1- bu-ali sina U , abdolmaleki84@gmail.com 2- bu-ali sina U 3- isfahan U 4- azad eslamic u of hamedan
Abstract: (8933 Views)
Introduction: Recently, investigating the effect of different training methods, especially high-intensity interval training, on risk factors of obesity has been dramatically expanded. Hence, the aim of
this study was to investigate the effects of 12 weeks of low-volume high-intensity interval training and traditional continuous exercise training on adiponectin levels and lipids profile in obese young men.
Material & Methods: The subjects of this study were 34 obese young men (age: 22.4±3.6 years, BMI: 32.98±2.4 kg/m2) that were randomly divided into three groups of low-volume high-intensity interval training (LVHIIT) (n=11), traditional continuous exercise training (TCET) (n=11) and control (n=12). Experimental groups trained 12-weeks and 3 times in a week. Control group subjects performed only their routine activities. For data analysis, one way ANOVA and paired t-test were used.
Findings: The results showed that lipids profile and adiponctin resting levels im-proved significantly in experimental groups compared with pre-test values (p<0.05). Resting levels of adiponectin in
LVHIIT group was significantly higher than in control group (p=0.037), but no differences were found between the experimental groups (p>0.05).
Discussion &Conclusion: According to the profound differences in training volume of experimental groups, it is appeared that LVHIIT is comparable with TCET in terms of duration, and also reduces some of the risk factors of obesity.
ABDOLMALEKI A, samavati sharif M, nikbakht nasrabadi P, amini R. The Effects of 12 Weeks of Low-volume High-intensity Interval Training and Traditional Continuous Exercise Training on Adiponectin Level and Lipids Profile in Obese Young Men. J. Ilam Uni. Med. Sci. 2014; 22 (5) :150-159 URL: http://sjimu.medilam.ac.ir/article-1-1708-en.html