Introduction: Food stuffs hygiene includes all essential standards and regulations for the pro-duction, storage and supplying of food stuffs to market with high quality. The current study aimed to determine students' knowledge about food stuffs hygiene among middle schools in Khomeinshahr city.
Materials & Methods: This study was perf-ormed as a cross-sectional fassion on 527 male and female students. Data gathered through questionnaires containing two sections of dem-ographic and knowledge questions. Data were analyzed with SPSS V.16 software.
Findings: The mean knowledge score in girls were more than in boys. Also, the knowledge score among students of grade 7 were more than ones of grade 8 and the difference was statistically significant. The knowledge scores were 90 % about suitable drinks, 89% about healthy junk foods, 36% about the methods of preventing food contamination, and 50% about foods with early decay. Most source of infor-mation was related to the mothers with 81.6% and then health communicators with 58%.
Discussion & Conclusion: Increasing the kno-wledge of students, especially among boys should be planned in the fields of personal hy-giene, food stuffs with early spoilage, sym-ptoms of food rancidity, healthy building and maintenance of healthy food and consumption of various types of appropriate foods at sch-ools in the future.
mosavi G, mostafaee G, hosain doost G, gilasi H, gharli pour Z, babaee haidar abadi A, et al . Studying the Knowledge of Middle School Students in Khomeinshahr City about Food Stuffs Hygiene. J. Ilam Uni. Med. Sci. 2014; 22 (3) :101-108 URL: