Introduction: Nowadays, excessive pop
ulation growths, urbanization, and cons-umption of fossil fuel lead to the envi-ronmental pollution and damages. So, there is a significant attention to the usi-ng of cleaner fuels such as biogas. Man-y countries use biomass in order to pro-duce biogas as a source of energy. But in Iran, biomass usage has not been yet taken into account. It may be due to the lack ofthe biogas technology and cost. This study aimed to introduce a new ty-pe of semi-automatic green biogas ma-chinewith high efficiencyand enhance its output.
Materials &Methods: In our machine, new mechanical and electronic parts de-vised and economically made. These parts were included: 1- electronic senso-rand monitoringpartfor temperature, hu-
midity and methane variables, 2- seven-layer flexible gas tank, and 3- electronic safety valve with controllable gage for escaping excessive gas.
Findings:The results of the experime-ntal usage of machine showed that the extent of produced gas was acceptable, saf-e, manageable and economic.
Discussion & Conclusion:We could im-prove its efficiency throughcontrolling and changing differentvariablesin trial and error manner. So, useful results ob-tained from this machine showed that this device can be used to enhance the efficiency of methane production by 25 %.
amirkhani A, azizi jalilian M, amini R, amirkhani A, ashtari K, azizi jalilian F. Design and Construction of Green Semiautomatic Producer of Biogas and Fertilizer. J. Ilam Uni. Med. Sci. 2014; 22 (2) :10-16 URL: