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:: Volume 22, Issue 3 (7-2014) ::
Journal of Ilam University of Medical Sciences 2014, 22(3): 27-33 Back to browse issues page
Comparison of Irrational Beliefs and Happiness in intelligent and normal students
Z Dastghaib , M Narimani , K Ghobadi dashed bi , F Hosaini , Z Gharli pour , M Imanzad * 1, M Gholami , K Ghaitaspour
1- , Imanzadmasoumeh@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (14954 Views)
Introduction: An intelligent child, by defin-ition, makes informed judgements drawing upon his supreme intellectual capability and mental abilities, and enjoys higher psyc-hological health and happiness than do other normal children. The present study compared irrational beliefs and happiness in two groups of normal and intelligent stu-dents to answer the question whether inte-lligence contributed to the level of irrational beliefs and happiness in students. Materials & Methods: This comparative study was carried out on intelligent and no-rmal female students in Ardebil high sch-ools in educational year of 2008-9. From the schools, 60 students (30 intelligent and 30 normal) were selected through simple random sampling method. We collected data using Ellis' Irrational Beliefs Questio-nnaire and Oxford Happiness Questionnaire that are consisted of 66 and 29 items, respectively. The data were analyzed with independent t-test. Findings: The obtained t values for irrati-onal beliefs and happiness was shown to be significant. So that, the mean scores of irrati-onal beliefs in intelligent students were lower than those in normal students. Furth-ermore, their happiness rate was higher. Our findings also indicated a significant differe-nce between intelligent and normal students in terms of irrational beliefs and happiness. Discussion & Conclusions: Intelligent stud-ents have a more flexibility regarding their internal and external experiences and display higher capabilities in reassessment and mod-ification of irrational beliefs and values.
Keywords: Irrational beliefs, happiness, intelligent, girls
Full-Text [PDF 321 kb]   (4798 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: psychology
Received: 2014/07/6 | Accepted: 2014/07/6 | Published: 2014/07/6
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dastghaib Z, narimani M, ghobadi dashed bi K, hosaini F, gharli pour Z, imanzad M, et al . Comparison of Irrational Beliefs and Happiness in intelligent and normal students. J. Ilam Uni. Med. Sci. 2014; 22 (3) :27-33
URL: http://sjimu.medilam.ac.ir/article-1-1943-en.html

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Volume 22, Issue 3 (7-2014) Back to browse issues page
مجله دانشگاه علوم پزشکی ایلام Journal of Ilam University of Medical Sciences
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