1- Depat of Basic Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran 2- Cellular and Molecular Biology Research Center, Health Research Institute, Babol University of Medical Sciences, Babol, Iran , najafzadeh@scu.ac.ir
Abstract: (9428 Views)
Introduction: Considering the application of medicinal plants in treatment of endocrine diseases including ovarian function and also regarding the estrogenic properties of cumin (Cuminum cyminum), the present study aimed at evaluating effects of cumin essence on oestrogen, progesterone, and ovarian follicles changes in rat at presence or absence of dopaminergic agonist and antagonist.
Materials & methods: In this experimental and animal model study, 35 female rats were divided into 7 groups which received normal saline (IP), Metoclopramide (90mg/kg-IP), Bromocriptin (4mg/kg-SC), Metoclopramide and Bromocriptin, Metoclopramide and cumin (4mg/kg-PO), cumin, Bromocriptin, and cumin for 10 days, respectively. Then, the rats were anesthetised with chloroform and their heart blood was collected for oestrogen and progesterone assessment. Afterward, ovaries and uterines were removed and weighted and the immature and mature follicles were counted.
Findings: The results showed that metoclopramide decreases oestrogen and progesterone concentration and bromocriptin administration can reverse its effect. On the other hand, cumin application proved to decrease the weight of the rats and serum oestrogen concentration. Co-administration of cumin and bromocriptin increased oestrogen concentration and the numbers of folliculars.
Discussion & conclusions: Cumin usage can accelerate the effects of bromocriptin as a dopaminergic on ovarian function.
Bina L, Najafzadevarzi H, Fatemitabatabae R. Effects of Cuminum cyminum Essence on Rat Ovary Function following Administration of Dopaminergic Agonist and Antagonist
. J. Ilam Uni. Med. Sci. 2018; 26 (1) :13-22 URL: http://sjimu.medilam.ac.ir/article-1-3539-en.html