1- Ilam University of Medical Sciences 2- Departement of Ilam province Education 3- Ilam Univeraity 4- Ilam University of Medical Sciences , ziba.yeganeh@gmail.com
Abstract: (7020 Views)
Introduction: Suicide is one of the main problems in mental health and social sectors. Ilam is one of the three provinces with high incidence of this phenomenon in the country. The purpose of this study is to determine the risk factors for suicide in Ilam.
Material & methods: In this retrospective study, 745 cases of suicide attempted by population in Ilam province.
Findings: The results of this study suggest that the majority of the 52.5% suicide cases were men. The number of women suicide attempters included 47.5%. Considering the relationship between suicide and psychiatric disorders, the present study showed that 21.7% of suicide attempters with the highest percentage, has been motivated by a family dispute.
Discussion & Conclusion: The results indicated that motives for suicide in the past 5 years, was 13.4%, which raised to 22.5% in 91%. It is indicative of the increase in family disputes. Most suicides in the last 5 years in Ilam 46.4 and it indicate a significant decrease of 25.8% in 1391. The results show that common techniques of suicide among women in a six year period are respectively as follows: with oil-immolation, hanging and poisoning with the hooves. Among men this order was as hanging, firearms, self-mutilation and burning of the oil.
kikhavani S, Abdoli Y, Mohamadzade J, Havasi M, Sharifi F, YEGANEH Z. Comparison of 91 Risk Factors for Suicide in Ilam Province in Comparison with the Trend in the Last 5 Years. J. Ilam Uni. Med. Sci. 2015; 23 (3) :196-201 URL: http://sjimu.medilam.ac.ir/article-1-1747-en.html