1- Babol University of Medical sciences 2- Tehran University f Medical sciences , hadianrs@sina.tums.ac.ir 3- Tehran University f of Medical sciences
Abstract: (8090 Views)
Introduction: Importance of upper limb function is clear in creating individual autonomy and daily activities. In this context, the role of dexterity is debatable in meeting of this important requirement since after stroke major problems are occurred in hand function in particular dexterity. The present study, studied the effect of progressive resistance exercise on strength and dexterity of upper limb among adult hemiplegic patients.
Materials & methods: This interventional research was performed on 17 adult hemiplegic patients after approving by TUMS ethical committee. After consent and introducing of test method, isometric strength of shoulder extensor and abductor muscles was evaluated by manual muscle assessment (MMT) and Pinch muscles strength by Pinch Gauge and Grip muscles strength by Jamar Dynamometer in kilograms and dexterity rate was evaluated by Minnesota manual dexterity test based on number in seconds and the results were recorded. Clients benefited from 6 intervention weeks. The resistance was offered to patients was set by weights which were attached to pulley. They were evaluated every two weeks and with the isometric muscle strength development more resistant is created in sinkers weight.
Findings: Results of this study showed that, after intervention period , progressive resistance exercises led to significant improvements in shoulder abductor and extensor muscles isometric strength, Pinch and Grip muscles strength and dexterity variables (P =0 / 000).
Discussion & Conclusion: Present study showed that in rehabilitation of hemiplegia, to increase shoulder extensor and abductor muscles isometric strengths, Pinch and Grip muscles strength and finally improvement of hand function, especially dexterity can utilize in treatment of progressive resistance exercises.
abbasi S, hadian M, abdolvahab M, jalili M, jalaie S. The Effects of Progressive Resistive Exercise on Strength and Dexterity of Upper Extremity in Adult Hemiplegic. J. Ilam Uni. Med. Sci. 2015; 23 (2) :159-166 URL: http://sjimu.medilam.ac.ir/article-1-1927-en.html