Introduction:Osteoporosis is a common disease in women with disabling conseq-uences that burdens a huge economical cost to the society. This study designed to eval-uate the prevalence of osteoporosis and its related factors in women referred to Fasa`s densitometry center.
Materials & Methods: In this cross-sectio-nal, analytical study, 430 women referred to the densitometry center of Fasa in 2012-13, were selected via a random sampling meth-od. Bone mass densitometry (BMD) at the lumbar spines (L1 to L4) and neck of femur through dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) method. Data collection was acco-mplished through a questionnaire and interviewing with subjects that referred to the center. Results were assigned based on T score scale and the osteoporosis and ost-eopenia were detected based on WHO criteria. Data were analyzed by SPSS16 and descriptive/analytical statistical tests. The significance level was considered P<0.05 in the study.
Findings: Mean age of women was 56.4±8.
3 years. The overall prevalence rate of ost-eoporosis and osteopenia was 34.1% and 70%, respectively. Mean of T scores in femoral neck and lumbar spines were -1.78 ±1.22 and 1.54±1.04, respectively. 31% of the women had osteoporosis in femoral neck bone and 46.8% had osteopenia in the bone. The relationships of age, weight, consu-mption of calcium containing diets and regular physical activity with osteopo-rosis were significant.(P<0.001)
Discussion & Conclusion: This study sho-wed a higher prevalence rate of osteoporo-sis in the women under study. Regular phy-sical activity and consumption of calcium containing diets such dairy foods is reco-mmended to reduce the prevalence of disease and its complications.
nobakht motlagh F, khani jihoni A, haidar nia A, kave M, hajizadeh E, babaee haidar abadi A et al . Prevalence of Osteoporosis and its Related Factors in Women Referred to Fasa`s Densitometry Center. J. Ilam Uni. Med. Sci. 2013; 21 (4) :150-158 URL: