1- Hamadan University of Medical Sciences 2- Iran University of Medical Sciences 3- Iran University of Medical Sciences , Ghaed_mir@yahoo.com
Abstract: (6384 Views)
Introduction: Phenol and Cadmium are of common components used in industries wastewater such as petroleum refining, petrochemicals, and pesticides. The aim of this study was simultaneous removal of Cadmium and Phenol from aqueous solution by using Titanium dioxide nanoparticles in nano-photocatalytic process UV/TiO2.
Materials & methods: This experimental study in lab-scale batch was accomplished by using photo-reactor equipped with a 125 W low-pressure mercury vapor lamp and with Wavelength 247.3 nm and intensity 1020 µW/cm2 and emphasis on the effect of various parameters; such as pH (3-11), nano-particles doses (0.25-3 g/L) and Phenol, Cadmium at a concentration of (5-20 mg/L), presence of Format and removal rate of COD was investigated.
Findings: The obtained results showed that optimum pH in the removal of Cadmium and phenol is 7. The presence of each of pollutants has positive role in increasing the removal of other contaminants. The presence of Phenol cause increase removal of Cadmium and presence of Cadmium cause increase removal of Phenol. Removal efficiency of COD by UV/TiO2 process after 120 min was obtained %71.4. Obtained results of experimental kinetics showed that Phenol and Cadmium removal kinetics was followed (by both photocatalytic processes) of equations zero-order and pseudo-first order, respectively. By changing in conditions of experiment, the degradation efficiency decreases in this process.
Discussion & Conclusions: The result of this study showed that nano-photocatalytic process UV/TiO2 in pilot scale has high efficiency as an effective method in simultaneous removal of phenol and Cadmium from aqueous solution.
Samar GHandi M R, samadi M T, mehralipoor J, Harati R. Simultaneous Removal of Phenol and Cadmium by using Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles in Nano-Photocatalytic Process UV/TiO2 from Aqueous Solution: A kinetic Study. J. Ilam Uni. Med. Sci. 2016; 24 (1) :76-88 URL: http://sjimu.medilam.ac.ir/article-1-2714-en.html