1- Dept of Environment, Faculty of Basic Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Hamedan Branch , Hamedan, Iran 2- Dept of Environment, Faculty of Basic Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Hamedan Branch , Hamedan, Iran , cheraghi_md@yahoo.com
Abstract: (5119 Views)
Introduction: The main objective of the petrochemical industry is the production of petrochemical and chemical products and sub-products from oil, oil derivatives, and natural gas. Accordingly, the activities and processes have the potential to cause adverse effects on the environment.This study aimed to evaluate the environmental risks of Ilam Petrochemical Company using analytical network analysis (ANP)andTechnique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution Methods (TOPSIS)by proposing appropriate management measures to reduce the risk effects of multiple incidents in processes.
Materials & Methods: At first, potential dangers and risks of the Ilam Petrochemical Complex wereidentified through field visits and interviews with project technical experts.Accordingly, a questionnairewasdesignedand20 experts from the Petrochemical Company and the Environmental Protection Agencywere asked to complete the designed questionnaire. The obtained results led to the identification of significant risksfactors, which were then categorized according to physio-chemical, biological, and socio-cultural-economic environment hazards. Subsequently, the weight associated with the each index was determinedusinganalytical network analysis (ANP) as well as the analysis of data in Super Decision software. In the next step, the obtained weights were prioritized for the identified risks by TOPSISmethod, and critical risks were identified. Finally, we propose the proper strategies for the controlandomissionof these risks.
Findings: According to the obtained results,thehigh risk factors include the risk of air pollution with the rate of 0.972 inthephysico-chemicalenvironment, the risk of lowwater quality with therate of 0.883in the biological environment, and the risk ofgeneral health with a rate of 0.679 inthe socio-cultural-economic environment.
Discussion & Conclusions: The results showed that the most important petrochemical riskswereair pollution, low water quality, and publichealth hazard. Therefore, it is recommendedto take the inspection and monitoring measures in accordance with the identified risksin order to eliminate the factors generatingenvironmental risks. It is also suggested to set these measures asthe main objectives of management planning.
Johari Z, Cheraghi M, Sobhan Ardakani S. Environmental Risk Assessment of Ilam Petrochemical Company Using Analytical Network Analysis and the Technique
for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution Methods in 2016
. J. Ilam Uni. Med. Sci. 2019; 26 (5) :79-88 URL: http://sjimu.medilam.ac.ir/article-1-4791-en.html