Introduction: Human vagina represents a
dynamic ecosystem dominated by certain
species of Lactobacillus. These microorganisms
restrict the growth of pathogens by
using properties of steric exclusion and
inhibitory substance production. Women
with reduced numbers of lactobacilli usually
experience serious complications including
bacterial and fungal infections.
External application of these medicines
causes appropriate growth of Lactobacillus
which consequently reduces the infections.
The aim of this research is to compare the
application of Povidone iodine and Clotrimazol
cream on vaginal infections.
The aim of this research is comparison of
treatment with Povidone-iodine and clotrimazole
Materials & Methods: Vaginal discharge of
women referring to Rasht’s Alzahra hospital
was transferred to lab. Samples were
plated on sabouraud dextrose agar medium
for isolation of fungi. Specific tests were
done for the study of Candida albicans.
Also, different dilution of povidone-iodine
and clotrimazole were tested on samples.
Findings: According to results of culture
medium, clotrimazole had better effect on
Candida albicans in comparison with
Discussion & Conclusion: Due to the side
effects and unpleasant picture of povidoneiodine
usage, clotrimazole is suitable against
Candida albicans infections.
nasrolah zade E, daoodian A, nazari shad Z, jalilian M, solaimani S, madihi V. Comparison of Application clotrimazole Cream and Povidone iodine on Common Vaginal Infections. J. Ilam Uni. Med. Sci. 2014; 22 (4) :141-146 URL: