1- faculty of medicine 2- faculty of nutrition , drmvahdat@yahoo.com
Abstract: (11002 Views)
Introduction: Problem Based learning help students to develop understanding and learning skills. The aim of this study was to compare the presentation of theoretical nutrition course through PBL method with that of contemporary method of lecture.
Methods: In this quasi experimental study, 20 midwifery students of Ilam University of Medical Sciences who took the course of nutrition were entered into the survey through census.
The first 8 sessions of course was instructed through lecture and the second 8 sessions through problem based learning method. At the end of two periods, mean level of score exams, presence in class, mean time for studying and percent of satisfaction were compared. Data was analyzed by SPSS software
The mean score of exam was significantly higher in second period of study. The mean time for studying and absence were significantly lower in second period of study. The mean score of satisfaction was significantly higher in the second period of study. There was no difference in mean days of absence between two groups (P= 0/6)
Conclusion: The method of Problem Based Learning could be successful in increasing level of knowledge of students.
Vahdat Shariatpanahi Z, Vahdat Shariatpanahi M. Comparing the Effect of Presenting the Course of Nutrition as Problem Based Learning with Method of Lecture in Level of Learning and Presence in the Class in midwifery Students . J. Ilam Uni. Med. Sci. 2014; 22 (1) :59-63 URL: http://sjimu.medilam.ac.ir/article-1-1161-en.html