1. Ng CY, Amin AK, Narborough S, Mcmullan L, Cook R, Brenkel IJ. Manupulation under anesthesia and early physiotherapy facilitate recovery of patient with frozen shoulder syndrome. Scot Med J 2009; 54; 29-31. doi.10.1258/rsmsmj.54.1.29 2. Flannery O, Mullett H, Colville J. Adhesive shoulder capsulitis does the timing of manipulation influence outcome? Acta Orthop Belg 2007; 73: 21-5. 3. Kelley MJ, Mcclure PW, Leggin BG. Frozen shoulder evidence and a proposed model guiding rehabilitation. J Orthop Sport Phys Ther 2009; 39: 135-48. doi.10.2519/jospt.2009.2916 4. Cohen C, Ejnisman B. Epidemiology of frozen shoulder. 2th ed. Springer Berlin Heidelberg Publication.2015; P.21-30 5. Zreik NH, Malik RA, Charalambous CP. Adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder and diabetes a meta analysis of prevalence. Mus Lig Ten J 2016; 6:26-7. doi.10.11138/mltj/2016.6.1.026 6. Codman EA. Normal motions of the shoulder joint. Boston Thomas Tod Publication.1934; P.32-64. 7. Simpson J K, Budge R. Treatment of frozen shoulder using distension arthrography hydrodi-latation a case series. Australas Chiropr Osteopath 2004; 12: 25-7 8. Suarezsanabria N, Osoriopatino AM. Biomecanica del hombro y bases fisiologicas de los ejercicios de Codman. Ces Med 2013; 27:205-17. doi.org/10.21615/cesmedicina 9. Rowshani S, Moghaddasi A, Abbasi M, Abdolmohammadi A, Ahanjan S. [The effect of 4weeks rehabilitation program on range of motion]. Iran J Age 2010; 5: 15-25. (Persian) 10. Struyf F, Meeus M. Current evidence on physical therapy in patients with adhesive capsulitis: what are we missing? Clin Rheumatol 2014;33:593-600. doi.10.1007/s10067-013-2464-3 11. Clewley D, Flynn TW, Koppenhaver S. Trigger point dry needling as an adjunct treatment for a patient with adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder. J Orthop Sport Phys Ther 2014;44:92-101. doi.10.2519/jospt.2014.4915 12. Schneebeli A, Egloff M, Giampietro A, Clijsen R, Barbero M. Rehabilitative ultrasound imaging of the supraspinatus muscle intra and interrater reliability of thickness and cross sectional area. J Bod Move Ther 2014;18:266-72. doi.10.1016/j.jbmt.2013.09.009 13. Pandey V, Madi S. Clinical guidelines in the management of frozen shoulder an update. Indian J Orthop2021; 3:1.doi:10.1007/s43465-021-00351-3 14. Allander E. Prevalence incidence and remission rates of some common rheumatic diseases or syndromes. Scand J Rheumatol1974; 3:145-53. doi.10.3109/03009747409097141 15. Ludewig PM, Reynolds J E. The association of scapular kinematics and glenohumeral joint pathologies. J Orthop Sport Phys Ther2009; 39: 90-104. doi:10.2519/jospt.2009.28.8 16. Kotteeswaran, K, Rekha K, Anandh V. Effect of stretching and strengthening shoulder muscles in protracted shoulder in healthy individuals. Int J Comput Appl2012; 2:111-8. 17. Smith, J, Kotajarvi BR., Padgett DJ, Eischen JJ. Effect of scapular protraction and retraction on isometric shoulder elevation strength. Arch Phys Med Rehabil2002; 83: 367-70. doi.10.1053/apmr.2002.29666 18. Roshani S, Yousefi M, Sokhtezari Z, Khalilkhodaparast M. The effect of a corrective exercise program on upper crossed syndrome in a blind person. J Rehabil Sci Res2019;6148-52. doi.10.30476/JRSR.2019.83417.1044. 19. Sahrmann S. Movement system impairment syndromes of the extremities cervical and thoracic spines. Els Health Sci 2010; 4:26-37. 20. Celik D. Comparison of the outcomes of two different exercise programs on frozen shoulder. Acta Orthop Traum Tur2010;44:285-92. doi.10.3944/aott.2010.2367 21. Kanai Shigeyuki, Taniguchi N, Kawamoto M. Effect of static magnetic field on pain associated with frozen shoulder. Pain Clin2004;16:173-9. doi.10.1163/156856904774134389 22. Clark M, Lucett S, editors. NASM essentials of corrective exercise training. Lip Williams Wilkins Publication. 2010;P.121-6. 23. Yang JL, Chang CW, Chen SY, Lin JJ. Shoulder kinematic features in the predictin of response to physical therapy in patients with frozen shoulder syndrome. J Biomecham2007;2: 40. doi.10.1016/j.math.2007.07.006 24. Boruah L, Dutta A, Deka P, Roy J. To study the effect of scapular mobilization versus mobilization with movement to reduce pain and improve glenohumeral range of motion in adhesive capsulitis of shoulder a comparative study. Int J Physiother2015; 1;2:811-8.doi:10.15621/ijphy/2015/v2i5/78239 25. Melzer C, Hoffmann S, Wallny T, Wirth CJ. Frozen shoulder treatment and results. Arch Orthop trauma Surg1995 ;114:87-91. doi.10.1007/BF00422832 26. Challoumas D, Biddle M, Mclean M, Millar NL. Comparison of treatments for frozen shoulder a systematic review and meta analysis. JAMA Net Open2020;3:2029581. doi: 10.1001/jamanetwork open.2020.29581 27. Davies C. Frozen shoulder workbook trigger point therapy for overcoming pain regaining range of motion.1th ed. New Harbinger Publications. 2006; P.121-9. 