1- Payame Noor University, Tehran , ali.mohammadzadeh@gmail.com 2- Payame Noor University, Tehran 3- Islamic Azad University, Tabriz Branch
Abstract: (6440 Views)
Introduction: The Death Depression Scale is made to measure pathological attitudes towards death. This scale has two options and likert forms.The purpose of this study was to determine the validity and reliability of the Likert version of Death depression Scale (DDS) in an university students samples.
Materials & methods: The current study was conducted in correlational context. A group of 894 students from Tabriz universities in 2012, using Stratified random sampling method, took part in this research. Participants answered to the Death Depression Scale (DDS). Data were analyzed using explanatory factor analysis of variance and Pierson correlation methods.
Results: Factor Analysis results showed multidimensional structure of scale and extracted three factors which were labeled death despair/ death finality, death loneliness & death acceptance which accounted for 59.43 % of variances. Concurrent validity reported parallel using of Death Anxiety Scale, showing good coefficient (P<0/001, r= 0/73). However three types of reliabilities (test retest, split half & internal constancy) were reported.
Discussion & Conclusions: In comparison with two options format, Likert form of Death Depression Scale is saturated by three factors, and has relatively higher validity and reliability. Thus it can be used, as valid measure, in death related studies.
mohammadzadeh A, rezaei A, Aghazadeh S E. Validation of likert form Death Depression Scale in an university students samples. J. Ilam Uni. Med. Sci. 2016; 24 (1) :89-97 URL: http://sjimu.medilam.ac.ir/article-1-2789-en.html