1- Razi University 2- Razi University , vahidtadibi@razi.ac.ir 3- University of Kurdistan
Abstract: (7889 Views)
Introduction: Obese peoplewill beaffected by respiratory problems and impaired pulmonary function parameters because ofmore fatin thetrunk andmore pressure on the respiratory system. The aim of this study was to evaluatethe effects of 15 days of intermittent hypoxia on pulmonary functiontest inobese patient with type 2 diabetes.
Materials and Methods: 7 obese subjects(1man,6women) with type II diabetes, with mean BMI of 32.42 ± 1.06 and the age range of 50-70 years, volunteered to participate inthestudy. The intervention consisted of 15 sessions of intermittent hypoxia, one hour per day, for fifteen consecutive days.pulmonaryfunction parameters including: VC, FVC, FEV1,TV, PEF, FEF25-75%, MVV and BMI and VO2max in pre- and post-tests were measured.
Findings: After 15 days of intermittenthypoxia VC, TV, FEV1, MVV, FVC, FEF 25-75% were not changed significantly.However, PEF and VO2max had significant increases of 6.5% and 13%, respectively(p<0.05), furthermore BMI had a nonsignificant decrease of 3.5%. Discussion & Conclusion: Findingsofthis studyindicate that despite positive effects of intermittent hypoxiaonVO2max and PEF,BMI and other pulmonary parameters not significantly change after 15 consecutive sessions of intermitent hypoxic exposure.