28. Ng CY, Amin AK, Narborough S, Mcmullan L, Cook R, Brenkel IJ. Manupulation under anesthesia and early physiotherapy facilitate recovery of patient with frozen shoulder syndrome. Scot Med J 2009; 54; 29-31. doi.10.1258/rsmsmj.54.1.29 29. Flannery O, Mullett H, Colville J. Adhesive shoulder capsulitis does the timing of manipulation influence outcome? Acta Orthop Belg 2007; 73: 21-5. 30. Kelley MJ, Mcclure PW, Leggin BG. Frozen shoulder evidence and a proposed model guiding rehabilitation. J Orthop Sport Phys Ther 2009; 39: 135-48. doi.10.2519/jospt.2009.2916 31. Cohen C, Ejnisman B. Epidemiology of frozen shoulder. 2th ed. Springer Berlin Heidelberg Publication.2015; P.21-30 32. Zreik NH, Malik RA, Charalambous CP. Adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder and diabetes a meta analysis of prevalence. Mus Lig Ten J 2016; 6:26-7. doi.10.11138/mltj/2016.6.1.026 33. Codman EA. Normal motions of the shoulder joint. Boston Thomas Tod Publication.1934; P.32-64. 34. Simpson J K, Budge R. Treatment of frozen shoulder using distension arthrography hydrodi-latation a case series. Australas Chiropr Osteopath 2004; 12: 25-7 35. Suarezsanabria N, Osoriopatino AM. Biomecanica del hombro y bases fisiologicas de los ejercicios de Codman. Ces Med 2013; 27:205-17. doi.org/10.21615/cesmedicina 36. Rowshani S, Moghaddasi A, Abbasi M, Abdolmohammadi A, Ahanjan S. [The effect of 4weeks rehabilitation program on range of motion]. Iran J Age 2010; 5: 15-25. (Persian) 37. Struyf F, Meeus M. Current evidence on physical therapy in patients with adhesive capsulitis: what are we missing? Clin Rheumatol 2014;33:593-600. doi.10.1007/s10067-013-2464-3 38. Clewley D, Flynn TW, Koppenhaver S. Trigger point dry needling as an adjunct treatment for a patient with adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder. J Orthop Sport Phys Ther 2014;44:92-101. doi.10.2519/jospt.2014.4915 39. Schneebeli A, Egloff M, Giampietro A, Clijsen R, Barbero M. Rehabilitative ultrasound imaging of the supraspinatus muscle intra and interrater reliability of thickness and cross sectional area. J Bod Move Ther 2014;18:266-72. doi.10.1016/j.jbmt.2013.09.009 40. Pandey V, Madi S. Clinical guidelines in the management of frozen shoulder an update. Indian J Orthop2021; 3:1.doi:10.1007/s43465-021-00351-3 41. Allander E. Prevalence incidence and remission rates of some common rheumatic diseases or syndromes. Scand J Rheumatol1974; 3:145-53. doi.10.3109/03009747409097141 42. Ludewig PM, Reynolds J E. The association of scapular kinematics and glenohumeral joint pathologies. J Orthop Sport Phys Ther2009; 39: 90-104. doi:10.2519/jospt.2009.28.8 43. Kotteeswaran, K, Rekha K, Anandh V. Effect of stretching and strengthening shoulder muscles in protracted shoulder in healthy individuals. Int J Comput Appl2012; 2:111-8. 44. Smith, J, Kotajarvi BR., Padgett DJ, Eischen JJ. Effect of scapular protraction and retraction on isometric shoulder elevation strength. Arch Phys Med Rehabil2002; 83: 367-70. doi.10.1053/apmr.2002.29666 45. Roshani S, Yousefi M, Sokhtezari Z, Khalilkhodaparast M. The effect of a corrective exercise program on upper crossed syndrome in a blind person. J Rehabil Sci Res2019;6148-52. doi.10.30476/JRSR.2019.83417.1044. 46. Sahrmann S. Movement system impairment syndromes of the extremities cervical and thoracic spines. Els Health Sci 2010; 4:26-37. 47. Celik D. Comparison of the outcomes of two different exercise programs on frozen shoulder. Acta Orthop Traum Tur2010;44:285-92. doi.10.3944/aott.2010.2367 48. Kanai Shigeyuki, Taniguchi N, Kawamoto M. Effect of static magnetic field on pain associated with frozen shoulder. Pain Clin2004;16:173-9. doi.10.1163/156856904774134389 49. Clark M, Lucett S, editors. NASM essentials of corrective exercise training. Lip Williams Wilkins Publication. 2010;P.121-6. 50. Yang JL, Chang CW, Chen SY, Lin JJ. Shoulder kinematic features in the predictin of response to physical therapy in patients with frozen shoulder syndrome. J Biomecham2007;2: 40. doi.10.1016/j.math.2007.07.006 51. Boruah L, Dutta A, Deka P, Roy J. To study the effect of scapular mobilization versus mobilization with movement to reduce pain and improve glenohumeral range of motion in adhesive capsulitis of shoulder a comparative study. Int J Physiother2015; 1;2:811-8.doi:10.15621/ijphy/2015/v2i5/78239 52. Melzer C, Hoffmann S, Wallny T, Wirth CJ. Frozen shoulder treatment and results. Arch Orthop trauma Surg1995 ;114:87-91. doi.10.1007/BF00422832 53. Challoumas D, Biddle M, Mclean M, Millar NL. Comparison of treatments for frozen shoulder a systematic review and meta analysis. JAMA Net Open2020;3:2029581. doi: 10.1001/jamanetwork open.2020.29581 54. Davies C. Frozen shoulder workbook trigger point therapy for overcoming pain regaining range of motion.1th ed. New Harbinger Publications. 2006; P.121-9.