Introduction: Forgiveness is an effective factor in mental health and improvement in human relationships. Because of facilitating in interpersonal and marital relationships, researchers have paid more attention to forgiveness in recent years. Forgiving and seeking forgiveness are of great importance to marital durability and satisfaction. The aim of this study was to compare mental health, quality of life, intimacy and religious attitudes in forgiving and unforgiving married employees of Abdanan health centers.
Methods & Materials: This study was descriptive in method and ex-post facto research in type. Population of this study included married employees in Abdanan health and therapeutic centers, all of whom selected as the samples of the study. The scales used in this study were the Family Forgiveness Scale (FFS), General Health Questionnaire (GHQ), Quality of Life (WHO-QOL-BREF), Intimacy Inventory and Religious Attitudes Scale. MANOVA and ANOVA were used for testing the hypotheses.
Findings: The findings showed that there was a significant difference in mental health (F=20/28), quality of life (F=13/45) and intimacy (F=48/52) between forgiving and unforgiving married employees. Also, the results indicated that, contrary to our expectation, there was not significant differences in religious attitudes (F=0/14) between the forgiving and unforgiving married employees.
Discussion & Conclusion: It was concluded that people who show more forgiveness to their partners have more mental health and better quality of life and the level of their intimacy is higher. Although it is possible that the forgiving and unforgiving married people do not differ in their religious attitudes.