1- Depat of Clinical Psychology, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad Isfahan, Iran 2- Depat of Clinical Psychology, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad Isfahan, Iran , Malihe_kazemi@hotmail.com
Abstract: (6772 Views)
Introduction: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy is one of the third wave behavioral therapies about anxiety Disorders. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effectiveness of Acceptance & Commitment Therapy on Generalized Anxiety Disorder in Children with Type 1 Diabetes
Materials & Methods: This research was conducted with semi-experimental method by pretest-posttest and follow up, including control group. Statistical society of current study was all Children with Type 1 Diabetes referred to diabetes treatment centers in Najafabad town in 2014-2015. Two of these treatment centers were selected by available sampling method. Instrument used in this study was “Screen for child anxiety related disorders” (SCARED). All children filled measure of anxiety and among them, 24 children who were suffering from anxiety were selected and then assigned randomly into two experimental and control groups (n1=n2=12). For subjects in the experimental group 8 sessions of Acceptance & Commitment Therapy, each lasting for 120 minutes, were offered and control subjects received no therapy in this while. Six month later follow up was executed. The data was analyzed by Analyze of Covariance Method ANCOVA(.
Findings: findings showed that mean score of generalized anxiety in children in post-test and follow-up in compare with pretest had a significant decline. By controlling pretest scores, Acceptance & Commitment therapy caused a significant decrease in generalized anxiety scores of children suffering from diabetes type 1, in post-test (F=38.59, P≤0.0001) and also caused significant decrease in anxiety of children, at the end of 6 month follow-up period (F=8.47, P≤0.008).
Discussion & Conclusions: Results indicated that Acceptance & Commitment Therapy was effective on reducing generalized anxiety of children suffering with diabetes type 1 and suggested a persistent recovery on symptoms in follow up. Based on these findings Acceptance & Commitment Therapy can be used for reducing Generalized Anxiety Disorder in children with type 1diabetes. Findings were discussed considering intermediate role of anxiety disorders on glycemic control in diabetic patients.
Hadiyan Najafabadi M, kazemi M. Effectiveness of Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT) on Generalized Anxiety Disorder in Children with Type 1 Diabetes. J. Ilam Uni. Med. Sci. 2018; 25 (6) :185-198 URL: http://sjimu.medilam.ac.ir/article-1-3046-en.html