1- PayameNoor University 2- PayameNoor University , hemmat_bastami@yahoo.com
Abstract: (9179 Views)
Introduction: The burnout is a state of physical, emotional and mental fatigue that arise due to emotional unceasing and repeated pressure resulting from intensive and long term contact with clients. Burn out happen as a result of severe stress, constant and controlled and also when the demand of working environment is more than the personal abilities for adjustment or success. The aim of this article was to study effectiveness of burnout in emotional exhaustion, personal performance, depersonalization, and job involvement dimensions components of hardiness. Hardiness as a simultaneous personality construct has composed of three components (control, commitment and challenge). Kobasa et al believed that people who work harder than others they are active and targeted and their approach to life is with interest and excitement. The aim of this research is the effectiveness of hardiness components training on burnout.
Materials & methods: 117 personnel participated in this quasi-experimentalis study. The population was consists of all Olympic national committee personnel of the Islamic Republic of Iran who employed in 2013-2014. 117 employees were selected by simple random sampling (including 15 males and 10 females). According to purpose of this study, Kobasa's hardiness and Meslesh's burnout questionnaire were used. SPSS 18 software was used and Data were analyzed by using dependent T-method and multivariate covariance analysis.
Findings: T-test analysis in level 5% showed that mean burnout of four factors including: emotional exhaustion, personal performance, depersonalization, and job involvement has changed before and after hardiness component training. Furthermore, The covariance analysis showed that regarding to mean of burnout components in final test with 99% confidence interval, we can say that hardiness have an influence on personnel burnout.
Discussion & Conclusion: Results illustrated that the importance of hardiness training on reducing of stress and burnout in working environment.
Keshavarz L, Farahani A, Rezaee soufi M, Bastami H. The Effectiveness of Hardiness Components Training on Personnel Burnout of Olympic National Committee of the Islamic Republic of Iran. J. Ilam Uni. Med. Sci. 2015; 23 (2) :78-89 URL: http://sjimu.medilam.ac.ir/article-1-1843-en.html