Introduction: For decreasing of stress and its sequlae, researchers suggest different ways that one of them is using of medicinal plants. The medicinal plant, lavandula, has been shown to enhance learning and to decrease stress. In this study the molecular effects of lavandula aqueous extracts was explored in rat by using of proteomics techniques.
Materials & Methods: Proteins extracted from the hippocampus of two groups of rats the control group and the group treated with lavandula aqueous extracts. At first dimension, the proteins were separated on electrophpresis strip according to their isoelectric pH (IEF). At second dimension, the proteins were separated on SDS page electrophoresis based on their molecular weight. For detecting protein spots, both gels were silver stained. Finally for bioin-formatics and statistical analysis (cluster analysis and principal component analysis) of proteins was studied with the progenesis same spot software.
Findings: In the research, 990 protein spots were obtained from both experimental groups. Comparisons between groups suggested a new expression of 80 protein spots were affected in the rats treated with extracts whereas presence of extract cause protein expression inhibition of 140 proteins in the hippocampus. Clustering analysis divided proteins into three main clusters demonstrating the pattern of expressions of the proteins is the same in the clusters that may have similar performance and signaling pathway. Principle component analysis (PCA) analysis confirmed the results of clustering and showed the proteins have been classified in accordance with the test conditions.
Discussion & Conclusion: It can be concluded that lavendula extract caused significantly expression changes in the proteome and possibly activated a biological process in rat hippocampus that is associated with enhanced learning
zali H, Rezaei Tavirani M, pakzad I. Proteomic Study of Rat Hippocampus in Aqua Extract Treatment of Lavandula Aqua Extract. J. Ilam Uni. Med. Sci. 2013; 20 (4) :22-31 URL: