Introduction: Pancreatic cancer is a fatal cancer with low survival. There is little publi-shed data on the mortality of pancreas cancer and its epidemiology in Iran. The aim of this study was to present the mor-tality trends from pancreatic cancer for Iranian population, from 1999 to 2004. Usi-ng national death statistic in order to pro-vide update information for its burden.
Materials and Methods: National death Statistic reported by the Ministry of Health are included in this analysis. Pancreas can-cer were expressed as the annual mortality rates/100,000, overall, by sex and by age group(<15, 15-49 and ≥50 years of age) and age standardized rate(ASR).
Findings: The age standardized mortality rate of pancreatic cancer decreased slightly during the years under the study. Its mor-tality was higher for male and the mortality increased as age increased.
Discussion & Conclusion: This study pro-vides projection for burden of death due to pancreatic cancer for Iran, indicating that the trend of its mortality slightly decreased and may be leveled off in recent years.
fazeli Z, fazeli bavandpour F, abdi A, pour hosaingholi M, bastaminezhad. Trend analysis of Pancreatic Cancer Mortality in Iran. J. Ilam Uni. Med. Sci. 2013; 20 (4) :239-245 URL: