you receive your article code. You should fill in the requested items.

C) Upload abstracts and send the article files
At this stage, upload the Persian and English abstracts files separately.

Complete the author affiliations. In addition, upload the full article file without the author's name on it.

D) Review article profile
After sending the article, you can keep track of the article status through your personal page.
Follow-up the article status
For the latest article status, go to your personal page. You can view your articles, the status, and description of chief executive about each article.
Submissions to the journal must present original materials. Submissions are accepted for review with the understanding that the same work has been neither submitted to nor published in, another journal. Concurrent submission to other publications and this journal is viewed as a serious breach of ethics.
Please, mark all the following confirmation boxes:
All obligatory boxes are filled correctly.
All required files are selected with correct volumes and extensions.
Locate the revised form of the paper by clicking on this button.