Introduction: Hospital waste contains biological agents and chemical compounds which are toxic and dangerous for health of patients, personnel and clients. Due to the presence of hazardous and infectious materials in the hospital waste, appropriate management should be applied to them. The aim of this study was to compare the waste management system in small and large hospitals of Tehran city in 2012.
Materials & Methods: In this cross - sectional study the solid waste management in two large hospitals and three small hospitals in Tehran city in 2012, were compared. Hospital wastes was segregated and weighted initially, and then the percentage of infectious and non-infectious waste was determined. According to the World Health Organization questionnaire the status of hospital waste management and waste treatment facilities in these hospitals were evaluated.
Findings: Average waste generated in large hospitals in 4.5 and small hospitals in 4.87 kg per day was in bed. Health level of storage systems and waste collection of hospital wastes were in 91.5% and 100% in large hospitals and 73% in small hospital, respectively. Biological indexes showed that waste disposed at large hospital 1 and small hospital 4 were not in a safe mode.
Discussion & Conclusion: There is no significant difference between the amount of waste generation in small and large hospitals, but the amount of infectious wastes in small hospitals was in 1.75 times greater. Health level of waste collection and storage system was significantly higher in large hospitals. Hospital waste management in large hospitals was much better than in small hospitals.
Farzadkia M, Asgharnia H, Rastegar A, Gholami H. Survey of Solid Waste Management in Small and Large selected Hospitals of Tehran. J. Ilam Uni. Med. Sci. 2014; 22 (2) :149-157 URL: