How Does Spousal Violence Affect Mental Health of Women in Chahar-Mahal Bakhtyari, 2006
Abstract: (15618 Views) |
Introduction: Violence against women is a major health and human rights problem. Studies showed 1.8 million domestic violence in American women. Reliable, large scale studies in every country indicate 20-76% of violence against women by intimate partners.
Spousal violence causes physical, sexual and mental harm and suffering in women. This study was conducted to assess mental health status in this group of women.
Materials and methods: This cross–sectional study was done on an experimental group of 380 women referred to the forensic medicine center, then matched with a control group. SCL–90-R was used to evaluate mental symptoms in 9 psychological dimensions. The data was analyzed by SPSS 11 and T test, Chi square and analysis of one-way variance.
Findings: The mean age of experimental group was 28.4± 5.8, 60% of them were from rural areas and 40% from urban part. Education level of 51% of cases was under diploma. SCL 90-R showed that the score of experimental group in 3 dimensions, somatization, depression and obsession was more than cut of point (score:2) and their score was significantly higher than the control group in the following dimensions: somatization(p= 0/01), depression(p= 0/008) and aggression (p= 0/03).
Conclusion: This study provides evidence to health care professionals that they shouldn’t only treat the physical injuries of women under violence but must also to learn how to assess and consider their mental health problems. |
Keywords: spousal violence, women, mental health |
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Type of Study: Research |
General Received: 2009/01/27 | Accepted: 2015/04/20 | Published: 2015/04/20
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