Introduction: The present study was conducted to compare the effects of shrimp extract, glibenclamide and vanadium on blood glucose fluctuations in diabetic rats.
Materials & Methods: Diabetes was induced by streptozotocin in six groups of male rats (each group contain 7 rats). The group 1 was kept as control group at similar conditions to other groups. Glibenclamide (10mg/kg), vanadium (10mg/kg), shrimp extract (orally -500mg/kg) and shrimp extract (intraperitoneally-200mg/kg) was administrated in group 2 to 5 respectively on 8th day after streptozotocin injection. The drugs were administrated every 2 days from day 8 to 18 after streptozotocin injection. The group 6 received extract (intraperitoneally-200mg/kg) from day 1 to 18 daily. The blood glucose was measured before drugs administration and 1, 3 and 24 hours after that and at 15th day of study. Serum glycosilated hemoglobin was measured at 18th day.
Findings: The results shown that the shrimp extract had significantly prophylactic effect on severity of diabetes and prevented blood glucose elevation in comparison to other groups. However, prophylactically admin-istration of extract increased serum glyc-osilated hemoglobin level. The orally adm-inistration extract decreased blood glucose 1 and 24 hours later. However, glibencla-mide and vanadium did not affect the blood glucose level significantly.
Discussion & Conclusion: The present study showed the shrimp extract may have protective effect on severity of diabetes but it is needed more detailed researches