Embryonic stem cells (ES) are derived from the pluripotent inner cell mass (ICN) cells of blastocysts with the potential to maintain an undifferentiated stat indefinitely. The derivation process involves plating of the blastocysts on mouse embryonic fibroblast (MEF) and expansion of the outgrowth in to established ES cell line. ES cell capable of unlimited self-renewal by symmetric division and differented cells to all primitive embryonic germ layers. The capacity of ES cells to differentiate in to almost all the cell types of human body highlights their potentially to play a promising role in cell replacement therapies for treatment of human diseases.
Materials & Methods: In this study, MEFs has been replaced with human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs). C4 mES cell (mouse embryonic stem cell line) colonies culture on inactivated hMSCs amplified ≥ 600-folds during the 30-days of continues culture. The longest continues expansion of C4 mES cells on hMSC was 30 passages.
Finding: In this study the gene expression for Oct-4, Nanog, Rex1, Brachyury, LIF, LIFR, TERT, B2M, Stat3, Sox2, Fgf4 in mES cells, using reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and in which genes expression for Stat3, Sox2, Fgf4 genes was negative whilst the genes expansion for Oct-4, Nanog, Rex1, Brachyury, LIF, LIFR, TERT, B2M genes was positive. There was also a karyotype analysis for ES which showed normal result. The immunocytochemical analysis of Oct4 transcriptional factor for ES cells was made which showed positive result for this factor.
Discussion & Conclusion: These genes may be novel candidates to play critical roles in the regulation of ESC pluripotency and self-renewal.
haydari kashl S, rezaee tavirani M, ebrahimi M, solaimani M, roozafzoon R, kaviani S, et al . Ability of conservation embryonic stem cells, umbilical cord blood mesenchymal stem cells as a feeder layer. J. Ilam Uni. Med. Sci. 2013; 20 (5) :234-242 URL: http://sjimu.medilam.ac.ir/article-1-950-en.html