Introduction: Considering the effect of experience of childhood and adolescent traumatic events on psychological symp-toms, this research was conducted in order to examine the role of experiencing traum-atic life events in the prediction of psych-ological symptoms in male high school students.
Materials & Methods: The method of present study was correlation. Statistical society of this research consisted of male freshman, junior and senior high school students in city of Uremia in 2010-2011 school– year (N=10286). One thousand People, approximately, 10 percent of this statistical society, were selected randomly as sample of this survey. This people were asked to complete the children traumatic event screening inventory and the symptom checklist-90 (SCL-90 R) in a group. Finally, fifty five people refused to respo-nse to the inventories. Then, they were excluded of research. Collected data of 946 responders were analyzed by Pearson cor-relation coefficients and stepwise multiv-ariate regression tests.
Findings: the age mean of subjects was 15/86. Four hundred and thirty nine of them were freshman, 165 persons were junior and 342 persons were senior. The results of Pearson correlation coefficients showed that all of the traumatic events significantly correlate with psychological symptoms. The results of stepwise regression showed that 22 percent of general severity of symptoms was explained by emotional abuse (15%), accidents / disasters (3 %), violence in society (3 %), suicide or suicide effort of close person (1 %), separate of caregiver (1 %) traumas.
Discussion & Conclusion: this results sup-port the role of experiencing traumatic life events in the prediction of much kind of psychological symptoms.
bashar poor S, narimani M, Issazadegan A. Role of Experiencing Traumatic Life Events in The Prediction of Psychological Symptoms in Male High School Students in City of Uremia in 2010-2011 School-Year. J. Ilam Uni. Med. Sci. 2013; 20 (4) :96-106 URL: