Relationship Between Preceptors Educational Preparedness and Nursing Student’s Satisfaction With Clinical and Practical Educations
E Jafar jalal * , P Yekta , D Masror , F Hosaini , A Babaee haidar abadi , M Imanzad , R Dashti kalantar , K Hemati  |
Abstract: (13035 Views) |
Introduction:Clinical education is the most fundamental part of the curriculum of nurs-ing students that combines theoretical kno-wledge and practical skills and prepares them to enter the field of patient care and provide clinical and treatment services. Different ways of clinical education have a direct impact on the clinical skills acqu-isition and student satisfaction. So, this study aimed to investigate the relation bet-ween preparation of preceptors and nursing student’s satisfaction of clinical education.
Materials & Methods: This research was a cross-sectional research study. 44 clinical preceptors and 202 nursing students parti-cipated in the research during 1391. The preparedness questionnaire for preceptors had two parts, the demographic and clinical preparation, and students' satisfaction ques-tionnaire also had two sections including demographic information and 25 questions about their satisfaction. Data analysis was performed using SPSS 16. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statist-ics and sample analysis methods. Also, the chi-square test was used to link survey objectives and research questions.
Findings: The average of age was 22.5 ye-ars for students and 40 years for preceptors. 75 percent of preceptors had bachelor deg-ree, and 25 percent had master degree. They had averagely 16.34 and 5.69 years services and preceptor experience, respectively. 53.5 percent of students reported a high satisfac-tion and only 10.4% reported a low satisfa-ction. There was statistically significant re-lation between clinical preparedness of preceptors and student satisfaction (P=0.
024). Relation between clinical prepar-edness and sex (P=0.05), marital status (P=0.01) and coaching experience (P=0.
038) were significant and in the female groups, the number of married people and coaching experience was more than 5 years. Relation of student satisfaction with the sex (P=0.004) and student’s employment (P=0.
001) were significantly higher in male and employed groups.
Discussion & Conclusion: Given to the rel-ationships between preceptor preparedness and nursing student’s satisfactions in the represented clinical education period, this model is suggested as an applicable and suitable one for nursing colleges and health related educational centers. The accurate selection of people who interested in clin-ical trainings, providing training and edu-cational requirements and holding coordin-ation meetings among preceptors and fac-ulty members and presenting guidelines and clinical education plan can promote clinical training and student’s satisfaction. |
Keywords: preceptor, clinical education, sa-tisfaction, nursing students |
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Type of Study: Research |
nurse Received: 2013/11/18 | Accepted: 2013/11/18 | Published: 2013/11/18
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