Introduction: IgA nephropathy is the most common cause of primary glomerulonep-hritis throughout the most of developed countries. Since the biopsy is the only way for diagnosis of IgA nephropathy, finding an easy and non-invasive method seems to be necessary for prognosis, diagnosis and treatment of this disease. In this study, it was attempted to find some urine candidate biomarkers that represent the progression of disease in patients with IgA nephropathy.
Materials & Methods: Urine samples from 13 patients were collected and their prote-ome were extracted and analyzed with na-no-LC-MS/MS. The protein profile was obtained and those differential proteins bet-ween patients with advanced and mild disease states (based on the renal function eGFR) were determined using orthogonal projection to latent structure discriminant analysis (OPLS-DA) and the acquired data underwent bioinformatics analysis.
Findings: A panel composed of 50 signi-ficant proteins was obtained in which 10 top candidate biomarkers were introdu-ced. Dermcidin and Osteopontin had highe-st variation amongst the proteins, so that they overrepresented and underrepresented, res-pectively. Complement system and inna-te immune response were introduced as the significantly important different processes between two groups of patients.
Discussion & Conclusion: The introduced panel of urinary biomarkers can open a new insight to the mechanism of disease progr-ession and may be helpful as a non-invasive diagnosis method.
kalantari S, nafar M, samavat S, rezaee tavirani M, parvin M, Rutishauser D, et al . Studying The Urinary Proteome of Patients With IgA Nephropathy and Introducing The Biomarkers Relevant to Disease Progression Using Supervised Statistical Analysis. J. Ilam Uni. Med. Sci. 2013; 21 (5) :124-133 URL: