1- Ilam University of Medical Sciences 2- Ilam University of Medical Sciences , ilam_nourmoradi@yahoo.com
Abstract: (9048 Views)
Introduction: The presence of dye in aqueous solution can cause carcinogenic and leave mutagenic effects on the hu-man health. This study aimed to eva-luate the performance of lime coagulant using polymer in the removal of dis-perse red 60 dye from synthetic waste-water. Materials & Methods: This study was conducted in the batch system. The effects of the coagulant aid dosage, pH, dye concentration, coagulant dose, sett-ling time, velocity and time of slow mi-xing was studied. Jar test and UV/Vis spectrophotometric were used to coag-ulate and determine of concentration, respectively. Findings: Results indicated that dye was removed for 90.61% in the prese-nce of preastol optimum concentration and removed for46.21% (0.08 g/l) in the absence of preastol optimum concen-tration, respectively. The optimum solu-teion pH range was extended using the coagulationaid and the velocity of the mixer in jar test had a substantial effect on the dye removal. Discussion & Conclusion: Based on results, the use of the coagulant aid de-creased the coagulant dose and incre-ased (almost two times) the dye removal percentage in the same condition. Thus, coagulation process through coagulant-aid could be used as an effective meth-od to remove dye from textile waste-waters.
noorimotlagh Z, javaheri M, rahmati Z, nourmoradi H. Evaluating the Performance of Limecoagulant Using Synthetic Polymer in Dye Removal From Textile Wastewater. J. Ilam Uni. Med. Sci. 2015; 22 (6) :14-23 URL: http://sjimu.medilam.ac.ir/article-1-1733-en.html