Introduction: Pain is the most common problems in the post cesarean period. Today, despite technological development in health care setting the usual method of pain relief after surgery is inadequate.
Materials & Methods: This study was a blind clinical trial which performed in Mustafa Hospital, Ilam, Iran. 80 pregnant women who referred to delivery ward for elective cesarean and they had inclusion criteria for study were selected with convenience sampling and were randomly assigned to two groups. The visual analog scale was used to determine the pain intensity. To relief pain in the intervention group, each of foot and hands were massaged for 5 minute. If pain is not controlled and based on the request of patient, we used the routine analgesic to relief pain. In the control group if the patient requested to relief the pain, only routine analgesic were used. Then the intensity of pain before and immediately 90 minutes after intervention was evaluated. Also, the analgesic consumption, initiation of breast feeding and patient's satisfaction were measured.
Findings: The finding of the study showed that, there was no significant differences between two groups in pain intensity before massage (P>0.05). However, immediately and 90 minutes after intervention there were significant differences between two groups in pain intensity, need to analgesic, starting of breastfeeding and patient's satisfaction(P<0.001).This differences indicates reduced pain intensity in the intervention group.
Discussion & Conclusion: According to the finding, hand and foot massage are associated with the reduction of pain inten-sity and it can be used as a complementary method to reduce pain and increase the patient's satisfaction.
najar S, akbari M, abbaspoor Z, haghighizadeh M. Intensity After Caesarean The Effect of Hand and Foot Massage on Pain Intensity After Caesarean. J. Ilam Uni. Med. Sci. 2013; 20 (4) :39-48 URL: