Introduction: Annually, about one million persons attempt to suicide and averagely, one person suicides in every forty seconds. According to the world official statistics ab-out one-third (27%-37%) of the suicides are caused by self-burning. In accords with the reports of deaths registration system in Iran, eleven people daily die because of suicide and one-third of them end their life by self-burning. The aim of the study was to eva-luate the percentages of burning in subjects who committed to self-burning in the provi-nce of Ilam between 1372-1385.
Materials & Methods: In the cross-sectional study all documents of patients with the his-tory of burning were separated at the hos-pital of Taleghani in the province of Ilam during 1372-1385. About 587 cases of the patients had committed to burn themselves. Then, some information such as age, sex, level of education, marital status, percenta-ge of burning and etc were recorded in a standard questionnaire. Data were analyzed by Chi-square test, regression models and analysis of variance (ANOVA).
Findings: Eighty percent of the patients were female with a mean age of 26. With the elevation of each year of age, the rate of suicide by burning was increased by 0.13%. The rate of mortality in subjects who com-mitted to self-burning was 73% and the mean percentage of their burning was 82%. The majority of the patients were married and unemployed with low level of educa-tion .86.67% and 75.9% of the patients had a history of physical illness and educational problems, respectively. Psychotic disorders were detected among 74.73% of the cases. The rate of self-burning was 82% among subjects who had graduated from high sch-ool. Most of the suicides by burning had been occurred in winter and to lesser extent in summer.
Discussion & Conclusion: Self-burning is the most common method of suicide in the province of Ilam, Iran. Although, the most of risk factors for suicide in our study were similar to those that have been known in the literature, we found that the high risk gro-ups were married women and the most imp-ortant risk factors of self-burning included, physical illness, education problem, unemp-loyment, psychotic problem and other so-cial factors. The findings of the study could be helpful and may offer strategies to decre-ase the rate of suicide in the province of Ilam.
yasemi M, yasemi M, roghani A, yaghobi M, zamani N, sayeh miri K. Burning Percentage Evaluation of Cases With Suicide Attempt by Self-Burning in The Ilam Province Between 1372-1385. J. Ilam Uni. Med. Sci. 2013; 21 (3) :53-63 URL: