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:: Volume 17, Issue 3 (10-2009) ::
Journal of Ilam University of Medical Sciences 2009, 17(3): 51-56 Back to browse issues page
A Study on The Effects of Rhus Coriaria (Somac) on LDL Cholesterol Level Compared with Lovastatin
Mahnaz Mardani *
Abstract:   (23290 Views)
Introduction: Ischemic heart disease, more than any other disease, leads to mortality and morbidity and high economical costs in developed countries. A cardiovascular disease, especially atherosclerosis, is predicted to become the most important disease in 2020. A disorder which reduces the quality of life due to early death and deterioration. Today, lipid metabolism and lipoprotein disorders have come to be the most important risk factors of atherosclerosis. So,management and treatment of dyslipidemia, is considered an effective preventive method. Considering the high level of atherosclerosis rate in khorramabad (western-center Iran) as well as several reports on anti oxidative effects of Rhus coriaria , this study was planned to compare the effects of lovastatin and Rhus coriaria in decreasing LDL cholesterol level. Materials & Methods: In this study, 86 patients with elevated LDL cholesterol levels, having the indications to enter the study, were selected and divided into two groups of 43 people. Group 1(control group) underwent treatment with lovastatin, and group 2(case group) took lovastatin+Rhus coriria as their cure. After 3 months, LDL cholesterol levels were measured in both the groups. Findings: 58 patients of all the 86 patients completed the tests. The mean LDL levels in the control and case groups before intervention were 141.82 and 171.52 respectively. After intervention, they were 115.7 in the control and 141.45 in the case group. Due to higher level of LDL in the case group vs. the control one before the intervention, the mean level of LDL decreased and its percentage was measured. The decrease of LDL level in the case group was 17%, while it was 18% in the control cases. Nevertheless, thw mean decrease in case patients was 30.07, while it was 26.12 in the control ones, a difference which was not significant statically. Discussion & Conclusion: Due to insignificant decrease of LDL level in both the groups of patients, using Rhus coriaria (Somac) is not recommended as an effective factor in treating patients suffering from high levels of LDL cholesterol.
Keywords: ischemic heart disease, atherosclerosis, lipoprotein, dyslipidemia, Rhus coriaria.
Full-Text [PDF 256 kb]   (4533 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
Received: 2010/02/9 | Accepted: 2015/04/20 | Published: 2015/04/20
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Mardani M. A Study on The Effects of Rhus Coriaria (Somac) on LDL Cholesterol Level Compared with Lovastatin. J. Ilam Uni. Med. Sci. 2009; 17 (3) :51-56
URL: http://sjimu.medilam.ac.ir/article-1-150-en.html

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Volume 17, Issue 3 (10-2009) Back to browse issues page
مجله دانشگاه علوم پزشکی ایلام Journal of Ilam University of Medical Sciences
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