Introduction: Specific effects of chemo-therapy regimens and their side-effects considerably influence on patients lives and their desires of accepting or rejecting therapies. It is obvious that the patient`s idea about the effectiveness of therapy process and accepting the treatment by the patient can facilitate the recovery process greatly. In this study, the side effects and toxicity of Docetaxel-Adriamicine-Cycl-ophosphamide (TAC) and Adriamicine-Cyclophosphamide- 5 FU (FAC) as two chemotherapy regimens were investigated.
Materials & Methods: This investigation was done on a cohort of 100 patients suffering from breast cancer with node- positive being treated with TAC or FAC as a double blind study. Data was gathered by completing special check-lists as interviews at the last session of chemotherapy and surveying the patients` medical records. Data was analyzed by relevant statistical tests such as Independent T-test.
Findings: The results showed that in most the aspects such as amenorrhea, anemia, febrile neutropenia, hyper pigmentation and nail disorder, neurologic toxicity, convul-sion, nomeness and edema, the average mean was higher in TAC arm statistically significant.
Discussion & Conclusion: Applying treat-ment managing approaches tend more to emphasize on patient’s education and im-proving their knowledge before starting chemotherapy cycle, convening of compul-sory consult meetings with expert psychiat-rists and psychologists and establishing su-pportive groups by patients who have recovered from cancer can lead to better and more conscious encountering for such patients and help them accept the therapy more conveniently.
Hatam N, Bastani P, Ahmadloo N, Ahmadkia Daliri A, Sadeghi far J. Impacts of Treatment Management Methods onControl of Toxicity And Side Effects of Chemotherapy Regimens in Breast Cancer . J. Ilam Uni. Med. Sci. 2012; 20 (1) :42-50 URL: