Introduction: Infertility refers to the inability of the incidence of pregnancy after one year of unprotected intercourse. Appro-ximately 15-10% of couples encounter infertility problem in reproductive age (WHO, 1999) and lack of proper treatment can lead to complications and mental and social problems. Today, researchers are interested in Identification of sperm cell proteins. Regards to the importance of proteins and their functions, the optimal conditions of their separation and making them solution are important.
Materials & Methods: This study was performed for finding optimal protocol of maximum protein extraction from sperm cell. After taking seminal plasma from fertile men and semen analysis, the sperm cells were separated using two methods: Gradient percoll and swim up. Then samples were washed three times and lysed with lysis buffer. Protein concentration was determined by Bradford method.
Findings: Results were shown that more sperm were isolated using gradient percoll and protein concentration was higher in comparing with swim up method.
Discussion & Conclusion: It can be concl-uded with comparing the two methods, how much more sperm cells can be isolated, then it will be higher protein concentrations and this protocol can be used in future studies on sperm proteins.
Meyfour A, Rezaei Tavirani M, sadeghi M, basati G, amraei M. Total Protein Extraction With High Concentration From The Sperm Cells of Fertile and Infertile Men. J. Ilam Uni. Med. Sci. 2013; 20 (4) :144-151 URL: