Introduction: Crohn’s disease is a chronic and inflammatory abnormality. It causes inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. On the other hands celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder characterized by gluten sensitivity in genetically susceptible individuals. Zinc is an essential element that has important physiological roles in the body. The aim of this study was to compare the level of zinc in patients with celiac and crohn’s diseases.
Materials & Methods: The level of zinc in patients with celiac and crohn’s diseases was estimated by atomic absorption spectrometry. In this study, data were analysed using MATLAB software version 6.5.
Findings: The result of this study showed that there is no statistically significant difference between the level of zinc in celiac patients and crohn patients. Mean serum concentration of zinc in celiac and crohn’s patients was 71±6 μg/l of 70±6μg/l respectively.
Discussion & Conclusion: Gastrointestinal diseases such as celiac and crohn’s diseases affect the zinc absorption in the small intestine. Thereby reducing the concentration of this element is not unexpected in people with both celiac and crohn’s diseases. Therefore, in order to accelerate the patient’s improvement and also to alleviate the symptoms in these patients, the administration of zinc supplements is recommended.
fathi F, Arefi Oskouie A, naderi N, kariminia Z, fathi S, ektefa F, et al . Comparison of serum zinc concentrations in patients with celiac disease and Crohn's disease in Tehran city. J. Ilam Uni. Med. Sci. 2013; 20 (4) :1-6 URL: