Introduction: In most cases, after two-dime-nsional gel electrophoresis procedure about hundreds proteins are separated from each other. Because these proteins are colorless, so they need to be stained and appeared. After staining, each protein appears as a spot on the gel.
Materials & Methods: In this study, three staining methods including simple coom-assie blue, colloidal coomassie blue and blue silver were used to stain mouse brain proteins and separate them using two dime-nsional electrophoresis techniques. These staining methods were compared to identify the most appropriate and sensitive ones.
Findings: Before staining, the gels were fixed in fixation solution. Three gels were appeared for the three staining methods. After gel staining (according to the related protocol), they were destained and scanned by scanner.
Discussion & Conclusion: Results showed blue silver staining were the most appr-opriate method for staining mouse brain proteins in two-dimensional gels.
myfor A, rezaee tavirani M. Comparison of Three Staining Methods, Coomassie Blue R250, Colloidal Coomassie Blue and Blue Silver, for Detecting Mouse Brain Proteins Separated by Two-Dimensional Electrophoresis. J. Ilam Uni. Med. Sci. 2014; 22 (3) :46-51 URL: