Compatative Investigation of Male Urinary Tract Stricture Sonography With Urthrographic Resulrts
Abstract: (17088 Views) |
Introduction: In spite of the advanced imaging methods, MRI and CT-Scan, the role of ultrasonography is still unique in some fields of genitourinary tract diseases. This study was aimed at assessing this role in the evalution of male urinary stricture, and comparison with standard retrograde urthrography. This is a quantative prospective study performed on male patients suffering from bulbar and penile strictures, during 1996-1997at Chaharomin Shahid Hospital of Kermanshah,(diagnosis established by retroyrade urethroyraphy).Along with this study , the patients underwent the ultrasonogaphic evaluation of the strictures.
Materials&methods: Of 22 patients with anterior urethral stricture, 11 cases (50%) were affected with local type and 11 cases by diffuse one. Patients' age rangel from 28 to 68 yrs with average of 48.8 ( =12.6).Through paired studies, the "stricture length" and "spongiotibrosis thickness" were studied, then the cases were divided into two (2) groups with "local" (length less than 10mm) and "Diffuse" with length more than 10mm as multiple strictures.
Findings: Hypothetic test results indicated that there were no significant differences between the measused lengths of strictures of the two groups in altrasonography and radiography. On the other hard, spongiofibrosis thickness can be uniquely evaluated by ultrasonography and the relative ratio of local stricture lengths to maximum spongiofibrosis thickness ranges between 1.67 and 2.31, (P<0.05). Therefor, with a known ratio about2, we can estimate the firosis thickness from stricture length of 10% magnification correction.
Conclusion: Regarding the results, application of ultrasonography in the male anterior urinary stricture, not only obtains at least equal accuracy with retrograde urthrography, especially in local ones, but also through a presentation of anatomic scar of urethral stricture and also diagnosis of cases with urethral stone and periurethral abscess, suitable information can be collected about treatment methods and prognosis. |
Keywords: anterior urethral stricture, ultrasonography, retrograde urthrography |
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Type of Study: Research |
General Received: 2009/02/18 | Accepted: 2015/04/20 | Published: 2015/04/20
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