Introduction: Synthetic dyes are used in various industries such as cosmetics and he-alth products, leather, food, leather, plastic, paper and textile industries. Methylene blue is an important chemical aromatic dye wh-ich commonly used in textile industries. Due to being aromatic, it is often toxic, car-cinogenic, mutagenic and resistant to bio-degradation. In this study, the efficiency of UV/ZnO system was assessed through the immobilization of nanoparticles on glass as one of the advanced oxidation processes (AOP) for the decolorization of methylene blue.
Materials & Methods: This study was con-ducted as a batch process in a laboratory sc-ale. The nanoparticle powders were imm-obilized on glass plate with thermal meth-od. The nanoparticles were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission ele-ctron microscopy (TEM) and scanning elec-tron microscopy (SEM). Also, UV/vis spec-trophotometric was used to assess dye dec-olorization and the effects of important parameters such as the effect of UV, dye concentration, pH and different intensities of light on the efficiency of process were investigated.
Findings: This study showed that the UV agent in the absence of zinc oxide catalyst cannot remove the methylene blue dye, because it cannot individually generate en-ough decomposing agents (hydroxyl radical). Also, the results showed that the best pH value and radiation intensity were 7 and 3950μW/cm2 in 120 minutes, resp-ectively. The dye decolorization was enh-anced with decreasing initial dye conc-entration.
Discussion & Conclusion: The results sho-wed that in this process, the methylene blue dye can be decolorized using immobilized zinc oxide nanoparticles in the presence of UV-C radiation. Due to catalyst immobi-lization, the recycling and separation of nanoparticles are not necessary in this met-hod. Therefore, by optimization of desired effective parameters it may lead to the com-plete decolorization of methylene blue in a pilot scale.
Noori Motlagh Z, darvishi R, shams khoram abadi G, godini H, foroughi M. of Methylene Blue Using UV Radiation in Study of the Effective Parameters on Decolorizationof Methylene Blue Using UV Radiation in the Presence of Immobilized Catalyst. J. Ilam Uni. Med. Sci. 2013; 21 (1) :36-46 URL: