Investigation observation standards of security and dosimetry at x-ray imaging center hospitals Subsidiary Ilam University of medical sciences
Jamal Amiri 1, Shahin Amiri2, Parvin Tork1,Mohmad hasan Abbasi 1, Seyed Pezhman Shirmardi *3
Introduction: Standards observation in imaging centers cause to patient dose reduction in patients and improving image quality. Identification standards and determine the gap own facilities with standard centers is a necessity for standardization. In this article, Standards level in imaging centers have been studied in Ilam province.
Materials & Methods: Dose was measured in the controlled, monitored and uncontrolled region for each center. Czech list contains 210 items were prepared by using standard values in the world and Iran. Separately, Czech list were completed for each center. Level standard calculated at sections: building and construction, Preparation and usage of equipment, Protection of staff and patients, Patient rights and staff salaries for all hospitals and presented as percentage of standard. Level of patient information has been checked about radiation effects by using the questionnaire.
Findings: Level of dose were standard in controlled monitored and uncontrolled region all of centers. Generally the level standards in Ilam imaging centers were obtained at sections: Building and construction 64.9 ℅, Preparation and usage of equipment 69.4℅, Protective staff and patients 80.03℅, Rights of patients 81.7℅ and staff rights almost 100%. Patient imaging centers were aware of effects of radiation on cell were 28%.
Conclusion: In this study, the level of standard and distance to the full the level of standardization Were determined for all centers.The level of gap with completely standardization of imaging centers in the province is building and construction section35.1℅, preparing and application of equipment 30.6℅, Protection of staff and patients 19.97℅, Patient rights 18.3%. As well as patient imaging centers not informed about the effects of radiation on cells were 72%.
amiri J, amiri S, tork P, abbasi M, shirmardi S P. Investigation observation standards of security and dosimetry at x-ray imaging center hospitals Subsidiary Ilam University of medical sciences . J. Ilam Uni. Med. Sci. 2014; 22 (2) :24-31 URL: