Association Between Clinical Features And Its DemographicCorrelates, in Ilam Azad University Students 2007-8
Abstract: (23172 Views) |
Introduction: At the beginning of the third millennium, many organizations are responsible of protecting and promoting health as well as preventing and treating mental and physical illnesses. In spite of the modern advances in medical sciences, one of the current concerns in health is the increase in mental disorders among the youth. This study aimed to determine the relationship between clinical features of university students and its demographic correlates.
Materials & Methods: This was a descriptive–analytical sort of research. The aimed population of the study included all the university students studying at Ilam Islamic Azad University during 2007-8, of whom 478 students were selected based on Morgan’s sampling table and using stratified sampling model. The two used means in our study to collect the data included: a GHQ28 Questionnaire and a personal plus demographic questionnaire containing six items.
Findings: 43.3% of the investigated sample got a mark lower than the cut–off point, whom were considered “healthy“regarding the clinical features. 56.7% of the samples scored more than the cut–off point, whom were suspected to have a sort of mental disorder .Among the subscales , most the symptoms were reported to be related to “anxiety“ and “physical symptoms” of female students, with “depression” and “disorder in social performance“ ranking the third and forth, respectively. Comparing their average points of mental health, a significant difference was found between the male and female students in A and B subscales, that is the physical symptoms and anxiety, and there was no significant difference in C and D subscales, that is “disorder in social performance and depression“. The results obtained from MANOVA indicated a significant difference between the students with different majors in A, B, and D subscales and there were no differences among them in C subscale. In addition, there was a significant relationship between the gender and health. However, no significant relationship was found between age, marital status, major, and locality of the students.
Discussion & Conclusion: Students are the cornerstones of universities as well as the major cause of development and progress. Thus, they can manage in their responsibilities just, if they enjoy the necessary general good health. The finds of our research reveals that more than half of the students suffer from psychological disorders. Undoubtedly, progress and development are termed to educational concepts, the strategies that enable individuals to control their own health and growth. |
Keywords: clinical features, demographic correlates, university students |
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Type of Study: Research |
General Received: 2011/06/8 | Accepted: 2015/04/8 | Published: 2015/04/8
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