Introduction: Depression is the most common mental disorder in all cultures. Nurses are among professional groups that are affected by psychological factors and depression are their common problem. The objective of this study was to examine the abundance of depression,a group of nurses.
Materials and Methods: this is a descriptive study with 117 participant. They works in publish hospitals. We used from beak, a depression questionnair consisted of 21 multi question, scored between 0 to 3 with croon beach alpha 0/78 and retest score of 74%, Field worth job satisfaction questionnaire consisted of 19 multi chore question with α=96% and researcher- made questionnair of satisfaction from welfare possibilities. For data analyzing, we used from descriptive statistics and t-test for independent groups.
Research finding: based on findings of this research, there is difference between nurses’ depression level based on gender and male nurses show a significant depression level. But marital status, job signification and satisfication from welfare possibilities had not significant effect on nurse’s depression ratio.
Discussion and Conclusion: based on research finding we should pay attention to nurses’deprrssion seriously, because depression had negative effect on their job performance and servicing quality to the patients. Specially in male nurses the experience a increased pressure in term of over time working and working sections.
Key words: Depression, job satisfaction, satesfaction from welfare possibilities.
mami S, mahdian K, davoodian Z. A Investigation about Effect of Jender,Job Satisfection,Satisfaction from Welfar and Stste of marriage on Depression In Nurses of Public Hospitals of Ilam County and it’s associated Factors.. J. Ilam Uni. Med. Sci. 2014; 22 (4) :51-56 URL: