1- semnan University of Medical Sciences 2- Damghan Branch,Islamic Azad university 3- Shahroud University of Medical Sciences , pirasteh_norozi@yahoo.com 4- Shahroud University of Medical Sciences
Abstract: (31312 Views)
Introduction: Ulcer and its complications can cause many problems for patients. Therefore, understanding the factors that can influence wound healing and prevent the spread of damage is important. The study aimed to identify factors affecting wound healing yellow Aloevera plant and propolis extracts.
Materials & methods: In this study, 50 male wistar rats (180-130Grm) were randomly selected and divided into five groups: control, diabetic rats, diabetic rats treated with Aloevera plant, diabetic rats treated with propolis extract and diabetic rats treated with their combination. Then each of five groups after being injured 2 cm in length, were made on the skin and the wound healing process was followed daily. Wound area was measured at the next days and MATLAB software was used for calculating the percentage of wound healing. In order to study pathology on days 4, 7, 14 and 21 of the wounds were sampled and one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) test was used to compare the differences between the groups and Tukey post hoc test was used to specify where the difference occurred.
Findings: The mean healing time in the experimental group treated with a combination of Aloevera plant and propolis extract was less than the other groups (P≤0.01). Also, the histological study Confirmed improvement in skin texture treatment with Aloevera plant and propolis extract significant difference compared to the other groups (P≤0.01).
Diacussion & Conclusions: The study showed that topical administration of Aloevera plant and propolis extract accelerate healing of diabetic ulcers.
jafari M, Shiravi A, Norouzi P, Khaksari M. Effect of Yellow Plant Aloevera and Alcoholic Extract of Propolison Improving Diabetic Rat Ulcers. J. Ilam Uni. Med. Sci. 2016; 24 (1) :174-185 URL: http://sjimu.medilam.ac.ir/article-1-2598-en.html