1- Ilam University of Medical Sciences 2- Ilam University of Medical Sciences , m_r_kaffashian@yahoo.com 3- Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences
Abstract: (7342 Views)
Introduction: Ultrasound is a medical imaging technique for evaluation and assessment of body deep tissues such as spleen, liver, muscles, tendons, blood vessels, and their lesions. In addition, it is used in pregnancy. Purkinje cells of cerebellum are largest cells in central nervous system which during growth and differentiation have high sensitivity to various factors, including environmental, genetic and chemical factors. Alcohol is one of the most common and most effective toxins that affect purkinje cells and reducing their number. The purpose of the present study is to investigate the effect of the diagnostic ultrasound waves on number of cerebellar purkinje cells in the alcoholic rat cerebellum.
Materials & methods: Six female Wistar rats were selected for matting. After childbirth, the newborn were divided into six groups including one control group and five experimental groups (Alcoholic group and two groups with 3 and 5 MHz ultrasound-exposed, and two groups with alcohol+ ultrasound-exposed groups that were exposed to 3 and 5 MHz ultrasound waves). After animals scarification and preparation of tissue slices, purkinje cells of cerebellum were counted using Motic software. Statistical analysis performed using Tukey test and ANOVA variance analysis.
Findings: The data showed that consumption of alcohol significantly decreased the number of purkinje cells of cerebellum and diagnostic ultrasound waves compensate this reduction and significantly increased the number of purkinje cells.
Discussion & Conclusion: according to results ultrasound waves as noninvasive method can compensate number of cerebellar purkinje cells that have been decreased by alcohol, and can be a new strategy for the treatment of cerebellar disorders during the development.
Mohammadi Bolbanabad H, kaffashian M R, Rezaie M J, Moayeri A, Rostamzadeh A. Effect of ultrasound waves on cerebellum purkinje cells in alcoholic rat model. J. Ilam Uni. Med. Sci. 2015; 23 (5) :155-163 URL: http://sjimu.medilam.ac.ir/article-1-2596-en.html