1- Dept of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Shahr-e-kord Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahrekord, Iran 2- Depat of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Izeh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Izeh, Iran , valipoursaeed@gmail.com
Abstract: (4647 Views)
Introduction: Diabetes is one of the most common and complex problems of today's society. A long-term increase of glucose in diabetes is a major cause of impaired lipid metabolism and indices. This study was aimed to investigate the effects of eggplant extract on blood lipid indices in diabetic male rats.
Materials & Methods: In this investigation, male Wistar rats of 200-250g were divided into five groups (n=6):1- control 2- diabetes (sham), 3, 4 and 5- diabetic group treated with eggplant extract (25, 50 and 100mg/kg). The rats of 60mg/kg were intraperitoneally diabetic with STZ. On the fifth day after receiving Streptozotocin (STZ), the animals with high blood sugar200 mg/dL were regarded as diabetic. The control group received saline and the treated diabetic group received eggplant extract orally for two weeks. The control group did not receive any medication or extract. In the end, after deep anesthesia with ether and splitting the chest, blood samples were taken from the heart to assess the lipid indices, then their serums were separated. Findings: Our results demonstrated that higher doses (50 and 100mg/kg) of eggplant extract would significantly (P<0.001) reduce blood sugar in diabetic rats. In treated diabetic rats with high levels of triglycerides, a significant decrease was not observed. Eggplant extract at a dose of 50mg/kg in treated diabetic rats significantly reduced the total cholesterol (P<0.05), while a dose of 100mg/kg caused a more decrease (P<0.001). The eggplant extract in doses of 50 and 100mg/kg significantly increased High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) levels (P<0.001).
Discussion & Conclusion: As shown by our conclusion, eggplants, due to reducing the blood glucose, appear to have compounds with antioxidant properties that reduce free radical improvement of some indicators of lipid disorders caused by diabetes.