poly-morphism (PCR-RFLP). Genotypic Introduction: Tumor necrosis factor α (TN-F-α) is a potent cytokine, which is origin-nally identified as a factor implicated in inf-lamematory and immunoregulatory actions and it plays a role in the development of ob-esity, insulin resistance, and probability of type 2 diabetes. The objectives of the prese-nt study were to evaluate the association of -308 TNF-α promoter polymorphism with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.
Materials & Methods: In all, 173 patients with T2DM and 173 normoglycemic subj-ects were included in this study. All subje-cts were genotyped using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length and allelic frequencies were then analyzed in each group. Serum lipids, fasting glucose, fasting serum insulin, HOMA-IR, and H-bA1c levels were determined by conve-ntional methods. Data was analyzed using SPSS software.
Findings: The allelic frequency of the ‘A’
allele, was significantly different between case and control groups (P=0.006). Also, the genotype frequencies showed a signific-ant difference in GA genotype between case and control individuals (OR=3.67, 95%, CI=1.61-8.35, P=0.002). Similarly, the 308 TNF-alpha was found to be significantly associated with T2DM (OR=3.65, 95% CI=1.66-8.02, P=0.001) for the dominant model. But, no significant association was observed for recessive model (P>0.05).
Discussion & Conclusion: This is the first study performed in Kurdish ethnic group from West Iran. The findings of this study revealed that the allele and genotype freq-uency of GA variation had a significant differrence between case and control gro-ups. Also, the 308 TNFα was found to be significantly associated with T2DM for the dominant model.