1- Dept of Education Healt, Faculty of Health, Sabzevar University of Medical Sciences, Sabzavar, Iran 2- Dept of Education Healt, Faculty of Health, Sabzevar University of Medical Sciences, Sabzavar, Iran , m_mohammadimm@yahoo.com
Abstract: (6247 Views)
Introduction: With respect to importance of preventing osteoporosis in women and the lack of a standard questionnaire in this context, the aim of this study was planning and Psychometric assessment of nutritional preventive treatment of osteoporosis in women based on protection motivation theory.
Materials & methods: In this cross-sectional study a questionnaire was designed by using evaluation of scientific resources and need assessment of beliefs based on protection motivation theory, which its validity was determined by face and content validity, and its reliability was determined by internal consistency and test- retest. Spss version 15 and Amos version 21 were used to analyze the data collected.
Findings: After validity and reliability processes, the 54- item questionnaire was designed. Content validity index appeared 0.88, as well as results of construct validity assessment by using Amos software analysis showed AGFI = 0.964, and RMSE = 0.072. Cronbach’s alpha results (α=0.94) and ICC (0.91) conformed the reliability of the instrument.
Discussion & conclusions: According to the results, the questionnaire was provided based on protection motivation theory, which has approved after validity and reliability evaluation, and it is recommended to be used in future related researches.
Seyd Abadi Z, Mohammadi M, Mehri A, Akrami R. Development and Psychometric Assessment of Nutritional Preventive Treatment of osteoporosis in women based on protection motivation theory
. J. Ilam Uni. Med. Sci. 2017; 25 (4) :24-33 URL: http://sjimu.medilam.ac.ir/article-1-3605-en.html