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:: Volume 17, Issue 1 (4-2009) ::
Journal of Ilam University of Medical Sciences 2009, 17(1): 1-7 Back to browse issues page
An Analysis Over The Decrease of Hearing Ability Among Workers in Workshops & Factories of More Than 50 Members in Ilam Province
Abbasi * , Abdolhossein Poornajaf
Abstract:   (15782 Views)
Abstract Introduction: Decrease in hearing ability due to noises is considered the most common incidence in workshops with more than 50 workers. As the first step, one should try to investigate the destructive factors causing such damages to the workers’ audio-abilities in order to find the best possible solutions. Thus, we decided to perform this study in Ilam (western Iran) workshops of over 50 workers to see the fall-rate in their audio abilities. Materials and Methods: This descriptive analytic study was fulfilled in a certain span of time covering working-places occupied by more than 50 members, using voice-measuring techniques and principles of voice such as: voice pressure, rising up of noise level NIHL for both the left& right ears measured and recorded via Bone and phone. Those studied in this study entirely belong to work-shops with more than 50 workers among whom two out of three were randomly picked up to be registered and studied demographically. Using the “SPSS” soft ware, the recorded data were analyzed. To classify the rate of hearing decrease in this research , soft low hearing , medium low hearing , strict low hearing , deep low hearing or ever lasting deaf were recorded in db ,63,625,125,1000,2000 ,4000, 8000 figures. Findings: It was found out that 13/1 percent of all those covered in this study who were under higher pressure of noise rate suffered from hearing problem. Furthermore, 12/2 percent of the workers complained from noisy feeling following their daily performances. Discussion & Conclusion: Findings revealed that the most loss to hearing ability was due to the left ear from Bone and phone in 2000/4000/8000 frequency, HZ. This can be regarded as a higher sensitivity of left ear compared to that of the right one in reaction to voice, or the workers’ positions at work place, where their left ear is more exposed to noise or in out of work-places like accidents , controversies and physical contacts exposing left ear to strikes. It was also concluded that the most loss of hearing ability via Bone and Phone in right ear belonged to 4000/8000 HZ, while the highest loss of hearing ability went for left ear in 4000/8000 H
Keywords: hearing loss, audiometry, workers
Full-Text [PDF 257 kb]   (4152 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
Received: 2009/06/23 | Accepted: 2015/04/20 | Published: 2015/04/20
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abbasi, poornajaf A. An Analysis Over The Decrease of Hearing Ability Among Workers in Workshops & Factories of More Than 50 Members in Ilam Province. J. Ilam Uni. Med. Sci. 2009; 17 (1) :1-7
URL: http://sjimu.medilam.ac.ir/article-1-86-en.html

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Volume 17, Issue 1 (4-2009) Back to browse issues page
مجله دانشگاه علوم پزشکی ایلام Journal of Ilam University of Medical Sciences
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