1- Tehran university of medical science , molavig@yahoo.com 2- Tehran university of medical science
Abstract: (12674 Views)
Objective: One of the most impact of rodent`s study is the capability of disease transmitting to human. Rodents are the reservoirs for the assortment of zoonotic infections.
Material and method: In this study 108 rats were collected, using wire traps, between autumn 2010 till summer 2011 from Dezfoul and Andimeshk Khuzestan province, Iran. Worms were identified following the precise dissection which has been performed in laboratory of Parasitology, school of public health, Tehran University of medical sciences, Iran.
Result: Amongst 108 captured rats, 38 rats were found infected with parasitic worms . In the midst of 38 infected rats 6 mix infections were seen, According to the above results, the prevalence of parasitic infection in collected rats were 35.1%. Seven recognized species were Trichosomoides crassicauda (13.8%), Hymenolepis diminuta (10.1%), Cystycercus fasciolaris(7.4%),Richtolaria ratti(2.7%), Moniliformis moniliformis (2.7%) and Hymenolepis nana (1.8%) and Nippostrongylus brasiliensis (1.8%)
Discussion& Conclusion: According to this study`s outcome 5 species ,H.nana ,H.diminuta, M.moniliformis, Richtolaria ratti and C.fasciolaris , have been reported as parasitic zoonoses worms which possess the ability of human infecting due to literature review. M.moniliformis and H,diminuta that exist in the list above require an arthropod intermediate hosts in favour of infecting definitive hosts including human. Flour beetles (Tribolium castaneum) as a grains pests is a well-known exemplary which can illustrate the importance of food sanitation.
Molavi G, Hasanpour H, moheb ali M, hajaran H, moabedi I, shahbazi F et al . Study on the zoonotic helminths in urban rats of northern Khuzestan province, Iran, in 2010-11 . J. Ilam Uni. Med. Sci. 2013; 21 (3) :46-52 URL: http://sjimu.medilam.ac.ir/article-1-639-en.html